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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from RecoTracker.TkSeedingLayers.seedingLayersEDProducer_cfi import *
0005 TobTecLayerPairs = seedingLayersEDProducer.clone(
0007 # Don't bother with TEC8 and 9, as tracking requires 2 hits outside
0008 # the seeding pairs.
0009     layerList = ['TOB1+TOB2', 
0010                  'TOB1+TEC1_pos',     
0011 #                 'TOB1+TEC2_pos', 
0012                  'TOB1+TEC1_neg',     
0013 #                 'TOB1+TEC2_neg', 
0014                  'TEC1_pos+TEC2_pos', 
0015 #                 'TEC1_pos+TEC3_pos', 
0016                  'TEC2_pos+TEC3_pos',
0017 #                 'TEC2_pos+TEC4_pos', 
0018                  'TEC3_pos+TEC4_pos', 
0019 #                 'TEC3_pos+TEC5_pos', 
0020                  'TEC4_pos+TEC5_pos', 
0021 #                 'TEC4_pos+TEC6_pos', 
0022                  'TEC5_pos+TEC6_pos', 
0023 #                 'TEC5_pos+TEC7_pos', 
0024                  'TEC6_pos+TEC7_pos', 
0025                  'TEC1_neg+TEC2_neg', 
0026 #                 'TEC1_neg+TEC3_neg', 
0027                  'TEC2_neg+TEC3_neg', 
0028 #                 'TEC2_neg+TEC4_neg', 
0029                  'TEC3_neg+TEC4_neg', 
0030 #                 'TEC3_neg+TEC5_neg', 
0031                  'TEC4_neg+TEC5_neg', 
0032 #                 'TEC4_neg+TEC6_neg', 
0033                  'TEC5_neg+TEC6_neg', 
0034 #                 'TEC5_neg+TEC7_neg', 
0035                  'TEC6_neg+TEC7_neg'],
0037     TOB = dict(
0038     matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
0039         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
0040         clusterChargeCut = cms.PSet(refToPSet_ = cms.string('SiStripClusterChargeCutNone'))
0041     ),
0042     TEC = dict(
0043         matchedRecHits = cms.InputTag("siStripMatchedRecHits","matchedRecHit"),
0044         useRingSlector = cms.bool(True),
0045         TTRHBuilder = cms.string('WithTrackAngle'),
0046         minRing = cms.int32(5),
0047         maxRing = cms.int32(5),
0048         clusterChargeCut = cms.PSet(refToPSet_ = cms.string('SiStripClusterChargeCutNone'))
0049     )
0050 )