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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 generalV0Candidates = cms.EDProducer("V0Producer",
0005    # which beamSpot to reference
0006    beamSpot = cms.InputTag('offlineBeamSpot'),
0008    # reference primary vertex instead of beamSpot
0009    useVertex = cms.bool(False),
0010    # which vertex collection to use
0011    vertices = cms.InputTag('offlinePrimaryVertices'),
0013    # which TrackCollection to use for vertexing
0014    trackRecoAlgorithm = cms.InputTag('generalTracks'),
0016    # which V0s to reconstruct
0017    doKShorts = cms.bool(True),
0018    doLambdas = cms.bool(True),
0020    # perform vertex fit (if false, the POCA is used in lieu of the point
0021    # resulting from a fit)
0022    doFit = cms.bool(True),
0024    # which vertex fitting algorithm to use
0025    # True -> KalmanVertexFitter (recommended)
0026    # False -> AdaptiveVertexFitter (not recommended)
0027    vertexFitter = cms.bool(True),
0029    # use the refitted tracks returned from the KVF for V0Candidate kinematics
0030    # this is automatically set to False if using the AdaptiveVertexFitter
0031    useRefTracks = cms.bool(True),
0033    # -- cuts on initial track collection --
0034    # Track normalized Chi2 <
0035    tkChi2Cut = cms.double(10.),
0036    # Number of valid hits on track >=
0037    tkNHitsCut = cms.int32(3),
0038    # Pt of track >
0039    tkPtCut = cms.double(0.35),
0040    # Track impact parameter significance >
0041    tkIPSigXYCut = cms.double(2.),
0042    tkIPSigZCut = cms.double(-1.),
0044    # -- cuts on the vertex --
0045    # Vertex chi2 <
0046    vtxChi2Cut = cms.double(6.63),
0047    # XY decay distance significance >
0048    vtxDecaySigXYCut = cms.double(15.),
0049    # XY decay distance >
0050    vtxDecayXYCut = cms.double(-1.),
0051    # XY decay distance for same-sign vertices >
0052    ssVtxDecayXYCut = cms.double(-1.),
0053    # XYZ decay distance significance >
0054    vtxDecaySigXYZCut = cms.double(-1.),
0056    # -- miscellaneous cuts --
0057    # allow same-sign pairs of tracks
0058    allowSS = cms.bool(False),
0059    # Threshold for inner/outer DCA cuts:
0060    #    inner tracks = distance between POCA and z-axis <
0061    #    outer tracks = distance between POCA and z-axis >=
0062    innerOuterTkDCAThreshold = cms.double(5.),
0063    # POCA distance between inner tracks <
0064    innerTkDCACut = cms.double(1.),
0065    # POCA distance between outer tracks <
0066    outerTkDCACut = cms.double(1.),
0067    # allow vertices where the angle between the tracks is more than 90 degrees
0068    allowWideAngleVtx = cms.bool(False),
0069    # invariant mass of track pair - assuming both tracks are charged pions <
0070    mPiPiCut = cms.double(0.6),
0071    # check if either track has a hit radially inside the vertex position minus this number times the sigma of the vertex fit
0072    # note: Set this to -1 to disable this cut, which MUST be done if you want to run V0Producer on the AOD track collection!
0073    innerHitPosCut = cms.double(4.),
0074    # cos(angleXY) between x and p of V0 candidate >
0075    cosThetaXYCut = cms.double(0.998),
0076    # cos(angleXYZ) between x and p of V0 candidate >
0077    cosThetaXYZCut = cms.double(-2.),
0079    # -- cuts on the V0 candidate mass --
0080    # V0 mass window +- pdg value
0081    kShortMassCut = cms.double(0.07),
0082    lambdaMassCut = cms.double(0.05)
0084 )