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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:29:22

0001 #include <SimCalorimetry/EcalEBTrigPrimAlgos/interface/EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB.h>
0002 #include <CondFormats/EcalObjects/interface/EcalTPGSlidingWindow.h>
0003 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0005 EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB() : shift_(0) {}
0007 EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::~EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB() {}
0009 int EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::setInput(int input, int inputPeak, int inputsFGVB) {
0010   inputsFGVB_ = inputsFGVB;
0011   inputPeak_ = inputPeak;
0012   input_ = input;
0013   return 0;
0014 }
0016 int EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::process() {
0017   //    buffer_=input_>>shift_;  //FIXME: buffer why?
0019   if (inputPeak_ == 0)
0020     return ((inputsFGVB_ & 0x1) << 12);
0021   //    int output=buffer_;
0022   int output = input_ >> shift_;
0023   //std::cout << " EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::process() input_ " << input_ << " output after shift " << output << std::endl;
0024   if (output > 0XFFF)
0025     output = 0XFFF;  //ok: barrel saturates at 12 bits
0026   // Add stripFGVB
0027   output |= ((inputsFGVB_ & 0x1) << 12);
0029   //std::cout << " EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::process()  output after adding FGVB " << output << std::endl;
0030   return output;
0031 }
0033 void EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::process(std::vector<int> &sFGVBout,
0034                                        std::vector<int> &peakout,
0035                                        std::vector<int> &filtout,
0036                                        std::vector<int> &output) {
0037   if (peakout.size() != filtout.size() || sFGVBout.size() != filtout.size()) {
0038     edm::LogWarning("EcalTPG")
0039         << " problem in EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB: sfgvb_out, peak_out and filt_out don't have the same size";
0040   }
0041   //std::cout << "  EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::process(std::vector ... filtout size " << filtout.size() << std::endl;
0042   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < filtout.size(); i++) {
0043     //std::cout << " Looping over filtout " << filtout[i] << " " << peakout[i] << std::endl;
0044     setInput(filtout[i], peakout[i], sFGVBout[i]);
0046     output[i] = process();
0047   }
0048   return;
0049 }
0051 void EcalEBFenixStripFormatEB::setParameters(uint32_t &id, const EcalTPGSlidingWindow *&slWin) {
0052   const EcalTPGSlidingWindowMap &slwinmap = slWin->getMap();
0053   EcalTPGSlidingWindowMapIterator it = slwinmap.find(id);
0054   if (it != slwinmap.end())
0055     shift_ = (*it).second;
0056   else
0057     edm::LogWarning("EcalTPG") << " could not find EcalTPGSlidingWindowMap entry for " << id;
0058 }