File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:29:27
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 ecal_notCont_sim = cms.PSet( 0004 # Values obtained by FC 20/05/2009 0005 # using CMSSW_3_1_0_pre7 g4.9.2.p01 0006 # Using uncoverted photons E=50 0007 # Reference region Barrel ietaAbs() > 5 && ietaAbs() < 21 && (iphi() % 20 ) > 5 && (iphi() % 20 ) < 16 0008 # Reference region Endcap fabs(superClusterEta[i]) > 1.7 && fabs(superClusterEta[i] < 2.3) && 0009 # ( 0010 # (superClusterPhi[i] > -TMath::Pi()/2. + 0.1 && superClusterPhi[i] < TMath::Pi()/2. - 0.1) || 0011 # (superClusterPhi[i] > TMath::Pi()/2. + 0.1) || 0012 # (superClusterPhi[i] < -TMath::Pi()/2. - 0.1) 0013 # ) ) 0014 # For Barrel using E_{25}/E_{true} 0015 # For Endcap using E_{25} + E_{ps} = E_{true} 0016 # 0017 # updated for CMSSW_9_4_0_pre3 0018 EBs25notContainment = cms.double(0.9675), 0019 # with preshower 0020 EEs25notContainment = cms.double(0.968) 0021 ) 0022
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