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0001 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0002 #include "RecoTracker/TkDetLayers/interface/GeometricSearchTrackerBuilder.h"
0004 #include "PixelBarrelLayerBuilder.h"
0005 #include "Phase2OTBarrelLayerBuilder.h"
0006 #include "PixelForwardLayerBuilder.h"
0007 #include "Phase2EndcapLayerBuilder.h"
0008 #include "Phase2EndcapLayerDoubleDiskBuilder.h"
0009 #include "TIBLayerBuilder.h"
0010 #include "TOBLayerBuilder.h"
0011 #include "TIDLayerBuilder.h"
0012 #include "TECLayerBuilder.h"
0014 #include "Geometry/CommonDetUnit/interface/GeomDet.h"
0015 #include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerTopology.h"
0016 #include "Geometry/MTDGeometryBuilder/interface/MTDTopology.h"
0018 using namespace std;
0020 GeometricSearchTracker *GeometricSearchTrackerBuilder::build(const GeometricDet *theGeometricTracker,
0021                                                              const TrackerGeometry *theGeomDetGeometry,
0022                                                              const TrackerTopology *tTopo,
0023                                                              const bool usePhase2Stacks) {
0024   PixelBarrelLayerBuilder aPixelBarrelLayerBuilder;
0025   Phase2OTBarrelLayerBuilder aPhase2OTBarrelLayerBuilder;
0026   PixelForwardLayerBuilder<PixelBlade, PixelForwardLayer> aPixelForwardLayerBuilder;
0027   PixelForwardLayerBuilder<Phase1PixelBlade, PixelForwardLayerPhase1> aPhase1PixelForwardLayerBuilder;
0028   Phase2EndcapLayerBuilder aPhase2EndcapLayerBuilder;
0029   Phase2EndcapLayerDoubleDiskBuilder aPhase2EndcapLayerDoubleDiskBuilder;
0030   TIBLayerBuilder aTIBLayerBuilder;
0031   TOBLayerBuilder aTOBLayerBuilder;
0032   TIDLayerBuilder aTIDLayerBuilder;
0033   TECLayerBuilder aTECLayerBuilder;
0035   vector<BarrelDetLayer const *> thePxlBarLayers;
0036   vector<BarrelDetLayer const *> theTIBLayers;
0037   vector<BarrelDetLayer const *> theTOBLayers;
0038   vector<ForwardDetLayer const *> theNegPxlFwdLayers;
0039   vector<ForwardDetLayer const *> thePosPxlFwdLayers;
0040   vector<ForwardDetLayer const *> theNegTIDLayers;
0041   vector<ForwardDetLayer const *> thePosTIDLayers;
0042   vector<ForwardDetLayer const *> theNegTECLayers;
0043   vector<ForwardDetLayer const *> thePosTECLayers;
0044   bool useBrothers = !usePhase2Stacks;
0046   auto const &theGeometricDetLayers = theGeometricTracker->components();
0047   for (auto const &theGeomDetLayer : theGeometricDetLayers) {
0048     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::PixelBarrel) {
0049       auto const &thePxlBarGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0050       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : thePxlBarGeometricDetLayers) {
0051         thePxlBarLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0052       }
0053     }
0055     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase1Barrel) {
0056       auto const &thePxlBarGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0057       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : thePxlBarGeometricDetLayers) {
0058         thePxlBarLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0059       }
0060     }
0062     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2Barrel) {
0063       auto const &thePxlBarGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0064       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : thePxlBarGeometricDetLayers) {
0065         thePxlBarLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0066       }
0067     }
0069     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::TIB) {
0070       auto const &theTIBGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0071       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : theTIBGeometricDetLayers) {
0072         theTIBLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0073       }
0074     }
0076     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::TOB) {
0077       auto const &theTOBGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0078       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : theTOBGeometricDetLayers) {
0079         theTOBLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0080       }
0081     }
0083     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::OTPhase2Barrel) {
0084       auto const &theTOBGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0085       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : theTOBGeometricDetLayers) {
0086         theTOBLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry, useBrothers));
0087       }
0088     }
0090     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::PixelEndCap) {
0091       auto const &thePxlFwdGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0092       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : thePxlFwdGeometricDetLayers) {
0093         if (thisGeomDet->positionBounds().z() < 0)
0094           theNegPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0095         else
0096           thePosPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0097       }
0098     }
0100     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase1EndCap) {
0101       auto const &thePxlFwdGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0102       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : thePxlFwdGeometricDetLayers) {
0103         if (thisGeomDet->positionBounds().z() < 0)
0104           theNegPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0105         else
0106           thePosPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0107       }
0108     }
0110     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2EndCap) {
0111       auto const &thePxlFwdGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0112       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : thePxlFwdGeometricDetLayers) {
0113         //FIXME: this is just to keep the compatibility with the PixelPhase1 extension layout
0114         //hopefully we can get rid of it soon
0115         if (thisGeomDet->positionBounds().z() < 0) {
0116           if (thisGeomDet->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2FullDisk ||
0117               thisGeomDet->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2ReducedDisk)
0118             theNegPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0119           else if (thisGeomDet->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2TDRDisk)
0120             theNegPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry, false));
0121           else if (thisGeomDet->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2DoubleDisk)
0122             theNegPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0123         } else if (thisGeomDet->positionBounds().z() > 0) {
0124           if (thisGeomDet->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2FullDisk ||
0125               thisGeomDet->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2ReducedDisk)
0126             thePosPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0127           else if (thisGeomDet->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2TDRDisk)
0128             thePosPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry, false));
0129           else if (thisGeomDet->type() == GeometricDet::PixelPhase2DoubleDisk)
0130             thePosPxlFwdLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0132         } else {
0133           edm::LogError("TkDetLayers") << "In PixelPhase2EndCap the disks are neither PixelPhase2FullDisk nor "
0134                                           "PixelPhase2ReducedDisk nor PixelPhase2TDRDisk...";
0135         }
0136       }
0137     }
0139     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::TID) {
0140       auto const &theTIDGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0141       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : theTIDGeometricDetLayers) {
0142         if (thisGeomDet->positionBounds().z() < 0)
0143           theNegTIDLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0144         else
0145           thePosTIDLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0146       }
0147     }
0149     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::OTPhase2EndCap) {
0150       auto const &theTIDGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0151       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : theTIDGeometricDetLayers) {
0152         if (thisGeomDet->positionBounds().z() < 0)
0153           theNegTIDLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry, useBrothers));
0154         else
0155           thePosTIDLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry, useBrothers));
0156       }
0157     }
0159     if (theGeomDetLayer->type() == GeometricDet::TEC) {
0160       auto const &theTECGeometricDetLayers = theGeomDetLayer->components();
0161       for (auto const &thisGeomDet : theTECGeometricDetLayers) {
0162         if (thisGeomDet->positionBounds().z() < 0)
0163           theNegTECLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0164         else
0165           thePosTECLayers.push_back(, theGeomDetGeometry));
0166       }
0167     }
0168   }
0170   return new GeometricSearchTracker(thePxlBarLayers,
0171                                     theTIBLayers,
0172                                     theTOBLayers,
0173                                     theNegPxlFwdLayers,
0174                                     theNegTIDLayers,
0175                                     theNegTECLayers,
0176                                     thePosPxlFwdLayers,
0177                                     thePosTIDLayers,
0178                                     thePosTECLayers,
0179                                     tTopo);
0180 }
0182 GeometricSearchTracker *GeometricSearchTrackerBuilder::build(const GeometricDet *theGeometricTracker,
0183                                                              const TrackerGeometry *theGeomDetGeometry,
0184                                                              const TrackerTopology *tTopo,
0185                                                              const MTDGeometry *mtd,
0186                                                              const MTDTopology *mTopo,
0187                                                              const bool usePhase2Stacks) {
0188   //Tracker part
0189   GeometricSearchTracker *theSearchTrack = this->build(theGeometricTracker, theGeomDetGeometry, tTopo, usePhase2Stacks);
0191   theSearchTrack->addDetLayerGeometry();
0192   theSearchTrack->mtdDetLayerGeometry->buildLayers(mtd, mTopo);
0193   theSearchTrack->mtdDetLayerGeometry->sortLayers();
0195   std::vector<const BarrelDetLayer *> barrel;
0196   for (auto &&e : theSearchTrack->mtdDetLayerGeometry->allBarrelLayers()) {
0197     auto p = dynamic_cast<const BarrelDetLayer *>(e);
0198     if (p) {
0199       barrel.push_back(p);
0200     }
0201   }
0202   std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer *> backward;
0203   for (auto &&e : theSearchTrack->mtdDetLayerGeometry->allBackwardLayers()) {
0204     auto p = dynamic_cast<const ForwardDetLayer *>(e);
0205     if (p) {
0206       backward.push_back(p);
0207     }
0208   }
0209   std::vector<const ForwardDetLayer *> forward;
0210   for (auto &&e : theSearchTrack->mtdDetLayerGeometry->allForwardLayers()) {
0211     auto p = dynamic_cast<const ForwardDetLayer *>(e);
0212     if (p) {
0213       forward.push_back(p);
0214     }
0215   }
0216   //Include the MTD layers in the TrackerSearchGeometry
0217   theSearchTrack->addMTDLayers(barrel, backward, forward);
0218   return theSearchTrack;
0219 }