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0001 #ifndef RecoTracker_PixelTrackFitting_interface_alpaka_RiemannFit_h
0002 #define RecoTracker_PixelTrackFitting_interface_alpaka_RiemannFit_h
0004 #include <alpaka/alpaka.hpp>
0006 #include <Eigen/Core>
0007 #include <Eigen/Eigenvalues>
0009 #include "HeterogeneousCore/AlpakaInterface/interface/config.h"
0010 #include "RecoTracker/PixelTrackFitting/interface/alpaka/FitUtils.h"
0012 namespace ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::riemannFit {
0013   using namespace ::riemannFit;
0015   /*!  Compute the Radiation length in the uniform hypothesis
0016  *
0017  * The Pixel detector, barrel and forward, is considered as an homogeneous
0018  * cylinder of material, whose radiation lengths has been derived from the TDR
0019  * plot that shows that 16cm correspond to 0.06 radiation lengths. Therefore
0020  * one radiation length corresponds to 16cm/0.06 =~ 267 cm. All radiation
0021  * lengths are computed using this unique number, in both regions, barrel and
0022  * endcap.
0023  *
0024  * NB: no angle corrections nor projections are computed inside this routine.
0025  * It is therefore the responsibility of the caller to supply the proper
0026  * lengths in input. These lengths are the path traveled by the particle along
0027  * its trajectory, namely the so called S of the helix in 3D space.
0028  *
0029  * \param length_values vector of incremental distances that will be translated
0030  * into radiation length equivalent. Each radiation length i is computed
0031  * incrementally with respect to the previous length i-1. The first length has
0032  * no reference point (i.e. it has the dca).
0033  *
0034  * \return incremental radiation lengths that correspond to each segment.
0035  */
0037   template <typename TAcc, typename VNd1, typename VNd2>
0038   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE void computeRadLenUniformMaterial(const TAcc& acc,
0039                                                                    const VNd1& length_values,
0040                                                                    VNd2& rad_lengths) {
0041     // Radiation length of the pixel detector in the uniform assumption, with
0042     // 0.06 rad_len at 16 cm
0043     constexpr double xx_0_inv = 0.06 / 16.;
0044     uint n = length_values.rows();
0045     rad_lengths(0) = length_values(0) * xx_0_inv;
0046     for (uint j = 1; j < n; ++j) {
0047       rad_lengths(j) = alpaka::math::abs(acc, length_values(j) - length_values(j - 1)) * xx_0_inv;
0048     }
0049   }
0051   /*!
0052     \brief Compute the covariance matrix along cartesian S-Z of points due to
0053     multiple Coulomb scattering to be used in the line_fit, for the barrel
0054     and forward cases.
0055     The input covariance matrix is in the variables s-z, original and
0056     unrotated.
0057     The multiple scattering component is computed in the usual linear
0058     approximation, using the 3D path which is computed as the squared root of
0059     the squared sum of the s and z components passed in.
0060     Internally a rotation by theta is performed and the covariance matrix
0061     returned is the one in the direction orthogonal to the rotated S3D axis,
0062     i.e. along the rotated Z axis.
0063     The choice of the rotation is not arbitrary, but derived from the fact that
0064     putting the horizontal axis along the S3D direction allows the usage of the
0065     ordinary least squared fitting techiques with the trivial parametrization y
0066     = mx + q, avoiding the patological case with m = +/- inf, that would
0067     correspond to the case at eta = 0.
0068  */
0070   template <typename TAcc, typename V4, typename VNd1, typename VNd2, int N>
0071   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE auto scatterCovLine(const TAcc& acc,
0072                                                      Matrix2d const* cov_sz,
0073                                                      const V4& fast_fit,
0074                                                      VNd1 const& s_arcs,
0075                                                      VNd2 const& z_values,
0076                                                      const double theta,
0077                                                      const double bField,
0078                                                      MatrixNd<N>& ret) {
0079 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0080     riemannFit::printIt(&s_arcs, "Scatter_cov_line - s_arcs: ");
0081 #endif
0082     constexpr uint n = N;
0083     double p_t = alpaka::math::min(acc, 20., fast_fit(2) * bField);  // limit pt to avoid too small error!!!
0084     double p_2 = p_t * p_t * (1. + 1. / sqr(fast_fit(3)));
0085     VectorNd<N> rad_lengths_S;
0086     // See documentation at
0087     // Basically, to perform cwise operations on Matrices and Vectors, you need
0088     // to transform them into Array-like objects.
0089     VectorNd<N> s_values = s_arcs.array() * s_arcs.array() + z_values.array() * z_values.array();
0090     s_values = s_values.array().sqrt();
0091     computeRadLenUniformMaterial(acc, s_values, rad_lengths_S);
0092     VectorNd<N> sig2_S;
0093     sig2_S = .000225 / p_2 * (1. + 0.038 * rad_lengths_S.array().log()).abs2() * rad_lengths_S.array();
0094 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0095     riemannFit::printIt(cov_sz, "Scatter_cov_line - cov_sz: ");
0096 #endif
0097     Matrix2Nd<N> tmp = Matrix2Nd<N>::Zero();
0098     for (uint k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
0099       tmp(k, k) = cov_sz[k](0, 0);
0100       tmp(k + n, k + n) = cov_sz[k](1, 1);
0101       tmp(k, k + n) = tmp(k + n, k) = cov_sz[k](0, 1);
0102     }
0103     for (uint k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
0104       for (uint l = k; l < n; ++l) {
0105         for (uint i = 0; i < uint(alpaka::math::min(acc, k, l)); ++i) {
0106           tmp(k + n, l + n) += alpaka::math::abs(acc, s_values(k) - s_values(i)) *
0107                                alpaka::math::abs(acc, s_values(l) - s_values(i)) * sig2_S(i);
0108         }
0109         tmp(l + n, k + n) = tmp(k + n, l + n);
0110       }
0111     }
0112     // We are interested only in the errors orthogonal to the rotated s-axis
0113     // which, in our formalism, are in the lower square matrix.
0114 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0115     riemannFit::printIt(&tmp, "Scatter_cov_line - tmp: ");
0116 #endif
0117     ret = tmp.block(n, n, n, n);
0118   }
0120   /*!
0121     \brief Compute the covariance matrix (in radial coordinates) of points in
0122     the transverse plane due to multiple Coulomb scattering.
0123     \param p2D 2D points in the transverse plane.
0124     \param fast_fit fast_fit Vector4d result of the previous pre-fit
0125     structured in this form:(X0, Y0, R, Tan(Theta))).
0126     \param B magnetic field use to compute p
0127     \return scatter_cov_rad errors due to multiple scattering.
0128     \warning input points must be ordered radially from the detector center
0129     (from inner layer to outer ones; points on the same layer must ordered too).
0130     \details Only the tangential component is computed (the radial one is
0131     negligible).
0132  */
0133   template <typename TAcc, typename M2xN, typename V4, int N>
0134   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE MatrixNd<N> scatter_cov_rad(
0135       const TAcc& acc, const M2xN& p2D, const V4& fast_fit, VectorNd<N> const& rad, double B) {
0136     constexpr uint n = N;
0137     double p_t = alpaka::math::min(acc, 20., fast_fit(2) * B);  // limit pt to avoid too small error!!!
0138     double p_2 = p_t * p_t * (1. + 1. / sqr(fast_fit(3)));
0139     double theta = atan(fast_fit(3));
0140     theta = theta < 0. ? theta + M_PI : theta;
0141     VectorNd<N> s_values;
0142     VectorNd<N> rad_lengths;
0143     const Vector2d oVec(fast_fit(0), fast_fit(1));
0145     // associated Jacobian, used in weights and errors computation
0146     for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) {  // x
0147       Vector2d pVec = p2D.block(0, i, 2, 1) - oVec;
0148       const double cross = cross2D(acc, -oVec, pVec);
0149       const double dot = (-oVec).dot(pVec);
0150       const double tempAtan2 = atan2(cross, dot);
0151       s_values(i) = alpaka::math::abs(acc, tempAtan2 * fast_fit(2));
0152     }
0153     computeRadLenUniformMaterial(acc, s_values * sqrt(1. + 1. / sqr(fast_fit(3))), rad_lengths);
0154     MatrixNd<N> scatter_cov_rad = MatrixNd<N>::Zero();
0155     VectorNd<N> sig2 = (1. + 0.038 * rad_lengths.array().log()).abs2() * rad_lengths.array();
0156     sig2 *= 0.000225 / (p_2 * sqr(sin(theta)));
0157     for (uint k = 0; k < n; ++k) {
0158       for (uint l = k; l < n; ++l) {
0159         for (uint i = 0; i < uint(alpaka::math::min(acc, k, l)); ++i) {
0160           scatter_cov_rad(k, l) += (rad(k) - rad(i)) * (rad(l) - rad(i)) * sig2(i);
0161         }
0162         scatter_cov_rad(l, k) = scatter_cov_rad(k, l);
0163       }
0164     }
0165 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0166     riemannFit::printIt(&scatter_cov_rad, "Scatter_cov_rad - scatter_cov_rad: ");
0167 #endif
0168     return scatter_cov_rad;
0169   }
0171   /*!
0172     \brief Transform covariance matrix from radial (only tangential component)
0173     to Cartesian coordinates (only transverse plane component).
0174     \param p2D 2D points in the transverse plane.
0175     \param cov_rad covariance matrix in radial coordinate.
0176     \return cov_cart covariance matrix in Cartesian coordinates.
0177 */
0179   template <typename TAcc, typename M2xN, int N>
0180   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE Matrix2Nd<N> cov_radtocart(const TAcc& acc,
0181                                                             const M2xN& p2D,
0182                                                             const MatrixNd<N>& cov_rad,
0183                                                             const VectorNd<N>& rad) {
0184 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0185     printf("Address of p2D: %p\n", &p2D);
0186 #endif
0187     printIt(&p2D, "cov_radtocart - p2D:");
0188     constexpr uint n = N;
0189     Matrix2Nd<N> cov_cart = Matrix2Nd<N>::Zero();
0190     VectorNd<N> rad_inv = rad.cwiseInverse();
0191     printIt(&rad_inv, "cov_radtocart - rad_inv:");
0192     for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
0193       for (uint j = i; j < n; ++j) {
0194         cov_cart(i, j) = cov_rad(i, j) * p2D(1, i) * rad_inv(i) * p2D(1, j) * rad_inv(j);
0195         cov_cart(i + n, j + n) = cov_rad(i, j) * p2D(0, i) * rad_inv(i) * p2D(0, j) * rad_inv(j);
0196         cov_cart(i, j + n) = -cov_rad(i, j) * p2D(1, i) * rad_inv(i) * p2D(0, j) * rad_inv(j);
0197         cov_cart(i + n, j) = -cov_rad(i, j) * p2D(0, i) * rad_inv(i) * p2D(1, j) * rad_inv(j);
0198         cov_cart(j, i) = cov_cart(i, j);
0199         cov_cart(j + n, i + n) = cov_cart(i + n, j + n);
0200         cov_cart(j + n, i) = cov_cart(i, j + n);
0201         cov_cart(j, i + n) = cov_cart(i + n, j);
0202       }
0203     }
0204     return cov_cart;
0205   }
0207   /*!
0208     \brief Transform covariance matrix from Cartesian coordinates (only
0209     transverse plane component) to radial coordinates (both radial and
0210     tangential component but only diagonal terms, correlation between different
0211     point are not managed).
0212     \param p2D 2D points in transverse plane.
0213     \param cov_cart covariance matrix in Cartesian coordinates.
0214     \return cov_rad covariance matrix in raidal coordinate.
0215     \warning correlation between different point are not computed.
0216 */
0217   template <typename TAcc, typename M2xN, int N>
0218   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE VectorNd<N> cov_carttorad(const TAcc& acc,
0219                                                            const M2xN& p2D,
0220                                                            const Matrix2Nd<N>& cov_cart,
0221                                                            const VectorNd<N>& rad) {
0222     constexpr uint n = N;
0223     VectorNd<N> cov_rad;
0224     const VectorNd<N> rad_inv2 = rad.cwiseInverse().array().square();
0225     for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
0226       //!< in case you have (0,0) to avoid dividing by 0 radius
0227       if (rad(i) < 1.e-4)
0228         cov_rad(i) = cov_cart(i, i);
0229       else {
0230         cov_rad(i) = rad_inv2(i) * (cov_cart(i, i) * sqr(p2D(1, i)) + cov_cart(i + n, i + n) * sqr(p2D(0, i)) -
0231                                     2. * cov_cart(i, i + n) * p2D(0, i) * p2D(1, i));
0232       }
0233     }
0234     return cov_rad;
0235   }
0237   /*!
0238     \brief Transform covariance matrix from Cartesian coordinates (only
0239     transverse plane component) to coordinates system orthogonal to the
0240     pre-fitted circle in each point.
0241     Further information in attached documentation.
0242     \param p2D 2D points in transverse plane.
0243     \param cov_cart covariance matrix in Cartesian coordinates.
0244     \param fast_fit fast_fit Vector4d result of the previous pre-fit
0245     structured in this form:(X0, Y0, R, tan(theta))).
0246     \return cov_rad covariance matrix in the pre-fitted circle's
0247     orthogonal system.
0248 */
0249   template <typename TAcc, typename M2xN, typename V4, int N>
0250   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE VectorNd<N> cov_carttorad_prefit(
0251       const TAcc& acc, const M2xN& p2D, const Matrix2Nd<N>& cov_cart, V4& fast_fit, const VectorNd<N>& rad) {
0252     constexpr uint n = N;
0253     VectorNd<N> cov_rad;
0254     for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
0255       //!< in case you have (0,0) to avoid dividing by 0 radius
0256       if (rad(i) < 1.e-4)
0257         cov_rad(i) = cov_cart(i, i);  // TO FIX
0258       else {
0259         Vector2d a = p2D.col(i);
0260         Vector2d b = p2D.col(i) - fast_fit.head(2);
0261         const double x2 =;
0262         const double y2 = cross2D(acc, a, b);
0263         const double tan_c = -y2 / x2;
0264         const double tan_c2 = sqr(tan_c);
0265         cov_rad(i) =
0266             1. / (1. + tan_c2) * (cov_cart(i, i) + cov_cart(i + n, i + n) * tan_c2 + 2 * cov_cart(i, i + n) * tan_c);
0267       }
0268     }
0269     return cov_rad;
0270   }
0272   /*!
0273     \brief Compute the points' weights' vector for the circle fit when multiple
0274     scattering is managed.
0275     Further information in attached documentation.
0276     \param cov_rad_inv covariance matrix inverse in radial coordinated
0277     (or, beter, pre-fitted circle's orthogonal system).
0278     \return weight VectorNd points' weights' vector.
0279     \bug I'm not sure this is the right way to compute the weights for non
0280     diagonal cov matrix. Further investigation needed.
0281 */
0283   template <typename TAcc, int N>
0284   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE VectorNd<N> weightCircle(const TAcc& acc, const MatrixNd<N>& cov_rad_inv) {
0285     return cov_rad_inv.colwise().sum().transpose();
0286   }
0288   /*!
0289     \brief Find particle q considering the  sign of cross product between
0290     particles velocity (estimated by the first 2 hits) and the vector radius
0291     between the first hit and the center of the fitted circle.
0292     \param p2D 2D points in transverse plane.
0293     \param par_uvr result of the circle fit in this form: (X0,Y0,R).
0294     \return q int 1 or -1.
0295 */
0296   template <typename TAcc, typename M2xN>
0297   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE int32_t charge(const TAcc& acc, const M2xN& p2D, const Vector3d& par_uvr) {
0298     return ((p2D(0, 1) - p2D(0, 0)) * (par_uvr.y() - p2D(1, 0)) - (p2D(1, 1) - p2D(1, 0)) * (par_uvr.x() - p2D(0, 0)) >
0299             0)
0300                ? -1
0301                : 1;
0302   }
0304   /*!
0305     \brief Compute the eigenvector associated to the minimum eigenvalue.
0306     \param A the Matrix you want to know eigenvector and eigenvalue.
0307     \param chi2 the double were the chi2-related quantity will be stored.
0308     \return the eigenvector associated to the minimum eigenvalue.
0309     \warning double precision is needed for a correct assessment of chi2.
0310     \details The minimus eigenvalue is related to chi2.
0311     We exploit the fact that the matrix is symmetrical and small (2x2 for line
0312     fit and 3x3 for circle fit), so the SelfAdjointEigenSolver from Eigen
0313     library is used, with the computedDirect  method (available only for 2x2
0314     and 3x3 Matrix) wich computes eigendecomposition of given matrix using a
0315     fast closed-form algorithm.
0316     For this optimization the matrix type must be known at compiling time.
0317 */
0318   template <typename TAcc>
0319   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE Vector3d min_eigen3D(const TAcc& acc, const Matrix3d& A, double& chi2) {
0320 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0321     printf("min_eigen3D - enter\n");
0322 #endif
0323     Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix3d> solver(3);
0324     solver.computeDirect(A);
0325     int min_index;
0326     chi2 = solver.eigenvalues().minCoeff(&min_index);
0327 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0328     printf("min_eigen3D - exit\n");
0329 #endif
0330     return solver.eigenvectors().col(min_index);
0331   }
0333   /*!
0334     \brief A faster version of min_eigen3D() where double precision is not
0335     needed.
0336     \param A the Matrix you want to know eigenvector and eigenvalue.
0337     \param chi2 the double were the chi2-related quantity will be stored
0338     \return the eigenvector associated to the minimum eigenvalue.
0339     \detail The computedDirect() method of SelfAdjointEigenSolver for 3x3 Matrix
0340     indeed, use trigonometry function (it solves a third degree equation) which
0341     speed up in  single precision.
0342 */
0344   template <typename TAcc>
0345   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE Vector3d min_eigen3D_fast(const TAcc& acc, const Matrix3d& A) {
0346     Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix3f> solver(3);
0347     solver.computeDirect(A.cast<float>());
0348     int min_index;
0349     solver.eigenvalues().minCoeff(&min_index);
0350     return solver.eigenvectors().col(min_index).cast<double>();
0351   }
0353   /*!
0354     \brief 2D version of min_eigen3D().
0355     \param aMat the Matrix you want to know eigenvector and eigenvalue.
0356     \param chi2 the double were the chi2-related quantity will be stored
0357     \return the eigenvector associated to the minimum eigenvalue.
0358     \detail The computedDirect() method of SelfAdjointEigenSolver for 2x2 Matrix
0359     do not use special math function (just sqrt) therefore it doesn't speed up
0360     significantly in single precision.
0361 */
0362   template <typename TAcc>
0363   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE Vector2d min_eigen2D(const TAcc& acc, const Matrix2d& aMat, double& chi2) {
0364     Eigen::SelfAdjointEigenSolver<Matrix2d> solver(2);
0365     solver.computeDirect(aMat);
0366     int min_index;
0367     chi2 = solver.eigenvalues().minCoeff(&min_index);
0368     return solver.eigenvectors().col(min_index);
0369   }
0371   /*!
0372     \brief A very fast helix fit: it fits a circle by three points (first, middle
0373     and last point) and a line by two points (first and last).
0374     \param hits points to be fitted
0375     \return result in this form: (X0,Y0,R,tan(theta)).
0376     \warning points must be passed ordered (from internal layer to external) in
0377     order to maximize accuracy and do not mistake tan(theta) sign.
0378     \details This fast fit is used as pre-fit which is needed for:
0379     - weights estimation and chi2 computation in line fit (fundamental);
0380     - weights estimation and chi2 computation in circle fit (useful);
0381     - computation of error due to multiple scattering.
0382 */
0384   template <typename TAcc, typename M3xN, typename V4>
0385   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE void fastFit(const TAcc& acc, const M3xN& hits, V4& result) {
0386     constexpr uint32_t N = M3xN::ColsAtCompileTime;
0387     constexpr auto n = N;  // get the number of hits
0388     printIt(&hits, "Fast_fit - hits: ");
0390     // CIRCLE FIT
0391     // Make segments between middle-to-first(b) and last-to-first(c) hits
0392     const Vector2d bVec = hits.block(0, n / 2, 2, 1) - hits.block(0, 0, 2, 1);
0393     const Vector2d cVec = hits.block(0, n - 1, 2, 1) - hits.block(0, 0, 2, 1);
0394     printIt(&bVec, "Fast_fit - b: ");
0395     printIt(&cVec, "Fast_fit - c: ");
0396     // Compute their lengths
0397     auto b2 = bVec.squaredNorm();
0398     auto c2 = cVec.squaredNorm();
0399     // The algebra has been verified (MR). The usual approach has been followed:
0400     // * use an orthogonal reference frame passing from the first point.
0401     // * build the segments (chords)
0402     // * build orthogonal lines through mid points
0403     // * make a system and solve for X0 and Y0.
0404     // * add the initial point
0405     bool flip = abs(bVec.x()) < abs(bVec.y());
0406     auto bx = flip ? bVec.y() : bVec.x();
0407     auto by = flip ? bVec.x() : bVec.y();
0408     auto cx = flip ? cVec.y() : cVec.x();
0409     auto cy = flip ? cVec.x() : cVec.y();
0410     //!< in case b.x is 0 (2 hits with same x)
0411     auto div = 2. * (cx * by - bx * cy);
0412     // if aligned TO FIX
0413     auto y0 = (cx * b2 - bx * c2) / div;
0414     auto x0 = (0.5 * b2 - y0 * by) / bx;
0415     result(0) = hits(0, 0) + (flip ? y0 : x0);
0416     result(1) = hits(1, 0) + (flip ? x0 : y0);
0417     result(2) = sqrt(sqr(x0) + sqr(y0));
0418     printIt(&result, "Fast_fit - result: ");
0420     // LINE FIT
0421     const Vector2d dVec = hits.block(0, 0, 2, 1) - result.head(2);
0422     const Vector2d eVec = hits.block(0, n - 1, 2, 1) - result.head(2);
0423     printIt(&eVec, "Fast_fit - e: ");
0424     printIt(&dVec, "Fast_fit - d: ");
0425     // Compute the arc-length between first and last point: L = R * theta = R * atan (tan (Theta) )
0426     auto dr = result(2) * atan2(cross2D(acc, dVec, eVec),;
0427     // Simple difference in Z between last and first hit
0428     auto dz = hits(2, n - 1) - hits(2, 0);
0430     result(3) = (dr / dz);
0432 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0433     printf("Fast_fit: [%f, %f, %f, %f]\n", result(0), result(1), result(2), result(3));
0434 #endif
0435   }
0437   /*!
0438     \brief Fit a generic number of 2D points with a circle using Riemann-Chernov
0439     algorithm. Covariance matrix of fitted parameter is optionally computed.
0440     Multiple scattering (currently only in barrel layer) is optionally handled.
0441     \param hits2D 2D points to be fitted.
0442     \param hits_cov2D covariance matrix of 2D points.
0443     \param fast_fit pre-fit result in this form: (X0,Y0,R,tan(theta)).
0444     (tan(theta) is not used).
0445     \param bField magnetic field
0446     \param error flag for error computation.
0447     \param scattering flag for multiple scattering
0448     \return circle circle_fit:
0449     -par parameter of the fitted circle in this form (X0,Y0,R); \n
0450     -cov covariance matrix of the fitted parameter (not initialized if
0451     error = false); \n
0452     -q charge of the particle; \n
0453     -chi2.
0454     \warning hits must be passed ordered from inner to outer layer (double hits
0455     on the same layer must be ordered too) so that multiple scattering is
0456     treated properly.
0457     \warning Multiple scattering for barrel is still not tested.
0458     \warning Multiple scattering for endcap hits is not handled (yet). Do not
0459     fit endcap hits with scattering = true !
0460     \bug for small pt (<0.3 Gev/c) chi2 could be slightly underestimated.
0461     \bug further investigation needed for error propagation with multiple
0462     scattering.
0463 */
0464   template <typename TAcc, typename M2xN, typename V4, int N>
0465   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE CircleFit circleFit(const TAcc& acc,
0466                                                      const M2xN& hits2D,
0467                                                      const Matrix2Nd<N>& hits_cov2D,
0468                                                      const V4& fast_fit,
0469                                                      const VectorNd<N>& rad,
0470                                                      const double bField,
0471                                                      const bool error) {
0472 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0473     printf("circle_fit - enter\n");
0474 #endif
0476     Matrix2Nd<N> vMat = hits_cov2D;
0477     constexpr uint n = N;
0478     printIt(&hits2D, "circle_fit - hits2D:");
0479     printIt(&hits_cov2D, "circle_fit - hits_cov2D:");
0481 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0482     printf("circle_fit - WEIGHT COMPUTATION\n");
0483 #endif
0485     VectorNd<N> weight;
0486     MatrixNd<N> gMat;
0487     double renorm;
0488     {
0489       MatrixNd<N> cov_rad = cov_carttorad_prefit(acc, hits2D, vMat, fast_fit, rad).asDiagonal();
0490       MatrixNd<N> scatterCovRadMat = scatter_cov_rad(acc, hits2D, fast_fit, rad, bField);
0491       printIt(&scatterCovRadMat, "circle_fit - scatter_cov_rad:");
0492       printIt(&hits2D, "circle_fit - hits2D bis:");
0493 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0494       printf("Address of hits2D: a) %p\n", &hits2D);
0495 #endif
0496       vMat += cov_radtocart(acc, hits2D, scatterCovRadMat, rad);
0497       printIt(&vMat, "circle_fit - V:");
0498       cov_rad += scatterCovRadMat;
0499       printIt(&cov_rad, "circle_fit - cov_rad:");
0500       math::cholesky::invert(cov_rad, gMat);
0501       // gMat = cov_rad.inverse();
0502       renorm = gMat.sum();
0503       gMat *= 1. / renorm;
0504       weight = weightCircle(acc, gMat);
0505     }
0506     printIt(&weight, "circle_fit - weight:");
0509 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0510     printf("circle_fit - SPACE TRANSFORMATION\n");
0511 #endif
0513     // center
0514 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0515     printf("Address of hits2D: b) %p\n", &hits2D);
0516 #endif
0517     const Vector2d hCentroid = hits2D.rowwise().mean();  // centroid
0518     printIt(&hCentroid, "circle_fit - h_:");
0519     Matrix3xNd<N> p3D;
0520     p3D.block(0, 0, 2, n) = hits2D.colwise() - hCentroid;
0521     printIt(&p3D, "circle_fit - p3D: a)");
0522     Vector2Nd<N> mc;  // centered hits, used in error computation
0523     mc << p3D.row(0).transpose(), p3D.row(1).transpose();
0524     printIt(&mc, "circle_fit - mc(centered hits):");
0526     // scale
0527     const double tempQ = mc.squaredNorm();
0528     const double tempS = sqrt(n * 1. / tempQ);  // scaling factor
0529     p3D.block(0, 0, 2, n) *= tempS;
0531     // project on paraboloid
0532     p3D.row(2) = p3D.block(0, 0, 2, n).colwise().squaredNorm();
0533     printIt(&p3D, "circle_fit - p3D: b)");
0535 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0536     printf("circle_fit - COST FUNCTION\n");
0537 #endif
0538     // COST FUNCTION
0540     // compute
0541     Vector3d r0;
0542     r0.noalias() = p3D * weight;  // center of gravity
0543     const Matrix3xNd<N> xMat = p3D.colwise() - r0;
0544     Matrix3d aMat = xMat * gMat * xMat.transpose();
0545     printIt(&aMat, "circle_fit - A:");
0547 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0548     printf("circle_fit - MINIMIZE\n");
0549 #endif
0550     // minimize
0551     double chi2;
0552     Vector3d vVec = min_eigen3D(acc, aMat, chi2);
0553 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0554     printf("circle_fit - AFTER MIN_EIGEN\n");
0555 #endif
0556     printIt(&vVec, "v BEFORE INVERSION");
0557     vVec *= (vVec(2) > 0) ? 1 : -1;  // TO FIX dovrebbe essere N(3)>0
0558     printIt(&vVec, "v AFTER INVERSION");
0559     // This hack to be able to run on GPU where the automatic assignment to a
0560     // double from the vector multiplication is not working.
0561 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0562     printf("circle_fit - AFTER MIN_EIGEN 1\n");
0563 #endif
0564     Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> cm;
0565 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0566     printf("circle_fit - AFTER MIN_EIGEN 2\n");
0567 #endif
0568     cm = -vVec.transpose() * r0;
0569 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0570     printf("circle_fit - AFTER MIN_EIGEN 3\n");
0571 #endif
0572     const double tempC = cm(0, 0);
0574 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0575     printf("circle_fit - COMPUTE CIRCLE PARAMETER\n");
0576 #endif
0579     // auxiliary quantities
0580     const double tempH = sqrt(1. - sqr(vVec(2)) - 4. * tempC * vVec(2));
0581     const double v2x2_inv = 1. / (2. * vVec(2));
0582     const double s_inv = 1. / tempS;
0583     Vector3d par_uvr;  // used in error propagation
0584     par_uvr << -vVec(0) * v2x2_inv, -vVec(1) * v2x2_inv, tempH * v2x2_inv;
0586     CircleFit circle;
0587     circle.par << par_uvr(0) * s_inv + hCentroid(0), par_uvr(1) * s_inv + hCentroid(1), par_uvr(2) * s_inv;
0588     circle.qCharge = charge(acc, hits2D, circle.par);
0589     circle.chi2 = abs(chi2) * renorm / sqr(2 * vVec(2) * par_uvr(2) * tempS);
0590     printIt(&circle.par, "circle_fit - CIRCLE PARAMETERS:");
0591     printIt(&circle.cov, "circle_fit - CIRCLE COVARIANCE:");
0592 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0593     printf("circle_fit - CIRCLE CHARGE: %d\n", circle.qCharge);
0594 #endif
0596 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0597     printf("circle_fit - ERROR PROPAGATION\n");
0598 #endif
0600     if (error) {
0601 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0602       printf("circle_fit - ERROR PRPAGATION ACTIVATED\n");
0603 #endif
0604       ArrayNd<N> vcsMat[2][2];  // cov matrix of center & scaled points
0605       MatrixNd<N> cMat[3][3];   // cov matrix of 3D transformed points
0606 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0607       printf("circle_fit - ERROR PRPAGATION ACTIVATED 2\n");
0608 #endif
0609       {
0610         Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> cm;
0611         Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> cm2;
0612         cm = mc.transpose() * vMat * mc;
0613         const double tempC2 = cm(0, 0);
0614         Matrix2Nd<N> tempVcsMat;
0615         tempVcsMat.template triangularView<Eigen::Upper>() =
0616             (sqr(tempS) * vMat + sqr(sqr(tempS)) * 1. / (4. * tempQ * n) *
0617                                      (2. * vMat.squaredNorm() + 4. * tempC2) *  // mc.transpose() * V * mc) *
0618                                      (mc * mc.transpose()));
0620         printIt(&tempVcsMat, "circle_fit - Vcs:");
0621         cMat[0][0] = tempVcsMat.block(0, 0, n, n).template selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>();
0622         vcsMat[0][1] = tempVcsMat.block(0, n, n, n);
0623         cMat[1][1] = tempVcsMat.block(n, n, n, n).template selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>();
0624         vcsMat[1][0] = vcsMat[0][1].transpose();
0625         printIt(&tempVcsMat, "circle_fit - Vcs:");
0626       }
0628       {
0629         const ArrayNd<N> t0 = (VectorXd::Constant(n, 1.) * p3D.row(0));
0630         const ArrayNd<N> t1 = (VectorXd::Constant(n, 1.) * p3D.row(1));
0631         const ArrayNd<N> t00 = p3D.row(0).transpose() * p3D.row(0);
0632         const ArrayNd<N> t01 = p3D.row(0).transpose() * p3D.row(1);
0633         const ArrayNd<N> t11 = p3D.row(1).transpose() * p3D.row(1);
0634         const ArrayNd<N> t10 = t01.transpose();
0635         vcsMat[0][0] = cMat[0][0];
0636         cMat[0][1] = vcsMat[0][1];
0637         cMat[0][2] = 2. * (vcsMat[0][0] * t0 + vcsMat[0][1] * t1);
0638         vcsMat[1][1] = cMat[1][1];
0639         cMat[1][2] = 2. * (vcsMat[1][0] * t0 + vcsMat[1][1] * t1);
0640         MatrixNd<N> tmp;
0641         tmp.template triangularView<Eigen::Upper>() =
0642             (2. * (vcsMat[0][0] * vcsMat[0][0] + vcsMat[0][0] * vcsMat[0][1] + vcsMat[1][1] * vcsMat[1][0] +
0643                    vcsMat[1][1] * vcsMat[1][1]) +
0644              4. * (vcsMat[0][0] * t00 + vcsMat[0][1] * t01 + vcsMat[1][0] * t10 + vcsMat[1][1] * t11))
0645                 .matrix();
0646         cMat[2][2] = tmp.template selfadjointView<Eigen::Upper>();
0647       }
0648       printIt(&cMat[0][0], "circle_fit - C[0][0]:");
0650       Matrix3d c0Mat;  // cov matrix of center of gravity (r0.x,r0.y,r0.z)
0651       for (uint i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
0652         for (uint j = i; j < 3; ++j) {
0653           Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> tmp;
0654           tmp = weight.transpose() * cMat[i][j] * weight;
0655           // Workaround to get things working in GPU
0656           const double tempC = tmp(0, 0);
0657           c0Mat(i, j) = tempC;  //weight.transpose() * C[i][j] * weight;
0658           c0Mat(j, i) = c0Mat(i, j);
0659         }
0660       }
0661       printIt(&c0Mat, "circle_fit - C0:");
0663       const MatrixNd<N> wMat = weight * weight.transpose();
0664       const MatrixNd<N> hMat = MatrixNd<N>::Identity().rowwise() - weight.transpose();
0665       const MatrixNx3d<N> s_v = hMat * p3D.transpose();
0666       printIt(&wMat, "circle_fit - W:");
0667       printIt(&hMat, "circle_fit - H:");
0668       printIt(&s_v, "circle_fit - s_v:");
0670       MatrixNd<N> dMat[3][3];  // cov(s_v)
0671       dMat[0][0] = (hMat * cMat[0][0] * hMat.transpose()).cwiseProduct(wMat);
0672       dMat[0][1] = (hMat * cMat[0][1] * hMat.transpose()).cwiseProduct(wMat);
0673       dMat[0][2] = (hMat * cMat[0][2] * hMat.transpose()).cwiseProduct(wMat);
0674       dMat[1][1] = (hMat * cMat[1][1] * hMat.transpose()).cwiseProduct(wMat);
0675       dMat[1][2] = (hMat * cMat[1][2] * hMat.transpose()).cwiseProduct(wMat);
0676       dMat[2][2] = (hMat * cMat[2][2] * hMat.transpose()).cwiseProduct(wMat);
0677       dMat[1][0] = dMat[0][1].transpose();
0678       dMat[2][0] = dMat[0][2].transpose();
0679       dMat[2][1] = dMat[1][2].transpose();
0680       printIt(&dMat[0][0], "circle_fit - D_[0][0]:");
0682       constexpr uint nu[6][2] = {{0, 0}, {0, 1}, {0, 2}, {1, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 2}};
0684       Matrix6d eMat;  // cov matrix of the 6 independent elements of A
0685       for (uint a = 0; a < 6; ++a) {
0686         const uint i = nu[a][0], j = nu[a][1];
0687         for (uint b = a; b < 6; ++b) {
0688           const uint k = nu[b][0], l = nu[b][1];
0689           VectorNd<N> t0(n);
0690           VectorNd<N> t1(n);
0691           if (l == k) {
0692             t0 = 2. * dMat[j][l] * s_v.col(l);
0693             if (i == j)
0694               t1 = t0;
0695             else
0696               t1 = 2. * dMat[i][l] * s_v.col(l);
0697           } else {
0698             t0 = dMat[j][l] * s_v.col(k) + dMat[j][k] * s_v.col(l);
0699             if (i == j)
0700               t1 = t0;
0701             else
0702               t1 = dMat[i][l] * s_v.col(k) + dMat[i][k] * s_v.col(l);
0703           }
0705           if (i == j) {
0706             Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> cm;
0707             cm = s_v.col(i).transpose() * (t0 + t1);
0708             // Workaround to get things working in GPU
0709             const double tempC = cm(0, 0);
0710             eMat(a, b) = 0. + tempC;
0711           } else {
0712             Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> cm;
0713             cm = (s_v.col(i).transpose() * t0) + (s_v.col(j).transpose() * t1);
0714             // Workaround to get things working in GPU
0715             const double tempC = cm(0, 0);
0716             eMat(a, b) = 0. + tempC;  //(s_v.col(i).transpose() * t0) + (s_v.col(j).transpose() * t1);
0717           }
0718           if (b != a)
0719             eMat(b, a) = eMat(a, b);
0720         }
0721       }
0722       printIt(&eMat, "circle_fit - E:");
0724       Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 6> j2Mat;  // Jacobian of min_eigen() (numerically computed)
0725       for (uint a = 0; a < 6; ++a) {
0726         const uint i = nu[a][0], j = nu[a][1];
0727         Matrix3d delta = Matrix3d::Zero();
0728         delta(i, j) = delta(j, i) = abs(aMat(i, j) * epsilon);
0729         j2Mat.col(a) = min_eigen3D_fast(acc, aMat + delta);
0730         const int sign = (j2Mat.col(a)(2) > 0) ? 1 : -1;
0731         j2Mat.col(a) = (j2Mat.col(a) * sign - vVec) / delta(i, j);
0732       }
0733       printIt(&j2Mat, "circle_fit - J2:");
0735       Matrix4d cvcMat;  // joint cov matrix of (v0,v1,v2,c)
0736       {
0737         Matrix3d t0 = j2Mat * eMat * j2Mat.transpose();
0738         Vector3d t1 = -t0 * r0;
0739         cvcMat.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = t0;
0740         cvcMat.block(0, 3, 3, 1) = t1;
0741         cvcMat.block(3, 0, 1, 3) = t1.transpose();
0742         Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> cm1;
0743         Eigen::Matrix<double, 1, 1> cm3;
0744         cm1 = (vVec.transpose() * c0Mat * vVec);
0745         //      cm2 = (c0Mat.cwiseProduct(t0)).sum();
0746         cm3 = (r0.transpose() * t0 * r0);
0747         // Workaround to get things working in GPU
0748         const double tempC = cm1(0, 0) + (c0Mat.cwiseProduct(t0)).sum() + cm3(0, 0);
0749         cvcMat(3, 3) = tempC;
0750         // (v.transpose() * c0Mat * v) + (c0Mat.cwiseProduct(t0)).sum() + (r0.transpose() * t0 * r0);
0751       }
0752       printIt(&cvcMat, "circle_fit - Cvc:");
0754       Eigen::Matrix<double, 3, 4> j3Mat;  // Jacobian (v0,v1,v2,c)->(X0,Y0,R)
0755       {
0756         const double t = 1. / tempH;
0757         j3Mat << -v2x2_inv, 0, vVec(0) * sqr(v2x2_inv) * 2., 0, 0, -v2x2_inv, vVec(1) * sqr(v2x2_inv) * 2., 0,
0758             vVec(0) * v2x2_inv * t, vVec(1) * v2x2_inv * t,
0759             -tempH * sqr(v2x2_inv) * 2. - (2. * tempC + vVec(2)) * v2x2_inv * t, -t;
0760       }
0761       printIt(&j3Mat, "circle_fit - J3:");
0763       const RowVector2Nd<N> Jq = mc.transpose() * tempS * 1. / n;  // var(q)
0764       printIt(&Jq, "circle_fit - Jq:");
0766       Matrix3d cov_uvr = j3Mat * cvcMat * j3Mat.transpose() * sqr(s_inv)  // cov(X0,Y0,R)
0767                          + (par_uvr * par_uvr.transpose()) * (Jq * vMat * Jq.transpose());
0769       circle.cov = cov_uvr;
0770     }
0772     printIt(&circle.cov, "Circle cov:");
0773 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0774     printf("circle_fit - exit\n");
0775 #endif
0776     return circle;
0777   }
0779   /*!  \brief Perform an ordinary least square fit in the s-z plane to compute
0780  * the parameters cotTheta and Zip.
0781  *
0782  * The fit is performed in the rotated S3D-Z' plane, following the formalism of
0783  * Frodesen, Chapter 10, p. 259.
0784  *
0785  * The system has been rotated to both try to use the combined errors in s-z
0786  * along Z', as errors in the Y direction and to avoid the patological case of
0787  * degenerate lines with angular coefficient m = +/- inf.
0788  *
0789  * The rotation is using the information on the theta angle computed in the
0790  * fast fit. The rotation is such that the S3D axis will be the X-direction,
0791  * while the rotated Z-axis will be the Y-direction. This pretty much follows
0792  * what is done in the same fit in the Broken Line approach.
0793  */
0795   template <typename TAcc, typename M3xN, typename M6xN, typename V4>
0796   ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE LineFit lineFit(const TAcc& acc,
0797                                                  const M3xN& hits,
0798                                                  const M6xN& hits_ge,
0799                                                  const CircleFit& circle,
0800                                                  const V4& fast_fit,
0801                                                  const double bField,
0802                                                  const bool error) {
0803     constexpr uint32_t N = M3xN::ColsAtCompileTime;
0804     constexpr auto n = N;
0805     double theta = -circle.qCharge * atan(fast_fit(3));
0806     theta = theta < 0. ? theta + M_PI : theta;
0808     // Prepare the Rotation Matrix to rotate the points
0809     Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> rot;
0810     rot << sin(theta), cos(theta), -cos(theta), sin(theta);
0813     //
0814     // p2D will be:
0815     // [s1, s2, s3, ..., sn]
0816     // [z1, z2, z3, ..., zn]
0817     // s values will be ordinary x-values
0818     // z values will be ordinary y-values
0820     Matrix2xNd<N> p2D = Matrix2xNd<N>::Zero();
0821     Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 6> jxMat;
0823 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0824     printf("Line_fit - B: %g\n", bField);
0825     printIt(&hits, "Line_fit points: ");
0826     printIt(&hits_ge, "Line_fit covs: ");
0827     printIt(&rot, "Line_fit rot: ");
0828 #endif
0829     // x & associated Jacobian
0830     // cfr
0831     // Slide 11
0832     // a ==> -o i.e. the origin of the circle in XY plane, negative
0833     // b ==> p i.e. distances of the points wrt the origin of the circle.
0834     const Vector2d oVec(circle.par(0), circle.par(1));
0836     // associated Jacobian, used in weights and errors computation
0837     Matrix6d covMat = Matrix6d::Zero();
0838     Matrix2d cov_sz[N];
0839     for (uint i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
0840       Vector2d pVec = hits.block(0, i, 2, 1) - oVec;
0841       const double cross = cross2D(acc, -oVec, pVec);
0842       const double dot = (-oVec).dot(pVec);
0843       // atan2(cross, dot) give back the angle in the transverse plane so tha the
0844       // final equation reads: x_i = -q*R*theta (theta = angle returned by atan2)
0845       const double tempQAtan2 = -circle.qCharge * atan2(cross, dot);
0846       //    p2D.coeffRef(1, i) = atan2_ * circle.par(2);
0847       p2D(0, i) = tempQAtan2 * circle.par(2);
0849       // associated Jacobian, used in weights and errors- computation
0850       const double temp0 = -circle.qCharge * circle.par(2) * 1. / (sqr(dot) + sqr(cross));
0851       double d_X0 = 0., d_Y0 = 0., d_R = 0.;  // good approximation for big pt and eta
0852       if (error) {
0853         d_X0 = -temp0 * ((pVec(1) + oVec(1)) * dot - (pVec(0) - oVec(0)) * cross);
0854         d_Y0 = temp0 * ((pVec(0) + oVec(0)) * dot - (oVec(1) - pVec(1)) * cross);
0855         d_R = tempQAtan2;
0856       }
0857       const double d_x = temp0 * (oVec(1) * dot + oVec(0) * cross);
0858       const double d_y = temp0 * (-oVec(0) * dot + oVec(1) * cross);
0859       jxMat << d_X0, d_Y0, d_R, d_x, d_y, 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 0., 1.;
0861       covMat.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = circle.cov;
0862       covMat(3, 3) = hits_ge.col(i)[0];                 // x errors
0863       covMat(4, 4) = hits_ge.col(i)[2];                 // y errors
0864       covMat(5, 5) = hits_ge.col(i)[5];                 // z errors
0865       covMat(3, 4) = covMat(4, 3) = hits_ge.col(i)[1];  // cov_xy
0866       covMat(3, 5) = covMat(5, 3) = hits_ge.col(i)[3];  // cov_xz
0867       covMat(4, 5) = covMat(5, 4) = hits_ge.col(i)[4];  // cov_yz
0868       Matrix2d tmp = jxMat * covMat * jxMat.transpose();
0869       cov_sz[i].noalias() = rot * tmp * rot.transpose();
0870     }
0871     // Math of d_{X0,Y0,R,x,y} all verified by hand
0872     p2D.row(1) = hits.row(2);
0874     // The following matrix will contain errors orthogonal to the rotated S
0875     // component only, with the Multiple Scattering properly treated!!
0876     MatrixNd<N> cov_with_ms;
0877     scatterCovLine(acc, cov_sz, fast_fit, p2D.row(0), p2D.row(1), theta, bField, cov_with_ms);
0878 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0879     printIt(cov_sz, "line_fit - cov_sz:");
0880     printIt(&cov_with_ms, "line_fit - cov_with_ms: ");
0881 #endif
0883     // Rotate Points with the shape [2, n]
0884     Matrix2xNd<N> p2D_rot = rot * p2D;
0886 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0887     printf("Fast fit Tan(theta): %g\n", fast_fit(3));
0888     printf("Rotation angle: %g\n", theta);
0889     printIt(&rot, "Rotation Matrix:");
0890     printIt(&p2D, "Original Hits(s,z):");
0891     printIt(&p2D_rot, "Rotated hits(S3D, Z'):");
0892     printIt(&rot, "Rotation Matrix:");
0893 #endif
0895     // Build the A Matrix
0896     Matrix2xNd<N> aMat;
0897     aMat << MatrixXd::Ones(1, n), p2D_rot.row(0);  // rotated s values
0899 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0900     printIt(&aMat, "A Matrix:");
0901 #endif
0903     // Build A^T V-1 A, where V-1 is the covariance of only the Y components.
0904     MatrixNd<N> vyInvMat;
0905     math::cholesky::invert(cov_with_ms, vyInvMat);
0906     // MatrixNd<N> vyInvMat = cov_with_ms.inverse();
0907     Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> covParamsMat = aMat * vyInvMat * aMat.transpose();
0908     // Compute the Covariance Matrix of the fit parameters
0909     math::cholesky::invert(covParamsMat, covParamsMat);
0911     // Now Compute the Parameters in the form [2,1]
0912     // The first component is q.
0913     // The second component is m.
0914     Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 1> sol = covParamsMat * aMat * vyInvMat * p2D_rot.row(1).transpose();
0916 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0917     printIt(&sol, "Rotated solutions:");
0918 #endif
0920     // We need now to transfer back the results in the original s-z plane
0921     const auto sinTheta = sin(theta);
0922     const auto cosTheta = cos(theta);
0923     auto common_factor = 1. / (sinTheta - sol(1, 0) * cosTheta);
0924     Eigen::Matrix<double, 2, 2> jMat;
0925     jMat << 0., common_factor * common_factor, common_factor, sol(0, 0) * cosTheta * common_factor * common_factor;
0927     double tempM = common_factor * (sol(1, 0) * sinTheta + cosTheta);
0928     double tempQ = common_factor * sol(0, 0);
0929     auto cov_mq = jMat * covParamsMat * jMat.transpose();
0931     VectorNd<N> res = p2D_rot.row(1).transpose() - aMat.transpose() * sol;
0932     double chi2 = res.transpose() * vyInvMat * res;
0934     LineFit line;
0935     line.par << tempM, tempQ;
0936     line.cov << cov_mq;
0937     line.chi2 = chi2;
0939 #ifdef RFIT_DEBUG
0940     printf("Common_factor: %g\n", common_factor);
0941     printIt(&jMat, "Jacobian:");
0942     printIt(&sol, "Rotated solutions:");
0943     printIt(&covParamsMat, "Cov_params:");
0944     printIt(&cov_mq, "Rotated Covariance Matrix:");
0945     printIt(&(line.par), "Real Parameters:");
0946     printIt(&(line.cov), "Real Covariance Matrix:");
0947     printf("Chi2: %g\n", chi2);
0948 #endif
0950     return line;
0951   }
0953 }  // namespace ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::riemannFit
0955 namespace riemannFit {
0956   /*!
0957     \brief Helix fit by three step:
0958     -fast pre-fit (see Fast_fit() for further info); \n
0959     -circle fit of hits projected in the transverse plane by Riemann-Chernov
0960         algorithm (see Circle_fit() for further info); \n
0961     -line fit of hits projected on cylinder surface by orthogonal distance
0962         regression (see Line_fit for further info). \n
0963     Points must be passed ordered (from inner to outer layer).
0964     \param hits Matrix3xNd hits coordinates in this form: \n
0965         |x0|x1|x2|...|xn| \n
0966         |y0|y1|y2|...|yn| \n
0967         |z0|z1|z2|...|zn|
0968     \param hits_cov Matrix3Nd covariance matrix in this form (()->cov()): \n
0969    |(x0,x0)|(x1,x0)|(x2,x0)|.|(y0,x0)|(y1,x0)|(y2,x0)|.|(z0,x0)|(z1,x0)|(z2,x0)| \n
0970    |(x0,x1)|(x1,x1)|(x2,x1)|.|(y0,x1)|(y1,x1)|(y2,x1)|.|(z0,x1)|(z1,x1)|(z2,x1)| \n
0971    |(x0,x2)|(x1,x2)|(x2,x2)|.|(y0,x2)|(y1,x2)|(y2,x2)|.|(z0,x2)|(z1,x2)|(z2,x2)| \n
0972        .       .       .    .    .       .       .    .    .       .       .     \n
0973    |(x0,y0)|(x1,y0)|(x2,y0)|.|(y0,y0)|(y1,y0)|(y2,x0)|.|(z0,y0)|(z1,y0)|(z2,y0)| \n
0974    |(x0,y1)|(x1,y1)|(x2,y1)|.|(y0,y1)|(y1,y1)|(y2,x1)|.|(z0,y1)|(z1,y1)|(z2,y1)| \n
0975    |(x0,y2)|(x1,y2)|(x2,y2)|.|(y0,y2)|(y1,y2)|(y2,x2)|.|(z0,y2)|(z1,y2)|(z2,y2)| \n
0976        .       .       .    .    .       .       .    .    .       .       .     \n
0977    |(x0,z0)|(x1,z0)|(x2,z0)|.|(y0,z0)|(y1,z0)|(y2,z0)|.|(z0,z0)|(z1,z0)|(z2,z0)| \n
0978    |(x0,z1)|(x1,z1)|(x2,z1)|.|(y0,z1)|(y1,z1)|(y2,z1)|.|(z0,z1)|(z1,z1)|(z2,z1)| \n
0979    |(x0,z2)|(x1,z2)|(x2,z2)|.|(y0,z2)|(y1,z2)|(y2,z2)|.|(z0,z2)|(z1,z2)|(z2,z2)|
0980    \param bField magnetic field in the center of the detector in Gev/cm/c
0981    unit, in order to perform pt calculation.
0982    \param error flag for error computation.
0983    \param scattering flag for multiple scattering treatment.
0984    (see Circle_fit() documentation for further info).
0985    \warning see Circle_fit(), Line_fit() and Fast_fit() warnings.
0986    \bug see Circle_fit(), Line_fit() and Fast_fit() bugs.
0987 */
0989   template <int N>
0990   class helixFit {
0991   public:
0992     template <typename TAcc>
0993     ALPAKA_FN_ACC ALPAKA_FN_INLINE void operator()(const TAcc& acc,
0994                                                    const Matrix3xNd<N>* hits,
0995                                                    const Eigen::Matrix<float, 6, N>* hits_ge,
0996                                                    const double bField,
0997                                                    const bool error,
0998                                                    HelixFit* helix) const {
0999       constexpr uint n = N;
1000       VectorNd<4> rad = (hits->block(0, 0, 2, n).colwise().norm());
1002       // Fast_fit gives back (X0, Y0, R, theta) w/o errors, using only 3 points.
1003       Vector4d fast_fit;
1004       ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::riemannFit::fastFit(acc, *hits, fast_fit);
1005       riemannFit::Matrix2Nd<N> hits_cov = MatrixXd::Zero(2 * n, 2 * n);
1006       ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::riemannFit::loadCovariance2D(acc, *hits_ge, hits_cov);
1007       CircleFit circle = ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::riemannFit::circleFit(
1008           acc, hits->block(0, 0, 2, n), hits_cov, fast_fit, rad, bField, error);
1009       LineFit line =
1010           ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::riemannFit::lineFit(acc, *hits, *hits_ge, circle, fast_fit, bField, error);
1012       ALPAKA_ACCELERATOR_NAMESPACE::riemannFit::par_uvrtopak(acc, circle, bField, error);
1014       helix->par << circle.par, line.par;
1015       if (error) {
1016         helix->cov = MatrixXd::Zero(5, 5);
1017         helix->cov.block(0, 0, 3, 3) = circle.cov;
1018         helix->cov.block(3, 3, 2, 2) = line.cov;
1019       }
1020       helix->qCharge = circle.qCharge;
1021       helix->chi2_circle = circle.chi2;
1022       helix->chi2_line = line.chi2;
1023     }
1024   };
1026 }  // namespace riemannFit
1028 #endif  // RecoTracker_PixelTrackFitting_interface_alpaka_RiemannFit_h