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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:28:55

0001 #include "HitExtractorSTRP.h"
0002 #include "TrackingTools/DetLayers/interface/DetLayer.h"
0004 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/Handle.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0009 #include "DataFormats/Common/interface/ContainerMask.h"
0011 #include "TrackingTools/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/TrackingRecHitProjector.h"
0012 #include "RecoTracker/TransientTrackingRecHit/interface/ProjectedRecHit2D.h"
0013 #include "DataFormats/SiStripCluster/interface/SiStripClusterTools.h"
0015 #include <tuple>
0017 #include <iostream>
0019 using namespace ctfseeding;
0020 using namespace std;
0021 using namespace edm;
0023 HitExtractorSTRP::HitExtractorSTRP(GeomDetEnumerators::SubDetector subdet,
0024                                    TrackerDetSide side,
0025                                    int idLayer,
0026                                    float iminGoodCharge,
0027                                    edm::ConsumesCollector& iC)
0028     : theLayerSubDet(subdet),
0029       theSide(side),
0030       theIdLayer(idLayer),
0031       minAbsZ(0),
0032       theMinRing(1),
0033       theMaxRing(0),
0034       theTtopo(iC.esConsumes()),
0035       hasMatchedHits(false),
0036       hasRPhiHits(false),
0037       hasStereoHits(false),
0038       hasVectorHits(false),
0039       hasRingSelector(false),
0040       hasSimpleRphiHitsCleaner(true) {
0041   minGoodCharge = iminGoodCharge;
0042   if (minGoodCharge > 0)
0043     skipClusters = true;
0044 }
0046 void HitExtractorSTRP::useSkipClusters_(const edm::InputTag& m, edm::ConsumesCollector& iC) {
0047   theSkipClusters = iC.consumes<SkipClustersCollection>(m);
0048   theSkipPhase2Clusters = iC.consumes<SkipPhase2ClustersCollection>(m);
0049 }
0051 void HitExtractorSTRP::useRingSelector(int minRing, int maxRing) {
0052   hasRingSelector = true;
0053   theMinRing = minRing;
0054   theMaxRing = maxRing;
0055 }
0057 bool HitExtractorSTRP::ringRange(int ring) const {
0058   if (!hasRingSelector)
0059     return true;
0060   return (ring >= theMinRing) & (ring <= theMaxRing);
0061 }
0063 bool HitExtractorSTRP::skipThis(
0064     DetId id,
0065     OmniClusterRef const& clus,
0066     edm::Handle<edm::ContainerMask<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > >& stripClusterMask) const {
0067   if (maskCluster && (stripClusterMask->mask(clus.key())))
0068     return true;
0070   if UNLIKELY (minGoodCharge <= 0)
0071     return false;
0072   return siStripClusterTools::chargePerCM(id, *clus.cluster_strip()) <= minGoodCharge;
0073 }
0075 std::pair<bool, ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D*> HitExtractorSTRP::skipThis(
0076     const TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder& ttrhBuilder,
0077     TkHitRef matched,
0078     edm::Handle<edm::ContainerMask<edmNew::DetSetVector<SiStripCluster> > >& stripClusterMask) const {
0079   const SiStripMatchedRecHit2D& hit = (SiStripMatchedRecHit2D const&)(matched);
0081   assert(dynamic_cast<SiStripMatchedRecHit2D const*>(&matched));
0083   auto id = hit.geographicalId();
0084   ProjectedSiStripRecHit2D* replaceMe = nullptr;
0085   bool rejectSt = skipThis(id, hit.stereoClusterRef(), stripClusterMask);
0086   bool rejectMono = skipThis(id, hit.monoClusterRef(), stripClusterMask);
0088   if ((!rejectSt) & (!rejectMono)) {
0089     // keepit
0090     return std::make_pair(false, replaceMe);
0091   }
0093   if (failProjection || (rejectSt & rejectMono)) {
0094     //only skip if both hits are done
0095     return std::make_pair(true, replaceMe);
0096   }
0098   // replace with one
0100   auto cloner = ttrhBuilder.cloner();
0101   replaceMe = cloner.project(hit, rejectSt, TrajectoryStateOnSurface()).release();
0102   if (rejectSt)
0103     LogDebug("HitExtractorSTRP") << "a matched hit is partially masked, and the mono hit got projected onto: "
0104                                  << replaceMe->geographicalId().rawId() << " key: " << hit.monoClusterRef().key();
0105   else
0106     LogDebug("HitExtractorSTRP") << "a matched hit is partially masked, and the stereo hit got projected onto: "
0107                                  << replaceMe->geographicalId().rawId() << " key: " << hit.stereoClusterRef().key();
0109   return std::make_pair(true, replaceMe);
0110 }
0112 void HitExtractorSTRP::cleanedOfClusters(const TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder& ttrhBuilder,
0113                                          const edm::Event& ev,
0114                                          HitExtractor::Hits& hits,
0115                                          bool matched,
0116                                          unsigned int cleanFrom) const {
0117   unsigned int skipped = 0;
0118   unsigned int projected = 0;
0119   if (hasMatchedHits || hasRPhiHits || hasStereoHits) {
0120     LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "getting " << hits.size() << " strip hit in input.";
0121     edm::Handle<SkipClustersCollection> stripClusterMask;
0122     if (maskCluster)
0123       ev.getByToken(theSkipClusters, stripClusterMask);
0124     for (unsigned int iH = cleanFrom; iH < hits.size(); ++iH) {
0125       assert(hits[iH]->isValid());
0126       auto id = hits[iH]->geographicalId();
0127       if (matched) {
0128         auto [replace, replaceMe] = skipThis(ttrhBuilder, *hits[iH], stripClusterMask);
0129         if (replace) {
0130           if (!replaceMe) {
0131             LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "skipping a matched hit on :" << hits[iH]->geographicalId().rawId();
0132             skipped++;
0133           } else {
0134             projected++;
0135           }
0136           hits[iH].reset(replaceMe);
0137           if (replaceMe == nullptr)
0138             assert(hits[iH].empty());
0139           else
0140             assert(hits[iH].isOwn());
0141         }
0142       } else if (skipThis(id, hits[iH]->firstClusterRef(), stripClusterMask)) {
0143         LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "skipping a hit on :" << hits[iH]->geographicalId().rawId() << " key: ";
0144         skipped++;
0145         hits[iH].reset();
0146       }
0147     }
0148   }
0149   if (hasVectorHits) {
0150     LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "getting " << hits.size() << " vector hit in input.";
0151     edm::Handle<SkipPhase2ClustersCollection> ph2ClusterMask;
0152     if (maskCluster)
0153       ev.getByToken(theSkipPhase2Clusters, ph2ClusterMask);
0154     for (unsigned int iH = cleanFrom; iH < hits.size(); ++iH) {
0155       LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "analizing hit on :" << hits[iH]->geographicalId().rawId();
0156       assert(hits[iH]->isValid());
0157       const VectorHit& vhit = dynamic_cast<VectorHit const&>(*hits[iH]);
0158       LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << " key lower: " << vhit.lowerClusterRef().key()
0159                                    << " and key upper: " << vhit.upperClusterRef().key();
0160       LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << " key lower: " << hits[iH]->firstClusterRef().key();
0162       //FIXME:: introduce a "projected" version later?
0163       if (maskCluster &&
0164           (ph2ClusterMask->mask(vhit.lowerClusterRef().key()) || ph2ClusterMask->mask(vhit.upperClusterRef().key()))) {
0165         LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "skipping a vector hit on :" << hits[iH]->geographicalId().rawId()
0166                                      << " key lower: " << vhit.lowerClusterRef().key()
0167                                      << " and key upper: " << vhit.upperClusterRef().key();
0168         skipped++;
0169         hits[iH].reset();
0170       }
0171     }
0172   }
0174   //  remove empty elements...
0175   auto last = std::remove_if(hits.begin() + cleanFrom, hits.end(), [](HitPointer const& p) { return p.empty(); });
0176   hits.resize(last - hits.begin());
0178   LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "skipped :" << skipped << " rechits because of clusters and projected: " << projected;
0179 }
0181 HitExtractor::Hits HitExtractorSTRP::hits(const TkTransientTrackingRecHitBuilder& ttrhBuilder,
0182                                           const edm::Event& ev,
0183                                           const edm::EventSetup& es) const {
0184   LogDebug("HitExtractorSTRP") << "HitExtractorSTRP::hits";
0185   HitExtractor::Hits result;
0186   unsigned int cleanFrom = 0;
0188   //Retrieve tracker topology from geometry
0189   const TrackerTopology* const tTopo = &es.getData(theTtopo);
0191   //
0192   // TIB
0193   //
0194   if (theLayerSubDet == GeomDetEnumerators::TIB) {
0195     LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "Getting hits into the TIB";
0196     if (hasMatchedHits) {
0197       edm::Handle<SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection> matchedHits;
0198       ev.getByToken(theMatchedHits, matchedHits);
0199       if (skipClusters)
0200         cleanFrom = result.size();
0201       range2SeedingHits(*matchedHits, result, tTopo->tibDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0202       if (skipClusters)
0203         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, true, cleanFrom);
0204     }
0205     if (hasRPhiHits) {
0206       edm::Handle<SiStripRecHit2DCollection> rphiHits;
0207       ev.getByToken(theRPhiHits, rphiHits);
0208       if (hasMatchedHits) {
0209         if (!hasSimpleRphiHitsCleaner) {  // this is a brutal "cleaning". Add something smarter in the future
0210           if (skipClusters)
0211             cleanFrom = result.size();
0212           range2SeedingHits(*rphiHits, result, tTopo->tibDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0213           if (skipClusters)
0214             cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0215         }
0216       } else {
0217         if (skipClusters)
0218           cleanFrom = result.size();
0219         range2SeedingHits(*rphiHits, result, tTopo->tibDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0220         if (skipClusters)
0221           cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0222       }
0223     }
0224     if (hasStereoHits) {
0225       edm::Handle<SiStripRecHit2DCollection> stereoHits;
0226       ev.getByToken(theStereoHits, stereoHits);
0227       if (skipClusters)
0228         cleanFrom = result.size();
0229       range2SeedingHits(*stereoHits, result, tTopo->tibDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0230       if (skipClusters)
0231         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0232     }
0233     if (hasVectorHits) {
0234       LogError("HitExtractorSTRP") << "TIB is not supposed to be in Phase2 TRK detector configuration. What follows "
0235                                       "have never been checked before! ";
0236       auto const& vectorHits = ev.get(theVectorHits);
0237       if (skipClusters)
0238         cleanFrom = result.size();
0239       range2SeedingHits(vectorHits, result, tTopo->tibDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0240       if (skipClusters)
0241         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0242     }
0244   }
0246   //
0247   // TID
0248   //
0249   else if (theLayerSubDet == GeomDetEnumerators::TID) {
0250     LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "Getting hits into the TID";
0251     if (hasMatchedHits) {
0252       edm::Handle<SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection> matchedHits;
0253       ev.getByToken(theMatchedHits, matchedHits);
0254       if (skipClusters)
0255         cleanFrom = result.size();
0256       auto getter = tTopo->tidDetIdWheelComparator(static_cast<unsigned int>(theSide), theIdLayer);
0257       SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::Range range = matchedHits->equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0258       for (SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0259         int ring = tTopo->tidRing(it->detId());
0260         if (!ringRange(ring))
0261           continue;
0262         for (SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end;
0263              ++hit) {
0264           result.emplace_back(*hit);
0265         }
0266       }
0267       if (skipClusters)
0268         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, true, cleanFrom);
0269     }
0270     if (hasRPhiHits) {
0271       edm::Handle<SiStripRecHit2DCollection> rphiHits;
0272       ev.getByToken(theRPhiHits, rphiHits);
0273       if (skipClusters)
0274         cleanFrom = result.size();
0275       auto getter = tTopo->tidDetIdWheelComparator(static_cast<unsigned int>(theSide), theIdLayer);
0276       SiStripRecHit2DCollection::Range range = rphiHits->equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0277       for (SiStripRecHit2DCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0278         int ring = tTopo->tidRing(it->detId());
0279         if (!ringRange(ring))
0280           continue;
0281         if ((SiStripDetId(it->detId()).partnerDetId() != 0) && hasSimpleRphiHitsCleaner)
0282           continue;  // this is a brutal "cleaning". Add something smarter in the future
0283         for (SiStripRecHit2DCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end; ++hit) {
0284           result.emplace_back(*hit);
0285         }
0286       }
0287       if (skipClusters)
0288         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0289     }
0290     if (hasStereoHits) {
0291       edm::Handle<SiStripRecHit2DCollection> stereoHits;
0292       ev.getByToken(theStereoHits, stereoHits);
0293       if (skipClusters)
0294         cleanFrom = result.size();
0295       auto getter = tTopo->tidDetIdWheelComparator(static_cast<unsigned int>(theSide), theIdLayer);
0296       SiStripRecHit2DCollection::Range range = stereoHits->equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0297       for (SiStripRecHit2DCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0298         int ring = tTopo->tidRing(it->detId());
0299         if (!ringRange(ring))
0300           continue;
0301         for (SiStripRecHit2DCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end; ++hit) {
0302           result.emplace_back(*hit);
0303         }
0304       }
0305       if (skipClusters)
0306         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0307     }
0308     if (hasVectorHits) {
0309       LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "Getting vector hits for IdLayer " << theIdLayer;
0310       auto const& vectorHits = ev.get(theVectorHits);
0311       //FIXME: check the skipClusters with VHits
0312       if (skipClusters)
0313         cleanFrom = result.size();
0314       auto getter = tTopo->tidDetIdWheelComparator(static_cast<unsigned int>(theSide), theIdLayer);
0315       VectorHitCollection::Range range = vectorHits.equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0316       for (VectorHitCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0317         int ring = tTopo->tidRing(it->detId());
0318         if (!ringRange(ring))
0319           continue;
0320         for (VectorHitCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end; ++hit) {
0321           result.emplace_back(*hit);
0322         }
0323       }
0324       LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "result size value:" << result.size();
0325       if (skipClusters)
0326         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0327     }
0328   }
0329   //
0330   // TOB
0331   //
0332   else if (theLayerSubDet == GeomDetEnumerators::TOB) {
0333     LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "Getting hits into the TOB";
0334     if (hasMatchedHits) {
0335       edm::Handle<SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection> matchedHits;
0336       ev.getByToken(theMatchedHits, matchedHits);
0337       if (skipClusters)
0338         cleanFrom = result.size();
0339       if (minAbsZ > 0.) {
0340         auto getter = tTopo->tobDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer);
0341         SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::Range range = matchedHits->equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0342         for (SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0343           for (SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end;
0344                ++hit) {
0345             if (fabs(hit->globalPosition().z()) >= minAbsZ)
0346               result.emplace_back(*hit);
0347           }
0348         }
0349       } else {
0350         range2SeedingHits(*matchedHits, result, tTopo->tobDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0351       }
0352       if (skipClusters)
0353         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, true, cleanFrom);
0354     }
0355     if (hasRPhiHits) {
0356       edm::Handle<SiStripRecHit2DCollection> rphiHits;
0357       ev.getByToken(theRPhiHits, rphiHits);
0358       if (hasMatchedHits) {
0359         if (!hasSimpleRphiHitsCleaner) {  // this is a brutal "cleaning". Add something smarter in the future
0360           if (skipClusters)
0361             cleanFrom = result.size();
0362           range2SeedingHits(*rphiHits, result, tTopo->tobDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0363           if (skipClusters)
0364             cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0365         }
0366       } else {
0367         if (skipClusters)
0368           cleanFrom = result.size();
0369         range2SeedingHits(*rphiHits, result, tTopo->tobDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0370         if (skipClusters)
0371           cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0372       }
0373     }
0374     if (hasStereoHits) {
0375       edm::Handle<SiStripRecHit2DCollection> stereoHits;
0376       ev.getByToken(theStereoHits, stereoHits);
0377       if (skipClusters)
0378         cleanFrom = result.size();
0379       range2SeedingHits(*stereoHits, result, tTopo->tobDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0380       if (skipClusters)
0381         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0382     }
0383     if (hasVectorHits) {
0384       LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "Getting vector hits for IdLayer " << theIdLayer;
0385       edm::Handle<VectorHitCollection> vectorHits;
0386       ev.getByToken(theVectorHits, vectorHits);
0387       //FIXME: check the skipClusters with VHits
0388       if (skipClusters)
0389         cleanFrom = result.size();
0390       range2SeedingHits(*vectorHits, result, tTopo->tobDetIdLayerComparator(theIdLayer));
0391       if (skipClusters)
0392         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0393     }
0395   }
0397   //
0398   // TEC
0399   //
0400   else if (theLayerSubDet == GeomDetEnumerators::TEC) {
0401     LogTrace("HitExtractorSTRP") << "Getting hits into the TEC";
0402     if (hasMatchedHits) {
0403       edm::Handle<SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection> matchedHits;
0404       ev.getByToken(theMatchedHits, matchedHits);
0405       if (skipClusters)
0406         cleanFrom = result.size();
0407       auto getter = tTopo->tecDetIdWheelComparator(static_cast<unsigned int>(theSide), theIdLayer);
0408       SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::Range range = matchedHits->equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0409       for (SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0410         int ring = tTopo->tecRing(it->detId());
0411         if (!ringRange(ring))
0412           continue;
0413         for (SiStripMatchedRecHit2DCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end;
0414              ++hit) {
0415           result.emplace_back(*hit);
0416         }
0417       }
0418       if (skipClusters)
0419         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, true, cleanFrom);
0420     }
0421     if (hasRPhiHits) {
0422       edm::Handle<SiStripRecHit2DCollection> rphiHits;
0423       ev.getByToken(theRPhiHits, rphiHits);
0424       if (skipClusters)
0425         cleanFrom = result.size();
0426       auto getter = tTopo->tecDetIdWheelComparator(static_cast<unsigned int>(theSide), theIdLayer);
0427       SiStripRecHit2DCollection::Range range = rphiHits->equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0428       for (SiStripRecHit2DCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0429         int ring = tTopo->tecRing(it->detId());
0430         if (!ringRange(ring))
0431           continue;
0432         if ((SiStripDetId(it->detId()).partnerDetId() != 0) && hasSimpleRphiHitsCleaner)
0433           continue;  // this is a brutal "cleaning". Add something smarter in the future
0434         for (SiStripRecHit2DCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end; ++hit) {
0435           result.emplace_back(*hit);
0436         }
0437       }
0438       if (skipClusters)
0439         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0440     }
0441     if (hasStereoHits) {
0442       edm::Handle<SiStripRecHit2DCollection> stereoHits;
0443       ev.getByToken(theStereoHits, stereoHits);
0444       if (skipClusters)
0445         cleanFrom = result.size();
0446       auto getter = tTopo->tecDetIdWheelComparator(static_cast<unsigned int>(theSide), theIdLayer);
0447       SiStripRecHit2DCollection::Range range = stereoHits->equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0448       for (SiStripRecHit2DCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0449         int ring = tTopo->tecRing(it->detId());
0450         if (!ringRange(ring))
0451           continue;
0452         for (SiStripRecHit2DCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end; ++hit) {
0453           result.emplace_back(*hit);
0454         }
0455       }
0456       if (skipClusters)
0457         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0458     }
0459     if (hasVectorHits) {
0460       LogError("HitExtractorSTRP") << "TEC is not supposed to be in Phase2 TRK detector configuration. What follows "
0461                                       "have never been checked before! ";
0462       edm::Handle<VectorHitCollection> vectorHits;
0463       ev.getByToken(theVectorHits, vectorHits);
0464       if (skipClusters)
0465         cleanFrom = result.size();
0466       auto getter = tTopo->tidDetIdWheelComparator(static_cast<unsigned int>(theSide), theIdLayer);
0467       VectorHitCollection::Range range = vectorHits->equal_range(getter.first, getter.second);
0468       for (VectorHitCollection::const_iterator it = range.first; it != range.second; ++it) {
0469         int ring = tTopo->tidRing(it->detId());
0470         if (!ringRange(ring))
0471           continue;
0472         for (VectorHitCollection::DetSet::const_iterator hit = it->begin(), end = it->end(); hit != end; ++hit) {
0473           result.emplace_back(*hit);
0474         }
0475       }
0476       if (skipClusters)
0477         cleanedOfClusters(ttrhBuilder, ev, result, false, cleanFrom);
0478     }
0479   }
0481   LogDebug("HitExtractorSTRP") << " giving: " << result.size() << " out for charge cut " << minGoodCharge;
0482   return result;
0483 }