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0001 #ifndef PerigeeLinearizedTrackState_H
0002 #define PerigeeLinearizedTrackState_H
0004 #include "RecoVertex/VertexPrimitives/interface/LinearizedTrackState.h"
0005 #include "TrackingTools/PatternTools/interface/TSCPBuilderNoMaterial.h"
0006 #include "DataFormats/GeometrySurface/interface/ReferenceCounted.h"
0007 #include "RecoVertex/VertexPrimitives/interface/LinearizedTrackState.h"
0008 #include "Math/SMatrix.h"
0009 #include "DataFormats/CLHEP/interface/Migration.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Likely.h"
0012 /** Calculates and stores the ImpactPointMeasurement of the
0013  *  impact point (point of closest approach in 3D) to the
0014  *  given linearization point.
0015  *  (see V.Karimaki, HIP-1997-77 / EXP)
0016  *
0017  *  Computes the parameters of the trajectory state at the transverse
0018  *  point of closest approach (in the global transverse plane) to
0019  *  the linearization point, and the jacobiam matrices.
0020  *  (see R.Fruehwirth et al. Data Analysis Techniques in HEP Experiments
0021  *  Second Edition, Cambridge University Press 2000, or
0022  *  R.Fruehwirth et al. Vertex reconstruction and track bundling at the LEP
0023  *  collider using robust algorithms. Computer Physics Communications 96
0024  *  (1996) 189-208).
0025  *
0026  *  Both are done `on-demand' to improve CPU performance.
0027  *
0028  *  This particular implementation works with "perigee"
0029  *  helix parametrization:
0030  *  see Billoir et al. NIM in PR A311(1992) 139-150
0031  */
0033 class PerigeeLinearizedTrackState final : public LinearizedTrackState<5> {
0034 public:
0035   /** Friend class properly dealing with creation
0036    *  of reference-counted pointers to LinearizedTrack objects
0037    */
0038   friend class LinearizedTrackStateFactory;
0039   typedef ReferenceCountingPointer<LinearizedTrackState<5> > RefCountedLinearizedTrackState;
0041   /**
0042    * Returns a new linearized state with respect to a new linearization point.
0043    * A new object of the same type is returned, without change to the existing one.
0044    */
0045   RefCountedLinearizedTrackState stateWithNewLinearizationPoint(const GlobalPoint& newLP) const override;
0047   /**
0048    * The point at which the track state has been linearized
0049    */
0050   const GlobalPoint& linearizationPoint() const override { return theLinPoint; }
0052   reco::TransientTrack track() const override { return theTrack; }
0054   const TrajectoryStateOnSurface state() const { return theTSOS; }
0056   /** Method returning the constant term of the Taylor expansion
0057    *  of the measurement equation
0058    */
0059   const AlgebraicVector5& constantTerm() const override;
0061   /** Method returning the Position Jacobian from the Taylor expansion
0062    *  (Matrix A)
0063    */
0064   const AlgebraicMatrix53& positionJacobian() const override;
0066   /** Method returning the Momentum Jacobian from the Taylor expansion
0067    *  (Matrix B)
0068    */
0069   const AlgebraicMatrix53& momentumJacobian() const override;
0071   /** Method returning the parameters of the Taylor expansion
0072    */
0073   const AlgebraicVector5& parametersFromExpansion() const override;
0075   /** Method returning the track state at the point of closest approach
0076    *  to the linearization point, in the transverse plane (a.k.a.
0077    *  transverse impact point).
0078    */
0079   const TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint& predictedState() const;
0081   /** Method returning the parameters of the track state at the
0082    *  transverse impact point.
0083    */
0084   AlgebraicVector5 predictedStateParameters() const override;
0086   /** Method returning the momentum part of the parameters of the track state
0087    *  at the linearization point.
0088    */
0089   AlgebraicVector3 predictedStateMomentumParameters() const override;
0091   /** Method returning the weight matrix of the track state at the
0092    *  transverse impact point.
0093    * The error variable is 0 in case of success.
0094    */
0095   AlgebraicSymMatrix55 predictedStateWeight(int& error) const override;
0097   /** Method returning the covariance matrix of the track state at the
0098    *  transverse impact point.
0099    */
0100   AlgebraicSymMatrix55 predictedStateError() const override;
0102   /** Method returning the momentum covariance matrix of the track state at the
0103    *  transverse impact point.
0104    */
0105   AlgebraicSymMatrix33 predictedStateMomentumError() const override;
0107   //   /** Method returning the impact point measurement
0108   //    */
0109   //   ImpactPointMeasurement impactPointMeasurement() const;
0111   TrackCharge charge() const override { return theCharge; }
0113   bool hasError() const override;
0115   bool operator==(const LinearizedTrackState<5>& other) const override;
0117   bool operator==(const ReferenceCountingPointer<LinearizedTrackState<5> >& other) const;
0119   /** Creates the correct refitted state according to the results of the
0120    *  track refit.
0121    */
0122   RefCountedRefittedTrackState createRefittedTrackState(const GlobalPoint& vertexPosition,
0123                                                         const AlgebraicVector3& vectorParameters,
0124                                                         const AlgebraicSymMatrix66& covarianceMatrix) const override;
0126   AlgebraicVector5 refittedParamFromEquation(const RefCountedRefittedTrackState& theRefittedState) const override;
0128   double weightInMixture() const override { return theTSOS.weight(); }
0130   void inline checkParameters(AlgebraicVector5& parameters) const override;
0132   std::vector<ReferenceCountingPointer<LinearizedTrackState<5> > > components() const override;
0134   bool isValid() const override;
0136 private:
0137   /** Constructor with the linearization point and the track.
0138    *  Private, can only be used by LinearizedTrackFactory.
0139    */
0140   PerigeeLinearizedTrackState(const GlobalPoint& linP,
0141                               const reco::TransientTrack& track,
0142                               const TrajectoryStateOnSurface& tsos)
0143       : theLinPoint(linP), theTrack(track), theTSOS(tsos), theCharge(theTrack.charge()), jacobiansAvailable(false) {}
0145   /** Method calculating the track parameters and the Jacobians.
0146    */
0147   void computeJacobians() const;
0148   /** Method calculating the track parameters and the Jacobians for charged particles.
0149    */
0150   void computeChargedJacobians() const;
0151   /** Method calculating the track parameters and the Jacobians for neutral particles.
0152    */
0153   void computeNeutralJacobians() const;
0154   /** Method calculating the 3D impact point measurement
0155    */
0156   void compute3DImpactPoint() const;
0158   GlobalPoint theLinPoint;
0159   reco::TransientTrack theTrack;
0160   const TrajectoryStateOnSurface theTSOS;
0162   mutable AlgebraicMatrix53 thePositionJacobian, theMomentumJacobian;
0163   mutable TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint thePredState;
0164   mutable AlgebraicVector5 theConstantTerm;
0165   mutable AlgebraicVector5 theExpandedParams;
0167   TSCPBuilderNoMaterial builder;
0169   TrackCharge theCharge;
0170   mutable bool jacobiansAvailable;
0171 };
0173 /** Method returning the constant term of the Taylor expansion
0174  *  of the measurement equation
0175  */
0176 inline const AlgebraicVector5& PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::constantTerm() const {
0177   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0178     computeJacobians();
0179   return theConstantTerm;
0180 }
0182 /**
0183  * Method returning the Position Jacobian (Matrix A)
0184  */
0185 inline const AlgebraicMatrix53& PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::positionJacobian() const {
0186   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0187     computeJacobians();
0188   return thePositionJacobian;
0189 }
0191 /**      
0192  * Method returning the Momentum Jacobian (Matrix B)
0193  */
0194 inline const AlgebraicMatrix53& PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::momentumJacobian() const {
0195   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0196     computeJacobians();
0197   return theMomentumJacobian;
0198 }
0200 /** Method returning the parameters of the Taylor expansion
0201  */
0202 inline const AlgebraicVector5& PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::parametersFromExpansion() const {
0203   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0204     computeJacobians();
0205   return theExpandedParams;
0206 }
0208 /**
0209  * Method returning the TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint at the point
0210  * of closest approch to the z-axis (a.k.a. transverse impact point)
0211  */
0212 inline const TrajectoryStateClosestToPoint& PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedState() const {
0213   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0214     computeJacobians();
0215   return thePredState;
0216 }
0218 inline bool PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::hasError() const {
0219   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0220     computeJacobians();
0221   return thePredState.hasError();
0222 }
0224 inline AlgebraicVector5 PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedStateParameters() const {
0225   if (!jacobiansAvailable)
0226     computeJacobians();
0227   return thePredState.perigeeParameters().vector();
0228 }
0230 inline AlgebraicVector3 PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedStateMomentumParameters() const {
0231   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0232     computeJacobians();
0233   auto v = thePredState.perigeeParameters().vector();
0234   return AlgebraicVector3(v[0], v[1], v[2]);
0235 }
0237 inline AlgebraicSymMatrix55 PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedStateWeight(int& error) const {
0238   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0239     computeJacobians();
0240   if (!thePredState.isValid()) {
0241     error = 1;
0242     return AlgebraicSymMatrix55();
0243   }
0244   return thePredState.perigeeError().weightMatrix(error);
0245 }
0247 inline AlgebraicSymMatrix55 PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedStateError() const {
0248   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0249     computeJacobians();
0250   return thePredState.perigeeError().covarianceMatrix();
0251 }
0253 inline AlgebraicSymMatrix33 PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::predictedStateMomentumError() const {
0254   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0255     computeJacobians();
0256   return thePredState.perigeeError().covarianceMatrix().Sub<AlgebraicSymMatrix33>(0, 2);
0257 }
0259 inline bool PerigeeLinearizedTrackState::isValid() const {
0260   if UNLIKELY (!theTSOS.isValid())
0261     return false;
0262   if UNLIKELY (!jacobiansAvailable)
0263     computeJacobians();
0264   return jacobiansAvailable;
0265 }
0267 #endif