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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from RecoTracker.TkTrackingRegions.GlobalTrackingRegionFromBeamSpot_cfi import *
0004 from RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator_cfi import *
0005 #from RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.SeedFromConsecutiveHitsStraightLineCreator_cfi import *
0006 #from RecoTracker.TkSeedGenerator.SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator_cfi import *
0008 seedGeneratorFromRegionHitsEDProducer = cms.EDProducer("SeedGeneratorFromRegionHitsEDProducer",
0009     OrderedHitsFactoryPSet = cms.PSet(
0010         ComponentName = cms.string(''),
0011         SeedingLayers = cms.InputTag(''),
0012         maxElement = cms.uint32(1000000)
0013     ),
0014     SeedComparitorPSet = cms.PSet(
0015         ComponentName = cms.string('none')
0016     ),
0017     RegionFactoryPSet = cms.PSet(
0018         RegionPsetFomBeamSpotBlockFixedZ,
0019         ComponentName = cms.string('GlobalRegionProducerFromBeamSpot')
0020     ),
0021 # This works best ...
0022     SeedCreatorPSet = cms.PSet(SeedFromConsecutiveHitsCreator),
0023 # except for large impact parameter pixel-pair seeding, when this is better ...
0024 #   SeedCreatorPSet = cms.PSet(SeedFromConsecutiveHitsStraightLineCreator)                                                       
0025 # and this one respectively for large-D0 triplets:
0026 #   SeedCreatorPSet = cms.PSet(SeedFromConsecutiveHitsTripletOnlyCreator)
0028 ##add a protection for too many clusters in the event.
0029 ClusterCheckPSet = cms.PSet(
0030                  doClusterCheck = cms.bool(True),
0031                  MaxNumberOfStripClusters = cms.uint32(400000),
0032                  ClusterCollectionLabel = cms.InputTag("siStripClusters"),
0033                  MaxNumberOfPixelClusters = cms.uint32(40000),
0034                  PixelClusterCollectionLabel = cms.InputTag("siPixelClusters"),
0035                  cut = cms.string("strip < 400000 && pixel < 40000 && (strip < 50000 + 10*pixel) && (pixel < 5000 + 0.1*strip)")
0036                  ),
0037 )
0039 # Disable too many clusters check until we have an updated cut string for phase1
0040 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase1Pixel_cff import phase1Pixel
0041 phase1Pixel.toModify(seedGeneratorFromRegionHitsEDProducer, # FIXME
0042     ClusterCheckPSet = dict(doClusterCheck = False)
0043 )
0045 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_peripheralPbPb_cff import peripheralPbPb
0046 peripheralPbPb.toModify(seedGeneratorFromRegionHitsEDProducer,
0047                         ClusterCheckPSet = dict(doClusterCheck = True,  # FIXMETOO
0048                                                 cut = "strip < 400000 && pixel < 40000 && (strip < 60000 + 7.0*pixel) && (pixel < 8000 + 0.14*strip)")
0049                         )
0051 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_pp_on_XeXe_2017_cff import pp_on_XeXe_2017
0052 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.pp_on_AA_cff import pp_on_AA
0053 (pp_on_XeXe_2017 | pp_on_AA).toModify(seedGeneratorFromRegionHitsEDProducer,
0054                ClusterCheckPSet = dict(doClusterCheck = True, # FIXMETOO
0055                                        cut = "strip < 1000000 && pixel < 100000 && (strip < 50000 + 10*pixel) && (pixel < 5000 + strip/2.)",
0056                                        MaxNumberOfPixelClusters = 100000)
0057                )