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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 process = cms.Process("ProcessOne")
0004 process.load("CondCore.DBCommon.CondDBCommon_cfi")
0005 process.CondDBCommon.connect = 'sqlite_file:EcalSRSettings_beam2015_option1_v00_mc.db'
0006 process.CondDBCommon.DBParameters.authenticationPath = '/afs/'
0008 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger",
0009     cerr = cms.untracked.PSet(
0010         enable = cms.untracked.bool(False)
0011     ),
0012     cout = cms.untracked.PSet(
0013         enable = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0014     ),
0015     debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring('*')
0016 )
0018 process.source = cms.Source("EmptyIOVSource",
0019                                 firstValue = cms.uint64(1),
0020                                 lastValue = cms.uint64(1),
0021                                 timetype = cms.string('runnumber'),
0022                                 interval = cms.uint64(1)
0023                             )
0025 process.PoolDBOutputService = cms.Service("PoolDBOutputService",
0026     process.CondDBCommon,
0027     toPut = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
0028         record = cms.string('EcalSRSettingsRcd'),
0029         tag = cms.string('EcalSRSettings_beam2015_option1_v00_mc')
0030     ))
0031 )
0033 process.writeInDB = cms.EDAnalyzer("EcalSRCondTools",
0034 #   mode = cms.string("combine_config"), #Gets config from EcalSRCondTools module parameters,
0035                                          #use values from onlineSrpConfigFile for the configuration
0036                                          #not defined as module parameters. Values from module parameters
0037                                          #take the precedence.
0039     mode = cms.string("python_config"), #configuration read from EcalSRCondTools module parameters (e.g. to produce MC config.)
0041 #    mode = cms.string("online_config"), #import online SRP config from onlineSrpConfigFile file and bxGlobalOffset,
0042                                          #automaticSrpSelect, automaticMasks parameters
0045     onlineSrpConfigFile = cms.string("srp.cfg"),
0047     # Neighbour eta range, neighborhood: (2*deltaEta+1)*(2*deltaPhi+1)
0048     deltaEta = cms.int32(1),
0050     # Neighbouring eta range, neighborhood: (2*deltaEta+1)*(2*deltaPhi+1)
0051     deltaPhi = cms.int32(1),
0053     # Index of time sample (staring from 1) the first DCC weights is implied
0054     ecalDccZs1stSample = cms.int32(2),
0056     # ADC to GeV conversion factor used in ZS filter for EB
0057     ebDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.035),
0059     # ADC to GeV conversion factor used in ZS filter for EE
0060     eeDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.06),
0062     #DCC ZS FIR weights: weights are rounded in such way that in Hw
0063     #representation (weigth*1024 rounded to nearest integer) the sum is null:
0064     dccNormalizedWeights = cms.vdouble(-0.374, -0.374, -0.3629, 0.2721, 0.4681, 
0065         0.3707),
0067     # Switch to use a symetric zero suppression (cut on absolute value). For
0068     # studies only, for time being it is not supported by the hardware.
0069     symetricZS = cms.bool(False),
0071     # ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of barrel
0072     srpBarrelLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(0.1),
0074     # ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of endcap
0075     srpEndcapLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(0.3),
0077     # ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to high interest channels of barrel
0078     srpBarrelHighInterestChannelZS = cms.double(-1.e9),
0080     # ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to high interest channels of endcap
0081     srpEndcapHighInterestChannelZS = cms.double(-1.e9),
0083     #switch to run w/o trigger primitive. For debug use only
0084     trigPrimBypass = cms.bool(False),
0086     # Mode selection for "Trig bypass" mode
0087     # 0: TT thresholds applied on sum of crystal Et's
0088     # 1: TT thresholds applies on compressed Et from Trigger primitive
0089     # @ee trigPrimByPass_ switch
0090     trigPrimBypassMode = cms.int32(0),
0092     #for debug mode only:
0093     trigPrimBypassLTH = cms.double(1.0),
0095     #for debug mode only:
0096     trigPrimBypassHTH = cms.double(1.0),
0098     #for debug mode only
0099     trigPrimBypassWithPeakFinder = cms.bool(True),
0101     #Trigger Tower Flag to use when a flag is not found from the input
0102     #Trigger Primitive collection. Must be one of the following values:
0103     # 0: low interest, 1: mid interest, 3: high interest
0104     # 4: forced low interest, 5: forced mid interest, 7: forced high interest
0105     defaultTtf = cms.int32(4),
0107     # SR->action flag map
0108     actions = cms.vint32(1, 3, 3, 3, 5, 7, 7, 7),
0110     #Bx offset common to every SRP card. used in both write mdes
0111     #called SRP0BUNCHADJUSTPOSITION in online configuration database
0112     bxGlobalOffset = cms.int32(3447),
0114     #Switch for selecion of SRP board to controls base on
0115     #the list of ECAL FEDs included in the run (online specific parameter) 
0116     automaticSrpSelect = cms.int32(1),
0118     #Switch for automatic masking TCC input channels of SRP boards
0119     #if the correcponding ECAL FED is excluded from the run (online specific parameter)
0120     automaticMasks = cms.int32(1)
0121 )
0124 ## Changes settings to 2009 and 2010 beam ones:
0125 ##
0126 ## DCC ZS FIR weights.
0127 #process.writeInDB.dccNormalizedWeights = cms.vdouble(-1.1865, 0.0195, 0.2900, 0.3477, 0.3008, 0.2266)
0128 #
0129 ## Index of time sample (starting from 1) the first DCC weights is implied
0130 #process.writeInDB.ecalDccZs1stSample = cms.int32(3)
0131 #
0132 ## ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of barrel
0133 #process.writeInDB.ebDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.035)
0134 #process.writeInDB.srpBarrelLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(2.25*0.035)
0135 #
0136 ## ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of endcap
0137 #process.writeInDB.eeDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.06)
0138 #process.writeInDB.srpEndcapLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(3.75*0.06)
0141 ## Changes settings to 2011 beam ones:
0142 ## Index of time sample (starting from 1) the first DCC weights is implied
0143 #process.writeInDB.ecalDccZs1stSample = cms.int32(2)
0144 #
0145 ## ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of barrel
0146 #process.writeInDB.ebDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.035)
0147 #process.writeInDB.srpBarrelLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(2.25*0.035)
0148 #
0149 ## ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of endcap
0150 #process.writeInDB.eeDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.06)
0151 #process.writeInDB.srpEndcapLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(3.75*0.06)
0154 ## Changes settings to 2012 beam ones:
0155 ## Index of time sample (starting from 1) the first DCC weights is implied
0156 #process.writeInDB.ecalDccZs1stSample = cms.int32(2)
0157 #
0158 ## ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of barrel
0159 #process.writeInDB.ebDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.035)
0160 #process.writeInDB.srpBarrelLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(2.75*0.035)
0161 #
0162 ## ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of endcap
0163 #process.writeInDB.eeDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.06)
0164 #process.writeInDB.srpEndcapLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(6*0.06)
0166 # Changes settings to 2015 beam ones:
0167 # Index of time sample (starting from 1) the first DCC weights is implied
0168 process.writeInDB.ecalDccZs1stSample = cms.int32(3)
0170 # ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of barrel
0171 process.writeInDB.ebDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.035)
0172 process.writeInDB.srpBarrelLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(2.75*0.035)
0174 # ZS energy threshold in GeV to apply to low interest channels of endcap
0175 process.writeInDB.eeDccAdcToGeV = cms.double(0.06)
0176 process.writeInDB.srpEndcapLowInterestChannelZS = cms.double(6*0.06)
0178 process.p = cms.Path(process.writeInDB)