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0001 #ifndef EcalSelectiveReadoutSuppressor_h
0002 #define EcalSelectiveReadoutSuppressor_h
0004 #include <vector>
0005 #include "boost/multi_array.hpp"
0006 #include "DataFormats/EcalDigi/interface/EcalDigiCollections.h"
0007 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloGeometry.h"
0008 #include "Geometry/CaloTopology/interface/EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap.h"
0009 #include "Geometry/EcalMapping/interface/EcalElectronicsMapping.h"
0010 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ConsumesCollector.h"
0011 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0012 #include "SimCalorimetry/EcalSelectiveReadoutAlgos/interface/EcalSelectiveReadout.h"
0013 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
0014 #include "CondFormats/EcalObjects/interface/EcalSRSettings.h"
0016 #include <memory>
0018 class CaloGeometryRecord;
0020 class EcalSelectiveReadoutSuppressor {
0021 public:
0022   /** Construtor.
0023    * @param params configuration from python file
0024    * @param settings configuration from condition DB
0025    */
0026   EcalSelectiveReadoutSuppressor(const edm::ParameterSet& params, edm::ConsumesCollector iC);
0028   void setSettings(const EcalSRSettings* settings);
0030   enum { BARREL, ENDCAP };
0032   /** Gets number of weights supported by the zero suppression filter
0033    * @return number of weights
0034    */
0035   static int getFIRTapCount() { return nFIRTaps; }
0037   /** Set the mapping of which cell goes with which trigger tower
0038    * @param map the trigger tower map
0039    */
0040   void setTriggerMap(const EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap* map);
0042   /** Set the ECAL electronics mapping
0043    * @param map the ECAL electronics map
0044    */
0045   void setElecMap(const EcalElectronicsMapping* map);
0047   /** Sets the geometry of the calorimeters
0048    */
0049   void setGeometry(const CaloGeometry* caloGeometry);
0051   /** Runs the selective readout(SR) algorithm.
0052    * @deprecated use the other run methode instead
0053    * @param eventSetup event conditions
0054    * @param trigPrims the ECAL trigger primitives used as input to the SR.
0055    * @param barrelDigis [in,out] the EB digi collection to filter
0056    * @param endcapDigis [in,out] the EE digi collection to filter
0057    */
0058   void run(const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup,
0059            const EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection& trigPrims,
0060            EBDigiCollection& barrelDigis,
0061            EEDigiCollection& endcapDigis);
0063   /** Runs the selective readout (SR) algorithm.
0064    * @param eventSetup event conditions
0065    * @param trigPrims the ECAL trigger primitives used as input to the SR.
0066    * @param barrelDigis the input EB digi collection
0067    * @param endcapDigis the input EE digi collection
0068    * @param selectedBarrelDigis [out] the EB digi passing the SR. Pointer to
0069    *        the collection to fill. If null, no collection is filled.
0070    * @param selectedEndcapDigis [out] the EE digi passing the SR. Pointer to
0071    *        the collection to fill. If null, no collection is filled.
0072    * @param ebSrFlags [out] the computed SR flags for EB. Pointer to
0073    *        the collection to fill. If null, no collection is filled.
0074    * @param eeSrFlags [out] the computed SR flags for EE. Pointer to
0075    *        the collection to fill. If null, no collection is filled.
0076    */
0077   void run(const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup,
0078            const EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection& trigPrims,
0079            const EBDigiCollection& barrelDigis,
0080            const EEDigiCollection& endcapDigis,
0081            EBDigiCollection* selectedBarrelDigis,
0082            EEDigiCollection* selectedEndcapDigis,
0083            EBSrFlagCollection* ebSrFlags,
0084            EESrFlagCollection* eeSrFlags);
0086   /** For debugging purposes.
0087    */
0088   EcalSelectiveReadout* getEcalSelectiveReadout() { return ecalSelectiveReadout.get(); }
0090   /** Writes out TT flags. On of the 'run' method must be called beforehand.
0091    * Beware this method might be removed in future.
0092    * @param os stream to write to
0093    * @param iEvent event index. Ignored if <0.
0094    * @param withHeader. If true writes out a header with the legend.
0095    */
0096   void printTTFlags(std::ostream& os, int iEvent = -1, bool withHeader = true) const;
0098 private:
0099   /** Returns true if a digi passes the zero suppression.
0100    * @param frame, data frame (aka digi). 
0101    * @param thr zero suppression threshold in thrUnit.
0102    * @return true if passed ZS filter, false if failed
0103    */
0105   bool accept(const edm::DataFrame& frame, int thr);
0107   /// helpers for constructors
0108   /** Initializes ZS threshold and SR classificion to SR ("action") flags
0109    */
0110   void initCellThresholds(double barrelLowInterest,
0111                           double endcapLowInterest,
0112                           double barrelHighInterest,
0113                           double endcapHighInterest);
0114   /** Converts threshold in GeV to threshold in internal unit used by the
0115    * ZS FIR. 
0116    * @param thresholdInGeV the theshold in GeV
0117    * @param iSubDet 0 for barrel, 1 for endcap
0118    * @return threshold in thrUnit unit. INT_MAX means complete suppression,
0119    * INT_MIN means no zero suppression.
0120    */
0121   int internalThreshold(double thresholdInGeV, int iSubDet) const;
0123   /** Gets the integer weights used by the zero suppression
0124    * FIR filter.
0125    *<P><U>Weight definitions:</U>
0126    *<UL>
0127    *<LI>Uncalibrated normalized weights are defined as such that when applied
0128    * to the average pulse with the highest sample normalized to 1, the
0129    * result is 1.
0130    *<LI>Calibrated weights are defined for each crystal, as uncalibrated
0131    * normalized weights multiplied by an intercalibration constant which
0132    * is expected to be between 0.6 and 1.4
0133    *<LI>FIR weights are defined for each crystal as the closest signed integers
0134    * to 2**10 times the calibrated weigths. The absolute value of these
0135    * weights should not be greater than (2**12-1).
0136    *</UL>
0137    * If a FIR weights exceeds the (2**12-1) absolute value limit, its
0138    * absolute value is replaced by (2**12-1).
0139    */
0140   std::vector<int> getFIRWeigths();
0142   /**Transforms CMSSW eta ECAL crystal indices to indices starting at 0
0143    * to use for c-array or vector.
0144    * @param iEta CMSSW eta index (numbering -85...-1,1...85)
0145    * @return index in numbering from 0 to 169
0146    */
0147   int iEta2cIndex(int iEta) const { return (iEta < 0) ? iEta + 85 : iEta + 84; }
0149   /**Transforms CMSSW phi ECAL crystal indices to indices starting at 0
0150    * to use for c-array or vector.
0151    * @param iPhi CMSSW phi index (numbering 1...360)
0152    * @return index in numbering 0...359
0153    */
0154   int iPhi2cIndex(int iPhi) const { return iPhi - 1; }
0156   /**Transforms CMSSW eta ECAL TT indices to indices starting at 0
0157    * to use for c-array or vector.
0158    * @param iEta CMSSW eta index (numbering -28...-1,28...56)
0159    * @return index in numbering from 0 to 55
0160    */
0161   int iTTEta2cIndex(int iEta) const { return (iEta < 0) ? iEta + 28 : iEta + 27; }
0163   /**Transforms CMSSW phi ECAL crystal indices to indices starting at 0
0164    * to use for c-array or vector.
0165    * @param iPhi CMSSW phi index (numbering 1...72)
0166    * @return index in numbering 0...71
0167    */
0168   int iTTPhi2cIndex(int iPhi) const { return iPhi - 1; }
0170   /** Help function to set the srFlags field. Used in TrigPrimByPass mode
0171    * @param eventSetup the EDM event setup
0172    * @param ebDigi the ECAL barrel APD digis
0173    * @param eeDigi the ECAL endcap VPT digis
0174    */
0175   void setTtFlags(const edm::EventSetup& eventSetup, const EBDigiCollection& ebDigis, const EEDigiCollection& eeDigis);
0177   /** Help function to set the srFlags field.
0178    * @param trigPrim the trigger primitive digi collection
0179    */
0180   void setTtFlags(const EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection& trigPrims);
0182   template <class T>
0183   double frame2Energy(const T& frame, int timeOffset = 0) const;
0185   //   /** Help function to get SR flag from ZS threshold using min/max convention
0186   //    * for SUPPRESS and FULL_READOUT: see zsThreshold.
0187   //    * @param thr ZS threshold in thrUnit
0188   //    * @param flag for Zero suppression: EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS1 or
0189   //    * EcalSrFlag::SRF_ZS2
0190   //    * @return the SR flag
0191   //    */
0192   //   int thr2Srf(int thr, int zsFlag) const;
0194   /** Number of endcap, obviously two.
0195    */
0196   const static size_t nEndcaps = 2;
0198   /** Number of eta trigger tower divisions in one endcap.
0199    */
0200   const static size_t nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta = 11;
0202   /** Number of eta trigger tower divisions in the barrel.
0203    */
0204   const static size_t nBarrelTriggerTowersInEta = 34;
0206   /** Number of eta divisions in trigger towers for the whole ECAL
0207    */
0208   const static size_t nTriggerTowersInEta = 2 * nEndcapTriggerTowersInEta + nBarrelTriggerTowersInEta;
0210   /** Number of phi divisions in trigger towers.
0211    */
0212   const static size_t nTriggerTowersInPhi = 72;
0214   /** Help class to comput selective readout flags. 
0215    */
0216   std::unique_ptr<EcalSelectiveReadout> ecalSelectiveReadout;
0218   const EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap* theTriggerMap;
0220   /** Trigger tower flags: see setTtFlags()
0221    */
0222   EcalSelectiveReadout::ttFlag_t ttFlags[nTriggerTowersInEta][nTriggerTowersInPhi];
0224   /** Time position of the first sample to use in zero suppession FIR
0225    * filter. Numbering starts at 0.
0226    */
0227   int firstFIRSample;
0229   /** Weights of zero suppression FIR filter
0230    */
0231   std::vector<int> firWeights;
0233   /** Depth of DCC zero suppression FIR filter (number of taps),
0234    * in principal 6.
0235    */
0236   static const int nFIRTaps;
0238   /** DCC zero suppression FIR filter uncalibrated normalized weigths
0239    */
0240   std::vector<float> weights;
0242   /** Flag to use a symetric zero suppression (cut on absolute value)
0243    */
0244   bool symetricZS;
0246   /** Zero suppresion threshold for the ECAL expressed in ebThrUnit and
0247    * eeThrUnit. Set to numeric_limits<int>::min() for FULL READOUT and
0248    * to numeric_limits<int>::max() for SUPPRESS.
0249    * First index: 0 for barrel, 1 for endcap
0250    * 2nd index: channel interest (see EcalSelectiveReadout::towerInterest_t
0251    */
0252   int zsThreshold[2][8];
0254   /** Internal unit for Zero Suppression threshold (1/4th ADC count) used by
0255    * the FIR.
0256    * Index: 0 for barrel, 1 for endcap
0257    */
0258   double thrUnit[2];
0260   /** Switch for trigger primitive simulation module bypass debug mode.
0261    */
0262   bool trigPrimBypass_;
0264   /** Mode selection for "Trig bypass" mode
0265    * 0: TT thresholds applied on sum of crystal Et's
0266    * 1: TT thresholds applies on compressed Et from Trigger primitive
0267    * @see trigPrimByPass_ switch
0268    */
0269   int trigPrimBypassMode_;
0271   /** SR flag (low interest/single/neighbor/center) to action flag
0272    * (suppress, ZS1, ZS2, FRO) map.
0273    */
0274   std::vector<int> actions_;
0276   /** Switch to applies trigPrimBypassLTH_ and trigPrimBypassHTH_ thresholds
0277    * on TPG compressed ET instead of using flags from TPG: trig prim bypass mode
0278    * 1.
0279    */
0280   bool ttThresOnCompressedEt_;
0282   /** When in trigger primitive simulation module bypass debug mode,
0283    * switch to enable Peak finder effect simulation
0284    */
0285   bool trigPrimBypassWithPeakFinder_;
0287   /** Low TT Et threshold for trigger primitive simulation module bypass
0288    * debug mode.
0289    */
0290   double trigPrimBypassLTH_;
0292   /** Low TT Et threshold for trigger primitive simulation module bypass
0293    * debug mode.
0294    */
0295   double trigPrimBypassHTH_;
0297   /** Maps RU interest flag (low interest, single neighbour, center) to
0298    * Selective readout action flag (type of readout).
0299    * 1st index: 0 for barrel, 1 for endcap
0300    * 2nd index: RU interest (low, single, neighbour, center,
0301    *                         forced low, forced single...)
0302    */
0303   int srFlags[2][8];
0305   /** Default TTF to substitute if absent from the trigger primitive collection
0306    */
0307   EcalSelectiveReadout::ttFlag_t defaultTtf_;
0309   /** Number of produced events
0310    */
0311   int ievt_;
0313   edm::ESGetToken<CaloGeometry, CaloGeometryRecord> geoToken_;
0314 };
0315 #endif