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0001 #include "RecoVertex/KalmanVertexFit/interface/KalmanSmoothedVertexChi2Estimator.h"
0002 // #include "RecoVertex/KalmanVertexFit/interface/KalmanVertexTrackCompatibilityEstimator.h"
0004 template <unsigned int N>
0005 typename KalmanSmoothedVertexChi2Estimator<N>::BDpair KalmanSmoothedVertexChi2Estimator<N>::estimate(
0006     const CachingVertex<N>& vertex) const {
0007   //initial vertex part
0008   float v_part = 0.;
0009   float returnChi = 0.;
0011   if (vertex.hasPrior()) {
0012     v_part = helper.vertexChi2(vertex.priorVertexState(), vertex.vertexState());
0013   }
0015   //vector of tracks part
0016   typedef typename CachingVertex<N>::RefCountedVertexTrack RefCountedVertexTrack;
0017   std::vector<RefCountedVertexTrack> tracks = vertex.tracks();
0018   float sum = 0.;
0019   bool success = true;
0020   for (typename std::vector<RefCountedVertexTrack>::iterator i = tracks.begin(); i != tracks.end(); i++) {
0021     BDpair result = helper.trackParameterChi2((*i)->linearizedTrack(), (*i)->refittedState());
0022     success = success && result.first;
0023     sum += (*i)->weight() * result.second;
0024   }
0025   returnChi = v_part + sum;
0026   return BDpair(success, returnChi);
0027 }
0029 template class KalmanSmoothedVertexChi2Estimator<5>;
0030 template class KalmanSmoothedVertexChi2Estimator<6>;