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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:29:06

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import FWCore.ParameterSet.VarParsing as VarParsing
0004 options = VarParsing.VarParsing()
0005 options.register('unitTest',
0006                  False, # default value
0007                  VarParsing.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, # singleton or list
0008                  VarParsing.VarParsing.varType.bool, # string, int, or float
0009                  "are we running the unit test?")
0010 options.register('inputFile',
0011                  "EarlyCollision.txt", # default value
0012                  VarParsing.VarParsing.multiplicity.singleton, # singleton or list
0013                  VarParsing.VarParsing.varType.string, # string, int, or float
0014                  "location of the input data")
0015 options.parseArguments()
0017 process = cms.Process("write2DB")
0018 process.load("FWCore.MessageLogger.MessageLogger_cfi")
0019 process.load("CondCore.CondDB.CondDB_cfi")
0021 #################################
0022 # Produce a SQLITE FILE
0023 process.CondDB.connect = "sqlite_file:EarlyCollision.db"
0024 #################################
0026 process.PoolDBOutputService = cms.Service("PoolDBOutputService",
0027                                           process.CondDB,
0028                                           toPut = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(record = cms.string('BeamSpotObjectsRcd'),
0029                                                                      tag = cms.string('EarlyCollision'))),
0030                                           loadBlobStreamer = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0031                                           )
0033 process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
0034 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(input = cms.untracked.int32(1))
0035 process.beamspot = cms.EDAnalyzer("BeamSpotWrite2DB",
0036                                   OutputFileName = cms.untracked.string(options.inputFile)
0037                                   )
0039 process.p = cms.Path(process.beamspot)