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0001 // -*- C++ -*-
0002 //
0003 // Class:      EcalTrigPrimAnalyzer
0004 //
0005 /**\class EcalTrigPrimAnalyzer
0007  Description: test of the output of EcalTrigPrimProducer
0009 */
0010 //
0011 //
0012 // Original Author:  Ursula Berthon, Stephanie Baffioni, Pascal Paganini
0013 //         Created:  Thu Jul 4 11:38:38 CEST 2005
0014 //
0015 //
0017 // system include files
0018 #include <memory>
0019 #include <utility>
0021 // user include files
0022 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0023 #include "DataFormats/EcalDigi/interface/EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi.h"
0024 #include "DataFormats/EcalRecHit/interface/EcalRecHit.h"
0025 #include "Geometry/CaloGeometry/interface/CaloCellGeometry.h"
0026 #include "CalibCalorimetry/EcalTPGTools/interface/EcalTPGScale.h"
0027 #include "EcalTrigPrimAnalyzer.h"
0029 #include <TMath.h>
0031 class CaloSubdetectorGeometry;
0033 EcalTrigPrimAnalyzer::EcalTrigPrimAnalyzer(const edm::ParameterSet &iConfig)
0034     : recHits_(iConfig.getParameter<bool>("AnalyzeRecHits")),
0035       label_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputTP")),
0036       rechits_labelEB_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputRecHitsEB")),
0037       rechits_labelEE_(iConfig.getParameter<edm::InputTag>("inputRecHitsEE")),
0038       tpToken_(consumes<EcalTrigPrimDigiCollection>(label_)),
0039       ebToken_(consumes<EcalRecHitCollection>(rechits_labelEB_)),
0040       eeToken_(consumes<EcalRecHitCollection>(rechits_labelEE_)),
0041       tokens_(consumesCollector()) {
0042   usesResource(TFileService::kSharedResource);
0044   ecal_parts_.push_back("Barrel");
0045   ecal_parts_.push_back("Endcap");
0047   edm::Service<TFileService> fs;
0048   tree_ = fs->make<TTree>("TPGtree", "TPGtree");
0049   tree_->Branch("iphi", &iphi_, "iphi/I");
0050   tree_->Branch("ieta", &ieta_, "ieta/I");
0051   tree_->Branch("eRec", &eRec_, "eRec/F");
0052   tree_->Branch("tpgADC", &tpgADC_, "tpgADC/I");
0053   tree_->Branch("tpgGeV", &tpgGeV_, "tpgGeV/F");
0054   tree_->Branch("ttf", &ttf_, "ttf/I");
0055   tree_->Branch("fg", &fg_, "fg/I");
0056   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
0057     ecal_et_[i] = fs->make<TH1I>(ecal_parts_[i].c_str(), "Et", 255, 0, 255);
0058     char title[30];
0059     sprintf(title, "%s_ttf", ecal_parts_[i].c_str());
0060     ecal_tt_[i] = fs->make<TH1I>(title, "TTF", 10, 0, 10);
0061     sprintf(title, "%s_fgvb", ecal_parts_[i].c_str());
0062     ecal_fgvb_[i] = fs->make<TH1I>(title, "FGVB", 10, 0, 10);
0063   }
0065   if (recHits_) {
0066     hTPvsRechit_ = fs->make<TH2F>("TP_vs_RecHit", "TP vs  rechit", 256, -1, 255, 255, 0, 255);
0067     hTPoverRechit_ = fs->make<TH1F>("TP_over_RecHit", "TP over rechit", 500, 0, 4);
0068     endcapGeomToken_ = esConsumes<CaloSubdetectorGeometry, EcalEndcapGeometryRecord>(edm::ESInputTag("", "EcalEndcap"));
0069     barrelGeomToken_ = esConsumes<CaloSubdetectorGeometry, EcalBarrelGeometryRecord>(edm::ESInputTag("", "EcalBarrel"));
0070     eTTmapToken_ = esConsumes<EcalTrigTowerConstituentsMap, IdealGeometryRecord>();
0071   }
0072 }
0074 //
0075 // member functions
0076 //
0078 // ------------ method called to analyze the data  ------------
0079 void EcalTrigPrimAnalyzer::analyze(const edm::Event &iEvent, const edm::EventSetup &iSetup) {
0080   // Get input
0081   const auto &tp = iEvent.get(tpToken_);
0082   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tp.size(); i++) {
0083     const EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi &d = tp[i];
0084     int subdet = - 1;
0085     if (subdet == 0) {
0086       ecal_et_[subdet]->Fill(d.compressedEt());
0087     } else {
0088       if ( == 27 || == 28) {
0089         if (i % 2)
0090           ecal_et_[subdet]->Fill(d.compressedEt() * 2.);
0091       } else
0092         ecal_et_[subdet]->Fill(d.compressedEt());
0093     }
0094     ecal_tt_[subdet]->Fill(d.ttFlag());
0095     ecal_fgvb_[subdet]->Fill(d.fineGrain());
0096   }
0097   if (!recHits_)
0098     return;
0100   // comparison with RecHits
0101   const EcalRecHitCollection &rechit_EB_col = iEvent.get(ebToken_);
0102   const EcalRecHitCollection &rechit_EE_col = iEvent.get(eeToken_);
0104   const auto &theEndcapGeometry = iSetup.getData(endcapGeomToken_);
0105   const auto &theBarrelGeometry = iSetup.getData(barrelGeomToken_);
0106   const auto &eTTmap = iSetup.getData(eTTmapToken_);
0108   std::map<EcalTrigTowerDetId, float> mapTow_Et;
0110   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rechit_EB_col.size(); i++) {
0111     const EBDetId &myid1 = rechit_EB_col[i].id();
0112     EcalTrigTowerDetId towid1 = myid1.tower();
0113     float theta = theBarrelGeometry.getGeometry(myid1)->getPosition().theta();
0114     float Etsum = rechit_EB_col[i].energy() * sin(theta);
0115     bool test_alreadyin = false;
0116     std::map<EcalTrigTowerDetId, float>::iterator ittest = mapTow_Et.find(towid1);
0117     if (ittest != mapTow_Et.end())
0118       test_alreadyin = true;
0119     if (test_alreadyin)
0120       continue;
0121     unsigned int j = i + 1;
0122     bool loopend = false;
0123     unsigned int count = 0;
0124     while (j < rechit_EB_col.size() && !loopend) {
0125       count++;
0126       const EBDetId &myid2 = rechit_EB_col[j].id();
0127       EcalTrigTowerDetId towid2 = myid2.tower();
0128       if (towid1 == towid2) {
0129         float theta = theBarrelGeometry.getGeometry(myid2)->getPosition().theta();
0130         Etsum += rechit_EB_col[j].energy() * sin(theta);
0131       }
0132       j++;
0133       if (count > 1800)
0134         loopend = true;
0135     }
0136     mapTow_Et.insert(std::pair<EcalTrigTowerDetId, float>(towid1, Etsum));
0137   }
0139   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < rechit_EE_col.size(); i++) {
0140     const EEDetId &myid1 = rechit_EE_col[i].id();
0141     EcalTrigTowerDetId towid1 = eTTmap.towerOf(myid1);
0142     float theta = theEndcapGeometry.getGeometry(myid1)->getPosition().theta();
0143     float Etsum = rechit_EE_col[i].energy() * sin(theta);
0144     bool test_alreadyin = false;
0145     std::map<EcalTrigTowerDetId, float>::iterator ittest = mapTow_Et.find(towid1);
0146     if (ittest != mapTow_Et.end())
0147       test_alreadyin = true;
0148     if (test_alreadyin)
0149       continue;
0150     unsigned int j = i + 1;
0151     bool loopend = false;
0152     unsigned int count = 0;
0153     while (j < rechit_EE_col.size() && !loopend) {
0154       const EEDetId &myid2 = rechit_EE_col[j].id();
0155       EcalTrigTowerDetId towid2 = eTTmap.towerOf(myid2);
0156       if (towid1 == towid2) {
0157         float theta = theEndcapGeometry.getGeometry(myid2)->getPosition().theta();
0158         Etsum += rechit_EE_col[j].energy() * sin(theta);
0159       }
0160       //  else loopend=true;
0161       j++;
0162       if (count > 500)
0163         loopend = true;
0164     }
0165     //    alreadyin_EE.push_back(towid1);
0166     mapTow_Et.insert(std::pair<EcalTrigTowerDetId, float>(towid1, Etsum));
0167   }
0169   EcalTPGScale ecalScale(tokens_, iSetup);
0170   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < tp.size(); i++) {
0171     const EcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi &d = tp[i];
0172     const EcalTrigTowerDetId TPtowid =;
0173     std::map<EcalTrigTowerDetId, float>::iterator it = mapTow_Et.find(TPtowid);
0174     float Et = ecalScale.getTPGInGeV(d.compressedEt(), TPtowid);
0175     if ( == 27 || == 28)
0176       Et *= 2;
0177     iphi_ = TPtowid.iphi();
0178     ieta_ = TPtowid.ieta();
0179     tpgADC_ = d.compressedEt();
0180     tpgGeV_ = Et;
0181     ttf_ = d.ttFlag();
0182     fg_ = d.fineGrain();
0183     if (it != mapTow_Et.end()) {
0184       hTPvsRechit_->Fill(it->second, Et);
0185       hTPoverRechit_->Fill(Et / it->second);
0186       eRec_ = it->second;
0187     }
0188     tree_->Fill();
0189   }
0190 }