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0001 #include "SimCalorimetry/HcalTrigPrimAlgos/interface/HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo.h"
0003 #include "CalibFormats/CaloObjects/interface/IntegerCaloSamples.h"
0004 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalTPParameters.h"
0005 #include "CondFormats/HcalObjects/interface/HcalTPChannelParameters.h"
0007 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalDetId.h"
0008 #include "DataFormats/FEDRawData/interface/FEDNumbering.h"
0009 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalElectronicsId.h"
0011 #include "EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi/interface/HcalDCCHeader.h"
0012 #include "EventFilter/HcalRawToDigi/interface/HcalHTRData.h"
0014 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0017 #include "Geometry/HcalTowerAlgo/interface/HcalTrigTowerGeometry.h"
0019 #include <iostream>
0021 using namespace std;
0023 HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo(bool pf,
0024                                                    const std::vector<double>& w,
0025                                                    int latency,
0026                                                    uint32_t FG_threshold,
0027                                                    const std::vector<uint32_t>& FG_HF_thresholds,
0028                                                    uint32_t ZS_threshold,
0029                                                    int numberOfSamples,
0030                                                    int numberOfPresamples,
0031                                                    int numberOfFilterPresamplesHBQIE11,
0032                                                    int numberOfFilterPresamplesHEQIE11,
0033                                                    int numberOfSamplesHF,
0034                                                    int numberOfPresamplesHF,
0035                                                    int numberOfSamplesZDC,
0036                                                    int numberOfPresamplesZDC,
0037                                                    bool useTDCInMinBiasBits,
0038                                                    uint32_t minSignalThreshold,
0039                                                    uint32_t PMT_NoiseThreshold)
0040     : incoder_(nullptr),
0041       outcoder_(nullptr),
0042       theThreshold(0),
0043       peakfind_(pf),
0044       weights_(w),
0045       latency_(latency),
0046       FG_threshold_(FG_threshold),
0047       FG_HF_thresholds_(FG_HF_thresholds),
0048       ZS_threshold_(ZS_threshold),
0049       numberOfSamples_(numberOfSamples),
0050       numberOfPresamples_(numberOfPresamples),
0051       numberOfFilterPresamplesHBQIE11_(numberOfFilterPresamplesHBQIE11),
0052       numberOfFilterPresamplesHEQIE11_(numberOfFilterPresamplesHEQIE11),
0053       numberOfSamplesHF_(numberOfSamplesHF),
0054       numberOfPresamplesHF_(numberOfPresamplesHF),
0055       numberOfSamplesZDC_(numberOfSamplesZDC),
0056       numberOfPresamplesZDC_(numberOfPresamplesZDC),
0057       useTDCInMinBiasBits_(useTDCInMinBiasBits),
0058       minSignalThreshold_(minSignalThreshold),
0059       PMT_NoiseThreshold_(PMT_NoiseThreshold),
0060       NCTScaleShift(0),
0061       RCTScaleShift(0),
0062       peak_finder_algorithm_(2),
0063       override_parameters_() {
0064   //No peak finding setting (for Fastsim)
0065   if (!peakfind_) {
0066     numberOfSamples_ = 1;
0067     numberOfPresamples_ = 0;
0068     numberOfSamplesHF_ = 1;
0069     numberOfPresamplesHF_ = 0;
0070     numberOfSamplesZDC_ = 1;
0071     numberOfPresamplesZDC_ = 0;
0072   }
0073   // Switch to integer for comparisons - remove compiler warning
0074   ZS_threshold_I_ = ZS_threshold_;
0075 }
0077 HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::~HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo() {}
0079 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setUpgradeFlags(bool hb, bool he, bool hf) {
0080   upgrade_hb_ = hb;
0081   upgrade_he_ = he;
0082   upgrade_hf_ = hf;
0083 }
0085 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setFixSaturationFlag(bool fix_saturation) { fix_saturation_ = fix_saturation; }
0087 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::overrideParameters(const edm::ParameterSet& ps) {
0088   override_parameters_ = ps;
0090   if (override_parameters_.exists("ADCThresholdHF")) {
0091     override_adc_hf_ = true;
0092     override_adc_hf_value_ = override_parameters_.getParameter<uint32_t>("ADCThresholdHF");
0093   }
0094   if (override_parameters_.exists("TDCMaskHF")) {
0095     override_tdc_hf_ = true;
0096     override_tdc_hf_value_ = override_parameters_.getParameter<unsigned long long>("TDCMaskHF");
0097   }
0098 }
0100 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::addSignal(const HBHEDataFrame& frame) {
0101   // TODO: Need to add support for seperate 28, 29 in HE
0102   //Hack for 300_pre10, should be removed.
0103   if ( == 5)
0104     return;
0106   std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId> ids = theTrigTowerGeometry->towerIds(;
0107   assert(ids.size() == 1 || ids.size() == 2);
0108   IntegerCaloSamples samples1(ids[0], int(frame.size()));
0110   samples1.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0111   incoder_->adc2Linear(frame, samples1);
0113   std::vector<bool> msb;
0114   incoder_->lookupMSB(frame, msb);
0116   if (ids.size() == 2) {
0117     // make a second trigprim for the other one, and split the energy
0118     IntegerCaloSamples samples2(ids[1], samples1.size());
0119     for (int i = 0; i < samples1.size(); ++i) {
0120       samples1[i] = uint32_t(samples1[i] * 0.5);
0121       samples2[i] = samples1[i];
0122     }
0123     samples2.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0124     addSignal(samples2);
0125     addFG(ids[1], msb);
0126   }
0127   addSignal(samples1);
0128   addFG(ids[0], msb);
0129 }
0131 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::addSignal(const HFDataFrame& frame) {
0132   if ( == 1 || == 2) {
0133     std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId> ids = theTrigTowerGeometry->towerIds(;
0134     std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId>::const_iterator it;
0135     for (it = ids.begin(); it != ids.end(); ++it) {
0136       HcalTrigTowerDetId trig_tower_id = *it;
0137       IntegerCaloSamples samples(trig_tower_id, frame.size());
0138       samples.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0139       incoder_->adc2Linear(frame, samples);
0141       // Don't add to final collection yet
0142       // HF PMT veto sum is calculated in analyzerHF()
0143       IntegerCaloSamples zero_samples(trig_tower_id, frame.size());
0144       zero_samples.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0145       addSignal(zero_samples);
0147       // Pre-LS1 Configuration
0148       if (trig_tower_id.version() == 0) {
0149         // Mask off depths: fgid is the same for both depths
0150         uint32_t fgid = (;
0152         if (theTowerMapFGSum.find(trig_tower_id) == theTowerMapFGSum.end()) {
0153           SumFGContainer sumFG;
0154           theTowerMapFGSum.insert(std::pair<HcalTrigTowerDetId, SumFGContainer>(trig_tower_id, sumFG));
0155         }
0157         SumFGContainer& sumFG = theTowerMapFGSum[trig_tower_id];
0158         SumFGContainer::iterator sumFGItr;
0159         for (sumFGItr = sumFG.begin(); sumFGItr != sumFG.end(); ++sumFGItr) {
0160           if (sumFGItr->id() == fgid) {
0161             break;
0162           }
0163         }
0164         // If find
0165         if (sumFGItr != sumFG.end()) {
0166           for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
0167             (*sumFGItr)[i] += samples[i];
0168           }
0169         } else {
0170           //Copy samples (change to fgid)
0171           IntegerCaloSamples sumFGSamples(DetId(fgid), samples.size());
0172           sumFGSamples.setPresamples(samples.presamples());
0173           for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
0174             sumFGSamples[i] = samples[i];
0175           }
0176           sumFG.push_back(sumFGSamples);
0177         }
0179         // set veto to true if Long or Short less than threshold
0180         if (HF_Veto.find(fgid) == HF_Veto.end()) {
0181           vector<bool> vetoBits(samples.size(), false);
0182           HF_Veto[fgid] = vetoBits;
0183         }
0184         for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
0185           if (samples[i] < minSignalThreshold_) {
0186             HF_Veto[fgid][i] = true;
0187           }
0188         }
0189       }
0190       // HF 1x1
0191       else if (trig_tower_id.version() == 1) {
0192         uint32_t fgid = (;
0193         HFDetails& details = theHFDetailMap[trig_tower_id][fgid];
0194         // Check the frame type to determine long vs short
0195         if ( == 1) {  // Long
0196           details.long_fiber = samples;
0197           details.LongDigi = frame;
0198         } else if ( == 2) {  // Short
0199           details.short_fiber = samples;
0200           details.ShortDigi = frame;
0201         } else {
0202           // Neither long nor short... So we have no idea what to do
0203           edm::LogWarning("HcalTPAlgo") << "Unable to figure out what to do with data frame for " <<;
0204           return;
0205         }
0206       }
0207       // Uh oh, we are in a bad/unknown state! Things will start crashing.
0208       else {
0209         return;
0210       }
0211     }
0212   }
0213 }
0215 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::addSignal(const QIE10DataFrame& frame) {
0216   //HcalDetId detId = frame.detid();
0217   DetId detId = DetId(frame.detid());
0218   if (detId.det() == DetId::Hcal) {
0219     HcalDetId detId = frame.detid();
0220     // prevent QIE10 calibration channels from entering TP emulation
0221     if (detId.subdet() != HcalForward)
0222       return;
0224     auto ids = theTrigTowerGeometry->towerIds(;
0225     for (const auto& id : ids) {
0226       if (id.version() == 0) {
0227         edm::LogError("HcalTPAlgo") << "Encountered QIE10 data frame mapped to TP version 0:" << id;
0228         continue;
0229       }
0230       int nsamples = frame.samples();
0232       IntegerCaloSamples samples(id, nsamples);
0233       samples.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0234       incoder_->adc2Linear(frame, samples, false);
0236       // Don't add to final collection yet
0237       // HF PMT veto sum is calculated in analyzerHF()
0238       IntegerCaloSamples zero_samples(id, nsamples);
0239       zero_samples.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0240       addSignal(zero_samples);
0242       auto fid = HcalDetId(;
0243       auto& details = theHFUpgradeDetailMap[id][fid.maskDepth()];
0244       auto& detail = details[fid.depth() - 1];
0245       detail.samples = samples;
0246       detail.digi = frame;
0247       detail.validity.resize(nsamples);
0248       detail.passTDC.resize(nsamples);
0249       incoder_->lookupMSB(frame, detail.fgbits);
0250       for (int idx = 0; idx < nsamples; ++idx) {
0251         detail.validity[idx] = validChannel(frame, idx);
0252         detail.passTDC[idx] = passTDC(frame, idx);
0253       }
0254     }
0255   } else if (detId.det() == DetId::Calo && detId.subdetId() == HcalZDCDetId::SubdetectorId) {
0256     HcalZDCDetId detId = frame.detid();
0257     if (detId.section() != HcalZDCDetId::EM && detId.section() != HcalZDCDetId::HAD) {
0258       return;
0259     }
0261     auto ids = theTrigTowerGeometry->towerIds_ZDC(;
0262     for (const auto& id : ids) {
0263       int nsamples = frame.samples();
0265       IntegerCaloSamples samples(id, nsamples);
0266       IntegerCaloSamples samples_PUsub(id, nsamples);
0268       samples.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0269       samples_PUsub.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0271       incoder_->adc2Linear(frame, samples, false);
0272       incoder_->adc2Linear(frame, samples_PUsub, true);
0274       for (int i = 1; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
0275         if (samples_PUsub[i - 1] > samples[i])
0276           samples[i] = 0;
0277         else
0278           samples[i] -= samples_PUsub[i - 1];
0279       }
0281       addSignal(samples);
0282     }
0283   }
0284 }
0286 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::addSignal(const QIE11DataFrame& frame) {
0287   HcalDetId detId(;
0288   // prevent QIE11 calibration channels from entering TP emulation
0289   if (detId.subdet() != HcalEndcap && detId.subdet() != HcalBarrel)
0290     return;
0292   std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId> ids = theTrigTowerGeometry->towerIds(detId);
0293   assert(ids.size() == 1 || ids.size() == 2);
0294   IntegerCaloSamples samples1(ids[0], int(frame.samples()));
0296   samples1.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0297   incoder_->adc2Linear(frame, samples1);
0299   std::vector<std::bitset<2>> msb(frame.samples(), 0);
0300   incoder_->lookupMSB(frame, msb);
0302   if (ids.size() == 2) {
0303     // make a second trigprim for the other one, and share the energy
0304     IntegerCaloSamples samples2(ids[1], samples1.size());
0305     for (int i = 0; i < samples1.size(); ++i) {
0306       samples1[i] = uint32_t(samples1[i]);
0307       samples2[i] = samples1[i];
0308     }
0309     samples2.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
0310     addSignal(samples2);
0311     addUpgradeFG(ids[1], detId.depth(), msb);
0312     addUpgradeTDCFG(ids[1], frame);
0313   }
0314   addSignal(samples1);
0315   addUpgradeFG(ids[0], detId.depth(), msb);
0316   addUpgradeTDCFG(ids[0], frame);
0317 }
0319 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::addSignal(const IntegerCaloSamples& samples) {
0320   HcalTrigTowerDetId id(;
0321   SumMap::iterator itr = theSumMap.find(id);
0323   if (itr == theSumMap.end()) {
0324     theSumMap.insert(std::make_pair(id, samples));
0325   } else {
0326     // wish CaloSamples had a +=
0327     for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
0328       (itr->second)[i] += samples[i];
0329     }
0330   }
0332   // if fix_saturation == true, keep track of tower with saturated input LUT
0333   if (fix_saturation_) {
0334     SatMap::iterator itr_sat = theSatMap.find(id);
0336     assert((itr == theSumMap.end()) == (itr_sat == theSatMap.end()));
0338     if (itr_sat == theSatMap.end()) {
0339       vector<bool> check_sat;
0340       for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
0341         if (!(samples[i] < QIE11_LINEARIZATION_ET)) {
0342           check_sat.push_back(true);
0343         } else
0344           check_sat.push_back(false);
0345       }
0346       theSatMap.insert(std::make_pair(id, check_sat));
0347     } else {
0348       for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); ++i) {
0349         if (!(samples[i] < QIE11_LINEARIZATION_ET))
0350           (itr_sat->second)[i] = true;
0351       }
0352     }
0353   }
0354 }
0356 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyze(IntegerCaloSamples& samples, HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi& result) {
0357   int shrink = weights_.size() - 1;
0358   std::vector<bool>& msb = fgMap_[];
0359   IntegerCaloSamples sum(, samples.size());
0361   //slide algo window
0362   for (int ibin = 0; ibin < int(samples.size()) - shrink; ++ibin) {
0363     int algosumvalue = 0;
0364     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < weights_.size(); i++) {
0365       //add up value * scale factor
0366       algosumvalue += int(samples[ibin + i] * weights_[i]);
0367     }
0368     if (algosumvalue < 0)
0369       sum[ibin] = 0;  // low-side
0370                       //high-side
0371     //else if (algosumvalue>QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET) sum[ibin]=QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0372     else
0373       sum[ibin] = algosumvalue;  //assign value to sum[]
0374   }
0376   // Align digis and TP
0377   int dgPresamples = samples.presamples();
0378   int tpPresamples = numberOfPresamples_;
0379   int shift = dgPresamples - tpPresamples;
0380   int dgSamples = samples.size();
0381   int tpSamples = numberOfSamples_;
0382   if (peakfind_) {
0383     if ((shift < shrink) || (shift + tpSamples + shrink > dgSamples - (peak_finder_algorithm_ - 1))) {
0384       edm::LogInfo("HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyze")
0385           << "TP presample or size from the configuration file is out of the accessible range. Using digi values from "
0386              "data instead...";
0387       shift = shrink;
0388       tpPresamples = dgPresamples - shrink;
0389       tpSamples = dgSamples - (peak_finder_algorithm_ - 1) - shrink - shift;
0390     }
0391   }
0393   std::vector<int> finegrain(tpSamples, false);
0395   IntegerCaloSamples output(, tpSamples);
0396   output.setPresamples(tpPresamples);
0398   for (int ibin = 0; ibin < tpSamples; ++ibin) {
0399     // ibin - index for output TP
0400     // idx - index for samples + shift
0401     int idx = ibin + shift;
0403     //Peak finding
0404     if (peakfind_) {
0405       bool isPeak = false;
0406       switch (peak_finder_algorithm_) {
0407         case 1:
0408           isPeak = (samples[idx] > samples[idx - 1] && samples[idx] >= samples[idx + 1] && samples[idx] > theThreshold);
0409           break;
0410         case 2:
0411           isPeak = (sum[idx] > sum[idx - 1] && sum[idx] >= sum[idx + 1] && sum[idx] > theThreshold);
0412           break;
0413         default:
0414           break;
0415       }
0417       if (isPeak) {
0418         output[ibin] = std::min<unsigned int>(sum[idx], QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET);
0419         finegrain[ibin] = msb[idx];
0420       }
0421       // Not a peak
0422       else
0423         output[ibin] = 0;
0424     } else {  // No peak finding, just output running sum
0425       output[ibin] = std::min<unsigned int>(sum[idx], QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET);
0426       finegrain[ibin] = msb[idx];
0427     }
0429     // Only Pegged for 1-TS algo.
0430     if (peak_finder_algorithm_ == 1) {
0431       if (samples[idx] >= QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET)
0432         output[ibin] = QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0433     }
0434   }
0435   outcoder_->compress(output, finegrain, result);
0436 }
0438 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyzeQIE11(IntegerCaloSamples& samples,
0439                                             vector<bool> sample_saturation,
0440                                             HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi& result,
0441                                             const HcalFinegrainBit& fg_algo) {
0442   HcalDetId detId(;
0444   // Get the |ieta| for current sample
0445   int theIeta = detId.ietaAbs();
0447   unsigned int dgSamples = samples.size();
0448   unsigned int dgPresamples = samples.presamples();
0450   unsigned int tpSamples = numberOfSamples_;
0451   unsigned int tpPresamples = numberOfPresamples_;
0453   unsigned int filterSamples = weightsQIE11_[theIeta].size();
0454   unsigned int filterPresamples = theIeta > theTrigTowerGeometry->topology().lastHBRing()
0455                                       ? numberOfFilterPresamplesHEQIE11_
0456                                       : numberOfFilterPresamplesHBQIE11_;
0458   unsigned int shift = dgPresamples - tpPresamples;
0460   // shrink keeps the FIR filter from going off the end of the 8TS vector
0461   unsigned int shrink = filterSamples - 1;
0463   auto& msb = fgUpgradeMap_[];
0464   auto& timingTDC = fgUpgradeTDCMap_[];
0465   IntegerCaloSamples sum(, samples.size());
0467   std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId> ids = theTrigTowerGeometry->towerIds(detId);
0469   // keep track of tower with saturated energy and force the total TP saturated
0470   bool force_saturation[samples.size()];
0471   for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++) {
0472     force_saturation[i] = false;
0473   }
0475   //slide algo window
0476   for (unsigned int ibin = 0; ibin < dgSamples - shrink; ++ibin) {
0477     int algosumvalue = 0;
0478     bool check_sat = false;
0479     //TP energy calculation for PFA2
0480     if (weightsQIE11_[theIeta][0] == 255) {
0481       for (unsigned int i = 0; i < filterSamples; i++) {
0482         //add up value * scale factor
0483         // In addition, divide by two in the 10 degree phi segmentation region
0484         // to mimic 5 degree segmentation for the trigger
0485         unsigned int sample = samples[ibin + i];
0487         if (fix_saturation_ && (sample_saturation.size() > ibin + i))
0488           check_sat = (check_sat | sample_saturation[ibin + i] | (sample > QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET));
0490         if (sample > QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET)
0491           sample = QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0493         // Usually use a segmentation factor of 1.0 but for ieta >= 21 use 2
0494         int segmentationFactor = 1;
0495         if (ids.size() == 2) {
0496           segmentationFactor = 2;
0497         }
0499         algosumvalue += int(sample / segmentationFactor);
0500       }
0501       if (algosumvalue < 0)
0502         sum[ibin] = 0;  // low-side
0503                         //high-side
0504       //else if (algosumvalue>QIE11_LINEARIZATION_ET) sum[ibin]=QIE11_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0505       else
0506         sum[ibin] = algosumvalue;  //assign value to sum[]
0508       if (check_sat)
0509         force_saturation[ibin] = true;
0510       //TP energy calculation for PFA1' and PFA1
0511     } else {
0512       //add up value * scale factor
0513       // In addition, divide by two in the 10 degree phi segmentation region
0514       // to mimic 5 degree segmentation for the trigger
0515       int sampleTS = samples[ibin + 1];
0516       int sampleTSminus1 = samples[ibin];
0518       if (fix_saturation_ && (sample_saturation.size() > ibin + 1))
0519         check_sat |= sample_saturation[ibin + 1] | (sampleTS >= QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET);
0521       if (sampleTS > QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET)
0522         sampleTS = QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0524       if (sampleTSminus1 > QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET || sample_saturation[ibin])
0525         sampleTSminus1 = QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0527       // Usually use a segmentation factor of 1.0 but for ieta >= 21 use 2
0528       int segmentationFactor = 1;
0529       if (ids.size() == 2) {
0530         segmentationFactor = 2;
0531       }
0533       // Based on the |ieta| of the sample, retrieve the correct region weight
0534       int theWeight = weightsQIE11_[theIeta][0];
0536       algosumvalue = ((sampleTS << 8) - (sampleTSminus1 * theWeight)) / 256 / segmentationFactor;
0538       if (algosumvalue < 0)
0539         sum[ibin] = 0;  // low-side
0540                         //high-side
0541       //else if (algosumvalue>QIE11_LINEARIZATION_ET) sum[ibin]=QIE11_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0542       else
0543         sum[ibin] = algosumvalue;  //assign value to sum[]
0545       if (check_sat)
0546         force_saturation[ibin] = true;
0547     }
0548   }
0550   std::vector<int> finegrain(tpSamples, false);
0552   IntegerCaloSamples output(, tpSamples);
0553   output.setPresamples(tpPresamples);
0555   // Based on the |ieta| of the sample, retrieve the correct region "coded" veto threshold
0556   // where two of the possible values have special meaning
0557   unsigned int codedVetoThreshold = codedVetoThresholds_[theIeta];
0559   // Anything in range (1, 2048) inclusive shall activate the veto
0560   unsigned int actualVetoThreshold = codedVetoThreshold;
0561   bool applyVetoThreshold = codedVetoThreshold > 0 && codedVetoThreshold <= 2048;
0563   // Special value to disable vetoing in the PFA1' algo is 0
0564   if (codedVetoThreshold > 0) {
0565     if (codedVetoThreshold <= 2048) {
0566       // Special value to run the veto in PFA1' with no threshold
0567       if (codedVetoThreshold == 2048)
0568         actualVetoThreshold = 0;
0569     } else {
0570       edm::LogWarning("HcalTPAlgo") << "Specified veto threshold value " << codedVetoThreshold
0571                                     << " is not in range (1, 2048) ! Vetoing in PFA1' will not be enabled !";
0572     }
0573   }
0575   for (unsigned int ibin = 0; ibin < tpSamples; ++ibin) {
0576     // ibin - index for output TP
0577     // idx - index for samples + shift - filterPresamples
0578     int idx = ibin + shift - filterPresamples;
0580     // When idx is <= 0 peakfind would compare out-of-bounds of the vector. Avoid this ambiguity
0581     if (idx <= 0) {
0582       output[ibin] = 0;
0583       continue;
0584     }
0586     //Only run the peak-finder when the PFA2 FIR filter is running, which corresponds to weights = 1
0587     if (weightsQIE11_[theIeta][0] == 255) {
0588       bool isPeak = (sum[idx] > sum[idx - 1] && sum[idx] >= sum[idx + 1] && sum[idx] > theThreshold);
0589       if (isPeak) {
0590         output[ibin] = std::min<unsigned int>(sum[idx], QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET);
0592         if (fix_saturation_ && force_saturation[idx] && ids.size() == 2)
0593           output[ibin] = QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET / 2;
0594         else if (fix_saturation_ && force_saturation[idx])
0595           output[ibin] = QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0597       } else {
0598         // Not a peak
0599         output[ibin] = 0;
0600       }
0601     } else {
0602       // Only if the sum for the future time sample is above the veto
0603       // threshold and the now sum is not a peak and the now sum is not
0604       // saturated does the current sum get zeroed
0605       if (applyVetoThreshold && sum[idx + 1] >= actualVetoThreshold &&
0606           (sum[idx] < sum[idx + 1] || force_saturation[idx + 1]) && !force_saturation[idx])
0607         output[ibin] = 0;
0608       else {
0609         // Here, either the "now" sum is a peak or the vetoing criteria are not satisfied
0610         // so assign the appropriate sum to the output
0611         output[ibin] = std::min<unsigned int>(sum[idx], QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET);
0612         if (fix_saturation_ && force_saturation[idx]) {
0613           output[ibin] = QIE11_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0614           if (ids.size() == 2)
0615             output[ibin] /= 2;
0616         }
0617       }
0618     }
0619     // peak-finding is not applied for FG bits
0620     // compute(msb) returns two bits (MIP). compute(timingTDC,ids) returns 6 bits (1 depth, 1 prompt, 1 delayed 01, 1 delayed 10, 2 reserved)
0621     finegrain[ibin] = fg_algo.compute(timingTDC[idx + filterPresamples], ids[0]).to_ulong() |
0622                       fg_algo.compute(msb[idx + filterPresamples]).to_ulong() << 4;
0623     if (ibin == tpPresamples && (idx + filterPresamples) != dgPresamples)
0624       edm::LogError("HcalTriggerPritimveAlgo")
0625           << "TP SOI (tpPresamples = " << tpPresamples
0626           << ") is not aligned with digi SOI (dgPresamples = " << dgPresamples << ")";
0627   }
0628   outcoder_->compress(output, finegrain, result);
0629 }
0631 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyzeZDC(IntegerCaloSamples& samples, HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi& result) {
0632   HcalTrigTowerDetId detId(;
0634   unsigned int tpSamples;
0635   unsigned int tpPresamples;
0637   tpSamples = samples.size();
0638   tpPresamples = samples.presamples();
0639   result.setSize(tpSamples);
0640   result.setPresamples(tpPresamples);
0642   IntegerCaloSamples output(, tpSamples);
0643   output.setPresamples(tpPresamples);
0645   for (int i = 0; i < samples.size(); i++) {
0646     if (samples[i] > QIE10_ZDC_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET)
0647       output[i] = QIE10_ZDC_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0648     else
0649       output[i] = samples[i];
0650     HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample zdcSample(output[i]);
0651     result.setSample(i, zdcSample);
0652   }
0653 }
0655 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyzeHF(IntegerCaloSamples& samples,
0656                                          HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi& result,
0657                                          const int hf_lumi_shift) {
0658   HcalTrigTowerDetId detId(;
0660   // Align digis and TP
0661   int dgPresamples = samples.presamples();
0662   int tpPresamples = numberOfPresamplesHF_;
0663   int shift = dgPresamples - tpPresamples;
0664   int dgSamples = samples.size();
0665   int tpSamples = numberOfSamplesHF_;
0666   if (shift < 0 || shift + tpSamples > dgSamples) {
0667     edm::LogInfo("HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyzeHF")
0668         << "TP presample or size from the configuration file is out of the accessible range. Using digi values from "
0669            "data instead...";
0670     tpPresamples = dgPresamples;
0671     shift = 0;
0672     tpSamples = dgSamples;
0673   }
0675   std::vector<int> finegrain(tpSamples, false);
0677   TowerMapFGSum::const_iterator tower2fg = theTowerMapFGSum.find(detId);
0678   assert(tower2fg != theTowerMapFGSum.end());
0680   const SumFGContainer& sumFG = tower2fg->second;
0681   // Loop over all L+S pairs that mapped from
0682   // Note: 1 = 6 x (L+S) without noZS
0683   for (SumFGContainer::const_iterator sumFGItr = sumFG.begin(); sumFGItr != sumFG.end(); ++sumFGItr) {
0684     const std::vector<bool>& veto = HF_Veto[sumFGItr->id().rawId()];
0685     for (int ibin = 0; ibin < tpSamples; ++ibin) {
0686       int idx = ibin + shift;
0687       // if not vetod, add L+S to total sum and calculate FG
0688       bool vetoed = idx < int(veto.size()) && veto[idx];
0689       if (!(vetoed && (*sumFGItr)[idx] > PMT_NoiseThreshold_)) {
0690         samples[idx] += (*sumFGItr)[idx];
0691         finegrain[ibin] = (finegrain[ibin] || (*sumFGItr)[idx] >= FG_threshold_);
0692       }
0693     }
0694   }
0696   IntegerCaloSamples output(, tpSamples);
0697   output.setPresamples(tpPresamples);
0699   for (int ibin = 0; ibin < tpSamples; ++ibin) {
0700     int idx = ibin + shift;
0701     output[ibin] = samples[idx] >> hf_lumi_shift;
0702     static const int MAX_OUTPUT = QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET;  // QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET = 1023
0703     if (output[ibin] > MAX_OUTPUT)
0704       output[ibin] = MAX_OUTPUT;
0705   }
0706   outcoder_->compress(output, finegrain, result);
0707 }
0709 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyzeHF2016(const IntegerCaloSamples& samples,
0710                                              HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi& result,
0711                                              const int hf_lumi_shift,
0712                                              const HcalFeatureBit* embit) {
0713   // Align digis and TP
0714   const int SHIFT = samples.presamples() - numberOfPresamplesHF_;
0715   assert(SHIFT >= 0);
0716   assert((SHIFT + numberOfSamplesHF_) <= samples.size());
0718   // Try to find the HFDetails from the map corresponding to our samples
0719   const HcalTrigTowerDetId detId(;
0720   HFDetailMap::const_iterator it = theHFDetailMap.find(detId);
0721   // Missing values will give an empty digi
0722   if (it == theHFDetailMap.end()) {
0723     return;
0724   }
0726   std::vector<std::bitset<2>> finegrain(numberOfSamplesHF_, false);
0728   // Set up out output of IntergerCaloSamples
0729   IntegerCaloSamples output(, numberOfSamplesHF_);
0730   output.setPresamples(numberOfPresamplesHF_);
0732   for (const auto& item : it->second) {
0733     auto& details = item.second;
0734     for (int ibin = 0; ibin < numberOfSamplesHF_; ++ibin) {
0735       const int IDX = ibin + SHIFT;
0736       int long_fiber_val = 0;
0737       if (IDX < details.long_fiber.size()) {
0738         long_fiber_val = details.long_fiber[IDX];
0739       }
0740       int short_fiber_val = 0;
0741       if (IDX < details.short_fiber.size()) {
0742         short_fiber_val = details.short_fiber[IDX];
0743       }
0744       output[ibin] += (long_fiber_val + short_fiber_val);
0746       uint32_t ADCLong = details.LongDigi[ibin].adc();
0747       uint32_t ADCShort = details.ShortDigi[ibin].adc();
0749       if ( >= FIRST_FINEGRAIN_TOWER) {
0750         finegrain[ibin][1] = (ADCLong > FG_HF_thresholds_[0] || ADCShort > FG_HF_thresholds_[0]);
0752         if (embit != nullptr)
0753           finegrain[ibin][0] = embit->fineGrainbit(details.ShortDigi, details.LongDigi, ibin);
0754       }
0755     }
0756   }
0758   for (int bin = 0; bin < numberOfSamplesHF_; ++bin) {
0759     static const unsigned int MAX_OUTPUT = QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET;  // QIE8_LINEARIZATION_ET = 1023
0760     output[bin] = min({MAX_OUTPUT, output[bin] >> hf_lumi_shift});
0761   }
0763   std::vector<int> finegrain_converted;
0764   finegrain_converted.reserve(finegrain.size());
0765   for (const auto& fg : finegrain)
0766     finegrain_converted.push_back(fg.to_ulong());
0767   outcoder_->compress(output, finegrain_converted, result);
0768 }
0770 bool HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::passTDC(const QIE10DataFrame& digi, int ts) const {
0771   auto parameters = conditions_->getHcalTPParameters();
0772   auto adc_threshold = parameters->getADCThresholdHF();
0773   auto tdc_mask = parameters->getTDCMaskHF();
0775   if (override_adc_hf_)
0776     adc_threshold = override_adc_hf_value_;
0777   if (override_tdc_hf_)
0778     tdc_mask = override_tdc_hf_value_;
0780   if (digi[ts].adc() < adc_threshold)
0781     return true;
0783   return (1ul << digi[ts].le_tdc()) & tdc_mask;
0784 }
0786 bool HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::validChannel(const QIE10DataFrame& digi, int ts) const {
0787   // channels with invalid data should not contribute to the sum
0788   if (digi.linkError() || ts >= digi.samples() || !digi[ts].ok())
0789     return false;
0791   auto mask = conditions_->getHcalTPChannelParameter(HcalDetId(>getMask();
0792   if (mask)
0793     return false;
0795   return true;
0796 }
0798 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::analyzeHFQIE10(const IntegerCaloSamples& samples,
0799                                               HcalTriggerPrimitiveDigi& result,
0800                                               const int hf_lumi_shift,
0801                                               const HcalFeatureBit* embit) {
0802   // Align digis and TP
0803   const int shift = samples.presamples() - numberOfPresamplesHF_;
0804   assert(shift >= 0);
0805   assert((shift + numberOfSamplesHF_) <= samples.size());
0806   assert(hf_lumi_shift >= 2);
0808   // Try to find the HFDetails from the map corresponding to our samples
0809   const HcalTrigTowerDetId detId(;
0810   auto it = theHFUpgradeDetailMap.find(detId);
0811   // Missing values will give an empty digi
0812   if (it == theHFUpgradeDetailMap.end()) {
0813     return;
0814   }
0816   std::vector<std::bitset<2>> finegrain(numberOfSamplesHF_, false);
0818   // Set up out output of IntergerCaloSamples
0819   IntegerCaloSamples output(, numberOfSamplesHF_);
0820   output.setPresamples(numberOfPresamplesHF_);
0822   for (const auto& item : it->second) {
0823     auto& details = item.second;
0824     for (int ibin = 0; ibin < numberOfSamplesHF_; ++ibin) {
0825       const int idx = ibin + shift;
0827       int long_fiber_val = 0;
0828       int long_fiber_count = 0;
0829       int short_fiber_val = 0;
0830       int short_fiber_count = 0;
0832       bool saturated = false;
0834       for (auto i : {0, 2}) {
0835         if (idx < details[i].samples.size() and details[i].validity[idx] and details[i].passTDC[idx]) {
0836           long_fiber_val += details[i].samples[idx];
0837           saturated = saturated || (details[i].samples[idx] == QIE10_LINEARIZATION_ET);
0838           ++long_fiber_count;
0839         }
0840       }
0841       for (auto i : {1, 3}) {
0842         if (idx < details[i].samples.size() and details[i].validity[idx] and details[i].passTDC[idx]) {
0843           short_fiber_val += details[i].samples[idx];
0844           saturated = saturated || (details[i].samples[idx] == QIE10_LINEARIZATION_ET);
0845           ++short_fiber_count;
0846         }
0847       }
0849       if (saturated) {
0850         output[ibin] = QIE10_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET;
0851       } else {
0852         // For details of the energy handling, see:
0853         //
0854         // If both readouts are valid, average of the two energies is taken
0855         // division by 2 is compensated by adjusting the total scale shift in the end
0856         if (long_fiber_count == 2)
0857           long_fiber_val >>= 1;
0858         if (short_fiber_count == 2)
0859           short_fiber_val >>= 1;
0861         auto sum = long_fiber_val + short_fiber_val;
0862         // Similar to above, if both channels are valid,
0863         // average of the two energies is calculated
0864         // division by 2 here is also compensated by adjusting the total scale shift in the end
0865         if (long_fiber_count > 0 and short_fiber_count > 0)
0866           sum >>= 1;
0868         output[ibin] += sum;
0869       }
0871       for (const auto& detail : details) {
0872         if (idx < int(detail.digi.size()) and detail.validity[idx] and
0873             HcalDetId( >= FIRST_FINEGRAIN_TOWER) {
0874           if (useTDCInMinBiasBits_ && !detail.passTDC[idx])
0875             continue;
0876           finegrain[ibin][1] = finegrain[ibin][1] or detail.fgbits[idx][0];
0877           // what is commonly called the "second" HF min-bias bit is
0878           // actually the 0-th bit, which can also be used instead for the EM bit
0879           // (called finegrain[ibin][0] below) in non-HI running
0880           finegrain[ibin][0] = finegrain[ibin][0] or detail.fgbits[idx][1];
0881         }
0882       }
0883       // the EM bit is only used if the "second" FG bit is disabled
0884       if (embit != nullptr and != 255) {
0885         finegrain[ibin][0] = embit->fineGrainbit(details[1].digi,
0886                                                  details[3].digi,
0887                                                  details[0].digi,
0888                                                  details[2].digi,
0889                                                  details[1].validity[idx],
0890                                                  details[3].validity[idx],
0891                                                  details[0].validity[idx],
0892                                                  details[2].validity[idx],
0893                                                  idx);
0894       }
0895     }
0896   }
0898   for (int bin = 0; bin < numberOfSamplesHF_; ++bin) {
0899     output[bin] = min({(unsigned int)QIE10_MAX_LINEARIZATION_ET, output[bin] >> (hf_lumi_shift - 2)});
0900   }
0901   std::vector<int> finegrain_converted;
0902   finegrain_converted.reserve(finegrain.size());
0903   for (const auto& fg : finegrain)
0904     finegrain_converted.push_back(fg.to_ulong());
0905   outcoder_->compress(output, finegrain_converted, result);
0906 }
0908 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::runZS(HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection& result) {
0909   for (HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection::iterator tp = result.begin(); tp != result.end(); ++tp) {
0910     bool ZS = true;
0911     for (int i = 0; i < tp->size(); ++i) {
0912       if (tp->sample(i).compressedEt() > ZS_threshold_I_) {
0913         ZS = false;
0914         break;
0915       }
0916     }
0917     if (ZS)
0918       tp->setZSInfo(false, true);
0919     else
0920       tp->setZSInfo(true, false);
0921   }
0922 }
0924 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::runFEFormatError(const FEDRawDataCollection* rawraw,
0925                                                 const HcalElectronicsMap* emap,
0926                                                 HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection& result) {
0927   std::set<uint32_t> FrontEndErrors;
0929   for (int i = FEDNumbering::MINHCALFEDID; i <= FEDNumbering::MAXHCALFEDID; ++i) {
0930     const FEDRawData& raw = rawraw->FEDData(i);
0931     if (raw.size() < 12)
0932       continue;
0933     const HcalDCCHeader* dccHeader = (const HcalDCCHeader*)(;
0934     if (!dccHeader)
0935       continue;
0936     HcalHTRData htr;
0937     for (int spigot = 0; spigot < HcalDCCHeader::SPIGOT_COUNT; spigot++) {
0938       if (!dccHeader->getSpigotPresent(spigot))
0939         continue;
0940       dccHeader->getSpigotData(spigot, htr, raw.size());
0941       int dccid = dccHeader->getSourceId();
0942       int errWord = htr.getErrorsWord() & 0x1FFFF;
0943       bool HTRError = (!htr.check() || htr.isHistogramEvent() || (errWord & 0x800) != 0);
0945       if (HTRError) {
0946         bool valid = false;
0947         for (int fchan = 0; fchan < 3 && !valid; fchan++) {
0948           for (int fib = 0; fib < 9 && !valid; fib++) {
0949             HcalElectronicsId eid(fchan, fib, spigot, dccid - FEDNumbering::MINHCALFEDID);
0950             eid.setHTR(htr.readoutVMECrateId(), htr.htrSlot(), htr.htrTopBottom());
0951             DetId detId = emap->lookup(eid);
0952             if (detId.null())
0953               continue;
0954             HcalSubdetector subdet = (HcalSubdetector(detId.subdetId()));
0955             if (detId.det() != 4 || (subdet != HcalBarrel && subdet != HcalEndcap && subdet != HcalForward))
0956               continue;
0957             std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId> ids = theTrigTowerGeometry->towerIds(detId);
0958             for (std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId>::const_iterator triggerId = ids.begin(); triggerId != ids.end();
0959                  ++triggerId) {
0960               FrontEndErrors.insert(triggerId->rawId());
0961             }
0962             //valid = true;
0963           }
0964         }
0965       }
0966     }
0967   }
0969   // Loop over TP collection
0970   // Set TP to zero if there is FE Format Error
0971   HcalTriggerPrimitiveSample zeroSample(0);
0972   for (HcalTrigPrimDigiCollection::iterator tp = result.begin(); tp != result.end(); ++tp) {
0973     if (FrontEndErrors.find(tp->id().rawId()) != FrontEndErrors.end()) {
0974       for (int i = 0; i < tp->size(); ++i)
0975         tp->setSample(i, zeroSample);
0976     }
0977   }
0978 }
0980 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::addFG(const HcalTrigTowerDetId& id, std::vector<bool>& msb) {
0981   FGbitMap::iterator itr = fgMap_.find(id);
0982   if (itr != fgMap_.end()) {
0983     std::vector<bool>& _msb = itr->second;
0984     for (size_t i = 0; i < msb.size(); ++i)
0985       _msb[i] = _msb[i] || msb[i];
0986   } else
0987     fgMap_[id] = msb;
0988 }
0990 bool HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::validUpgradeFG(const HcalTrigTowerDetId& id, int depth) const {
0991   if (depth > LAST_FINEGRAIN_DEPTH)
0992     return false;
0993   if (id.ietaAbs() > LAST_FINEGRAIN_TOWER)
0994     return false;
0995   if (id.ietaAbs() == HBHE_OVERLAP_TOWER and not upgrade_hb_)
0996     return false;
0997   return true;
0998 }
1000 bool HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::needLegacyFG(const HcalTrigTowerDetId& id) const {
1001   // This tower (ietaAbs == 16) does not accept upgraded FG bits,
1002   // but needs pseudo legacy ones to ensure that the tower is processed
1003   // even when the QIE8 depths in front of it do not have energy deposits.
1004   if (id.ietaAbs() == HBHE_OVERLAP_TOWER and not upgrade_hb_)
1005     return true;
1006   return false;
1007 }
1009 bool HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::needUpgradeID(const HcalTrigTowerDetId& id, int depth) const {
1010   // Depth 7 for TT 26, 27, and 28 is not considered a fine grain depth.
1011   // However, the trigger tower for these ieta should still be added to the fgUpgradeMap_
1012   // Otherwise, depth 7-only signal will not be analyzed.
1013   unsigned int aieta = id.ietaAbs();
1014   if (aieta >= FIRST_DEPTH7_TOWER and aieta <= LAST_FINEGRAIN_TOWER and depth > LAST_FINEGRAIN_DEPTH)
1015     return true;
1016   return false;
1017 }
1019 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::addUpgradeFG(const HcalTrigTowerDetId& id,
1020                                             int depth,
1021                                             const std::vector<std::bitset<2>>& bits) {
1022   if (not validUpgradeFG(id, depth)) {
1023     if (needLegacyFG(id)) {
1024       std::vector<bool> pseudo(bits.size(), false);
1025       addFG(id, pseudo);
1026     } else if (needUpgradeID(id, depth)) {
1027       // If the tower id is not in the map yet
1028       // then for safety's sake add it, otherwise, no need
1029       // Likewise, we're here with non-fg depth 7 so the bits are not to be added
1030       auto it = fgUpgradeMap_.find(id);
1031       if (it == fgUpgradeMap_.end()) {
1032         FGUpgradeContainer element;
1033         element.resize(bits.size());
1034         fgUpgradeMap_.insert(std::make_pair(id, element));
1035       }
1036     }
1038     return;
1039   }
1041   auto it = fgUpgradeMap_.find(id);
1042   if (it == fgUpgradeMap_.end()) {
1043     FGUpgradeContainer element;
1044     element.resize(bits.size());
1045     it = fgUpgradeMap_.insert(std::make_pair(id, element)).first;
1046   }
1047   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < bits.size(); ++i) {
1048     it->second[i][0][depth - 1] = bits[i][0];
1049     it->second[i][1][depth - 1] = bits[i][1];
1050   }
1051 }
1053 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::addUpgradeTDCFG(const HcalTrigTowerDetId& id, const QIE11DataFrame& frame) {
1054   HcalDetId detId(;
1055   if (detId.subdet() != HcalEndcap && detId.subdet() != HcalBarrel)
1056     return;
1058   std::vector<HcalTrigTowerDetId> ids = theTrigTowerGeometry->towerIds(detId);
1059   assert(ids.size() == 1 || ids.size() == 2);
1060   IntegerCaloSamples samples1(ids[0], int(frame.samples()));
1061   samples1.setPresamples(frame.presamples());
1062   incoder_->adc2Linear(frame, samples1);                                  // use linearization LUT
1063   std::vector<unsigned short> bits12_15 = incoder_->group0FGbits(frame);  // get 4 energy bits (12-15) from group 0 LUT
1065   bool is_compressed = false;
1066   if (detId.subdet() == HcalBarrel) {
1067     is_compressed = (frame.flavor() == 3);
1068     // 0 if frame.flavor is 0 (uncompressed), 1 if frame.flavor is 3 (compressed)
1069   }
1071   auto it = fgUpgradeTDCMap_.find(id);
1072   if (it == fgUpgradeTDCMap_.end()) {
1073     FGUpgradeTDCContainer element;
1074     element.resize(frame.samples());
1075     it = fgUpgradeTDCMap_.insert(std::make_pair(id, element)).first;
1076   }
1077   for (int i = 0; i < frame.samples(); i++) {
1078     it->second[i][detId.depth() - 1] =
1079         std::make_pair(std::make_pair(bits12_15[i], is_compressed), std::make_pair(frame[i].tdc(), samples1[i]));
1080   }
1081 }
1083 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setWeightsQIE11(const edm::ParameterSet& weightsQIE11) {
1084   // Names are just abs(ieta) for HBHE
1085   std::vector<std::string> ietaStrs = weightsQIE11.getParameterNames();
1086   for (auto& ietaStr : ietaStrs) {
1087     // Strip off "ieta" part of key and just use integer value in map
1088     auto const& v = weightsQIE11.getParameter<std::vector<int>>(ietaStr);
1089     weightsQIE11_[std::stoi(ietaStr.substr(4))] = {{v[0], v[1]}};
1090   }
1091 }
1093 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setWeightQIE11(int aieta, int weight) {
1094   // Simple map of |ieta| in HBHE to weight
1095   // Only one weight for SOI-1 TS
1096   weightsQIE11_[aieta] = {{weight, 255}};
1097 }
1099 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setCodedVetoThresholds(const edm::ParameterSet& codedVetoThresholds) {
1100   // Names are just abs(ieta) for HBHE
1101   std::vector<std::string> ietaStrs = codedVetoThresholds.getParameterNames();
1102   for (auto& ietaStr : ietaStrs) {
1103     // Strip off "ieta" part of key and just use integer value in map
1104     auto const& v = codedVetoThresholds.getParameter<int>(ietaStr);
1105     codedVetoThresholds_[std::stoi(ietaStr.substr(4))] = {v};
1106   }
1107 }
1109 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setCodedVetoThreshold(int aieta, int codedVetoThreshold) {
1110   // Simple map of |ieta| in HBHE to veto threshold
1111   codedVetoThresholds_[aieta] = {codedVetoThreshold};
1112 }
1114 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setPeakFinderAlgorithm(int algo) {
1115   if (algo <= 0 || algo > 2)
1116     throw cms::Exception("ERROR: Only algo 1 & 2 are supported.") << std::endl;
1117   peak_finder_algorithm_ = algo;
1118 }
1120 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setNCTScaleShift(int shift) { NCTScaleShift = shift; }
1122 void HcalTriggerPrimitiveAlgo::setRCTScaleShift(int shift) { RCTScaleShift = shift; }