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0001 #include "FWCore/TestProcessor/interface/TestProcessor.h"
0003 #define CATCH_CONFIG_MAIN
0004 #include "catch.hpp"
0006 TEST_CASE("BeamSpotAnalyzer tests", "[BeamSpotAnalyzer]") {
0007   //The python configuration
0008   edm::test::TestProcessor::Config config{
0009       R"_(from FWCore.TestProcessor.TestProcess import *
0010 from RecoVertex.BeamSpotProducer.d0_phi_analyzer_cff import d0_phi_analyzer 
0011 process = TestProcess()
0012 process.beamAnalyzer = d0_phi_analyzer 
0013 process.moduleToTest(process.beamAnalyzer)
0014 )_"};
0016   SECTION("Run with no Lumis") {
0017     edm::test::TestProcessor tester{config};
0018     tester.testRunWithNoLuminosityBlocks();
0019     //get here without an exception or crashing
0020     REQUIRE(true);
0021   };
0022 }