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0001 #ifndef global_h
0002 #define global_h
0003 #include <TROOT.h>
0004 #include <math.h>
0005 //
0006 // define some useful constants:
0007 //
0008 const Double_t sqrt2 = sqrt(2.0);
0009 const Double_t sqrt2pi = 2.5066282746;
0011 const int dim = 11;  // number of fit parameters
0012 // 'pointers' to the parameters
0013 const int Par_Z0 = 0;     // index of position of luminosity peak in z
0014 const int Par_Sigma = 1;  // index of sigma in z of the beam
0016 const int Par_x0 = 2;       // beam spot x
0017 const int Par_y0 = 3;       // beam spot y
0018 const int Par_dxdz = 4;     // beam slop dxdz
0019 const int Par_dydz = 5;     // beam slop dydz
0020 const int Par_Sigbeam = 6;  // beam spot width
0022 const int Par_c0 = 7;
0023 const int Par_c1 = 8;
0025 const int Par_eps = 9;    // index of emittance
0026 const int Par_beta = 10;  // index of beta*
0028 struct data {
0029   double Z, SigZ, D, SigD, Phi, Pt, weight2;
0030   data(double z, double sigz, double d, double sigd, double phi, double pt, double weight2)
0031       : Z(z), SigZ(sigz), D(d), SigD(sigd), Phi(phi), Pt(pt), weight2(1) {}
0032 };
0033 typedef std::vector<::data> zData;             //!
0034 typedef zData::const_iterator zDataConstIter;  //!
0035 typedef zData::iterator zDataIter;             //!
0036 //zData zdata;//!
0037 #endif  //