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0001 #ifndef _hgcfeelectronics_h_
0002 #define _hgcfeelectronics_h_
0004 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0005 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0007 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGauss.h"
0008 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandGaussQ.h"
0009 #include "CLHEP/Random/RandFlat.h"
0010 #include "SimCalorimetry/HGCalSimProducers/interface/HGCDigitizerTypes.h"
0012 /**
0013    @class HGCFEElectronics
0014    @short models the behavior of the front-end electronics
0015  */
0017 namespace hgc = hgc_digi;
0019 namespace hgc_digi {
0020   typedef std::array<float, 6> FEADCPulseShape;
0021 }
0023 template <class DFr>
0024 class HGCFEElectronics {
0025 public:
0026   enum HGCFEElectronicsFirmwareVersion { TRIVIAL, SIMPLE, WITHTOT };
0029   /**
0030      @short CTOR
0031    */
0032   HGCFEElectronics(const edm::ParameterSet& ps);
0034   /**
0035      @short switches according to the firmware version
0036    */
0037   inline void runShaper(DFr& dataFrame,
0038                         hgc::HGCSimHitData& chargeColl,
0039                         hgc::HGCSimHitData& toa,
0040                         const hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape& adcPulse,
0041                         CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine,
0042                         uint32_t thrADC = 0,
0043                         float lsbADC = -1,
0044                         uint32_t gainIdx = 0,
0045                         float maxADC = -1,
0046                         int thickness = 1,
0047                         float tdcOnsetAuto = -1,
0048                         float noiseWidth = -1) {
0049     switch (fwVersion_) {
0050       case SIMPLE: {
0051         runSimpleShaper(dataFrame, chargeColl, thrADC, lsbADC, gainIdx, maxADC, adcPulse);
0052         break;
0053       }
0054       case WITHTOT: {
0055         runShaperWithToT(dataFrame,
0056                          chargeColl,
0057                          toa,
0058                          engine,
0059                          thrADC,
0060                          lsbADC,
0061                          gainIdx,
0062                          maxADC,
0063                          thickness,
0064                          tdcOnsetAuto,
0065                          noiseWidth,
0066                          adcPulse);
0067         break;
0068       }
0069       default: {
0070         runTrivialShaper(dataFrame, chargeColl, thrADC, lsbADC, gainIdx, maxADC);
0071         break;
0072       }
0073     }
0074   }
0075   inline void runShaper(DFr& dataFrame,
0076                         hgc::HGCSimHitData& chargeColl,
0077                         hgc::HGCSimHitData& toa,
0078                         CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine,
0079                         uint32_t thrADC = 0,
0080                         float lsbADC = -1,
0081                         uint32_t gainIdx = 0,
0082                         float maxADC = -1,
0083                         int thickness = 1) {
0084     runShaper(dataFrame, chargeColl, toa, adcPulse_, engine, thrADC, lsbADC, gainIdx, maxADC, thickness);
0085   }
0087   void SetNoiseValues(const std::vector<float>& noise_fC) {
0088     noise_fC_.insert(noise_fC_.end(), noise_fC.begin(), noise_fC.end());
0089   };
0091   void generateTimeOffset(CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine) {
0092     for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
0093       eventTimeOffset_ns_[i] = CLHEP::RandGaussQ::shoot(engine, 0, jitterConstant_ns_[i]);
0094   };
0096   /**
0097      @short returns the LSB currently configured
0098   */
0099   float getADClsb() { return adcLSB_fC_; }
0100   float getTDClsb() { return tdcLSB_fC_; }
0101   int getTargetMipValue() { return targetMIPvalue_ADC_; }
0102   float getADCThreshold() { return adcThreshold_fC_; }
0103   float getMaxADC() { return adcSaturation_fC_; }
0104   float getMaxTDC() { return tdcSaturation_fC_; }
0105   float getTDCOnset() { return tdcOnset_fC_; }
0106   std::array<float, 3> getTDCForToAOnset() { return tdcForToAOnset_fC_; }
0107   void setADClsb(float newLSB) { adcLSB_fC_ = newLSB; }
0108   void setTDCfsc(float newTDCfsc) {
0109     tdcSaturation_fC_ = newTDCfsc;
0110     tdcLSB_fC_ = tdcSaturation_fC_ / pow(2., tdcNbits_);
0111     // lower tdcSaturation_fC_ by one part in a million
0112     // to ensure largest charge converted in bits is 0xfff and not 0x000
0113     tdcSaturation_fC_ *= (1. - 1e-6);
0114   }
0116   /**
0117      @short converts charge to digis without pulse shape
0118    */
0119   void runTrivialShaper(
0120       DFr& dataFrame, hgc::HGCSimHitData& chargeColl, uint32_t thrADC, float lsbADC, uint32_t gainIdx, float maxADC);
0122   /**
0123      @short applies a shape to each time sample and propagates the tails to the subsequent time samples
0124    */
0125   void runSimpleShaper(DFr& dataFrame,
0126                        hgc::HGCSimHitData& chargeColl,
0127                        uint32_t thrADC,
0128                        float lsbADC,
0129                        uint32_t gainIdx,
0130                        float maxADC,
0131                        const hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape& adcPulse);
0132   void runSimpleShaper(
0133       DFr& dataFrame, hgc::HGCSimHitData& chargeColl, uint32_t thrADC, float lsbADC, uint32_t gainIdx, float maxADC) {
0134     runSimpleShaper(dataFrame, chargeColl, thrADC, lsbADC, gainIdx, maxADC, adcPulse_);
0135   }
0137   /**
0138      @short implements pulse shape and switch to time over threshold including deadtime
0139    */
0140   void runShaperWithToT(DFr& dataFrame,
0141                         hgc::HGCSimHitData& chargeColl,
0142                         hgc::HGCSimHitData& toa,
0143                         CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine,
0144                         uint32_t thrADC,
0145                         float lsbADC,
0146                         uint32_t gainIdx,
0147                         float maxADC,
0148                         int thickness,
0149                         float tdcOnsetAuto,
0150                         float noiseWidth,
0151                         const hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape& adcPulse);
0152   void runShaperWithToT(DFr& dataFrame,
0153                         hgc::HGCSimHitData& chargeColl,
0154                         hgc::HGCSimHitData& toa,
0155                         CLHEP::HepRandomEngine* engine,
0156                         uint32_t thrADC,
0157                         float lsbADC,
0158                         uint32_t gainIdx,
0159                         float maxADC,
0160                         int thickness,
0161                         float tdcOnsetAuto,
0162                         float noiseWidth) {
0163     runShaperWithToT(dataFrame,
0164                      chargeColl,
0165                      toa,
0166                      engine,
0167                      thrADC,
0168                      lsbADC,
0169                      gainIdx,
0170                      maxADC,
0171                      thickness,
0172                      tdcOnsetAuto,
0173                      noiseWidth,
0174                      adcPulse_);
0175   }
0177   /**
0178      @short returns how ToT will be computed
0179    */
0180   uint32_t toaMode() const { return toaMode_; }
0182   /**
0183      @short getter for the default ADC pulse configured by python
0184    */
0185   hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape& getDefaultADCPulse() { return adcPulse_; }
0187   /**
0188      @short DTOR
0189    */
0190   ~HGCFEElectronics() {}
0192 private:
0193   //private members
0194   uint32_t fwVersion_;
0195   hgc_digi::FEADCPulseShape adcPulse_, pulseAvgT_;
0196   std::array<float, 3> tdcForToAOnset_fC_;
0197   std::vector<float> tdcChargeDrainParameterisation_;
0198   float adcSaturation_fC_, adcLSB_fC_, tdcLSB_fC_, tdcSaturation_fC_, adcThreshold_fC_, tdcOnset_fC_, toaLSB_ns_,
0199       tdcResolutionInNs_;
0200   uint32_t targetMIPvalue_ADC_;
0201   std::array<float, 3> jitterNoise_ns_, jitterConstant_ns_, eventTimeOffset_ns_;
0202   std::vector<float> noise_fC_;
0203   uint32_t toaMode_;
0204   uint32_t tdcNbits_;
0205   bool thresholdFollowsMIP_;
0206   //caches
0207   std::array<bool, hgc::nSamples> busyFlags, totFlags, toaFlags;
0208   hgc::HGCSimHitData newCharge, toaFromToT;
0209 };
0211 #endif