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0001 #define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN
0002 #include <catch.hpp>
0003 #include <algorithm>
0004 #include "RecoTracker/PixelTrackFitting/interface/RZLine.h"
0006 TEST_CASE("test RZLine", "[RZLine]") {
0007   SECTION("Constructors") {
0008     constexpr std::array<float, 2> r{{0.001, 0.003}};
0009     constexpr std::array<float, 2> z{{0.1, 0.2}};
0010     constexpr std::array<float, 2> errz{{0.01, 0.02}};
0011     constexpr float cotTheta = 50.0f;
0012     constexpr float intercept = 0.05f;
0013     constexpr float covss = 124.99996f;
0014     constexpr float covii = 0.0003249999136f;
0015     constexpr float covsi = -0.175f;
0016     constexpr float chi2 = 0;
0017     constexpr float chi2_diff = 1e-10;
0019     SECTION("array") {
0020       RZLine l(r, z, errz);
0022       REQUIRE(l.cotTheta() == Approx(cotTheta));
0023       REQUIRE(l.intercept() == Approx(intercept));
0024       REQUIRE(l.covss() == Approx(covss));
0025       REQUIRE(l.covii() == Approx(covii));
0026       REQUIRE(l.covsi() == Approx(covsi));
0027       REQUIRE_THAT(l.chi2(), Catch::Matchers::WithinAbs(chi2, chi2_diff));
0028     }
0030     SECTION("vector") {
0031       const std::vector<float> rv{r.begin(), r.end()};
0032       const std::vector<float> zv{z.begin(), z.end()};
0033       const std::vector<float> errzv{errz.begin(), errz.end()};
0034       RZLine l(rv, zv, errzv);
0036       REQUIRE(l.cotTheta() == Approx(cotTheta));
0037       REQUIRE(l.intercept() == Approx(intercept));
0038       REQUIRE(l.covss() == Approx(covss));
0039       REQUIRE(l.covii() == Approx(covii));
0040       REQUIRE(l.covsi() == Approx(covsi));
0041       REQUIRE_THAT(l.chi2(), Catch::Matchers::WithinAbs(chi2, chi2_diff));
0042     }
0044     SECTION("vector ErrZ2_tag") {
0045       const std::vector<float> rv{r.begin(), r.end()};
0046       const std::vector<float> zv{z.begin(), z.end()};
0047       std::vector<float> errzv;
0048       std::transform(errz.begin(), errz.end(), std::back_inserter(errzv), [](float v) { return v * v; });
0049       RZLine l(rv, zv, errzv, RZLine::ErrZ2_tag());
0051       REQUIRE(l.cotTheta() == Approx(cotTheta));
0052       REQUIRE(l.intercept() == Approx(intercept));
0053       REQUIRE(l.covss() == Approx(covss));
0054       REQUIRE(l.covii() == Approx(covii));
0055       REQUIRE(l.covsi() == Approx(covsi));
0056       REQUIRE_THAT(l.chi2(), Catch::Matchers::WithinAbs(chi2, chi2_diff));
0057     }
0059     SECTION("points&errors") {
0060       struct Error {
0061         float err_;
0062         float czz() const { return err_ * err_; }
0063         float rerr(const GlobalPoint&) const { return 0.f; }
0064       };
0065       const std::vector<GlobalPoint> p{{{std::abs(r[0]), 0., z[0]}, {std::abs(r[1]), 0., z[1]}}};
0066       REQUIRE(p[0].perp() == std::abs(r[0]));
0067       REQUIRE(p[0].z() == z[0]);
0068       REQUIRE(p[1].perp() == std::abs(r[1]));
0069       REQUIRE(p[1].z() == z[1]);
0070       const std::vector<Error> err{{{errz[0]}, {errz[1]}}};
0071       REQUIRE(err[0].czz() == errz[0] * errz[0]);
0072       REQUIRE(err[1].czz() == errz[1] * errz[1]);
0073       const std::vector<bool> barrel{{true, true}};
0074       RZLine l(p, err, barrel);
0076       REQUIRE(l.cotTheta() == Approx(cotTheta));
0077       REQUIRE(l.intercept() == Approx(intercept));
0078       REQUIRE(l.covss() == Approx(covss));
0079       REQUIRE(l.covii() == Approx(covii));
0080       REQUIRE(l.covsi() == Approx(covsi));
0081       REQUIRE_THAT(l.chi2(), Catch::Matchers::WithinAbs(chi2, chi2_diff));
0082     }
0083   }
0084   SECTION("no points") {
0085     const std::vector<float> rv;
0086     const std::vector<float> zv;
0087     std::vector<float> errzv;
0088     RZLine l(rv, zv, errzv);
0090     //NOTE a NaN is a number that is not equal to itself
0091     REQUIRE(l.cotTheta() != l.cotTheta());
0092     REQUIRE(l.intercept() != l.intercept());
0093     REQUIRE(l.covss() != l.covss());
0094     REQUIRE(l.covii() != l.covii());
0095     REQUIRE(l.covsi() != l.covsi());
0096     REQUIRE(l.chi2() == 0.0f);
0097   }
0098   SECTION("one point") {
0099     const std::vector<float> rv = {0.001};
0100     const std::vector<float> zv = {0.1};
0101     const std::vector<float> errzv = {0.01};
0102     RZLine l(rv, zv, errzv);
0104     //NOTE a NaN is a number that is not equal to itself
0105     REQUIRE(l.cotTheta() != l.cotTheta());
0106     REQUIRE(l.intercept() != l.intercept());
0107     REQUIRE(l.covss() != l.covss());
0108     REQUIRE(l.covii() != l.covii());
0109     REQUIRE(l.covsi() != l.covsi());
0110     REQUIRE(l.chi2() == 0.0f);
0111   }
0112 }