File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:29:34
0001 #include "HcalMonitor.h"
0003 using namespace TMath;
0005 int monitor(char* input_file, char* output_file)
0006 {
0008 TCanvas *c1 = new TCanvas();
0009 TStyle *mystyle = new TStyle("mystyle","my style");
0010 initStyle(mystyle);
0011 mystyle->cd();
0013 index_map::index_map get_index;
0014 int true_index[4176];
0016 TFile* file=TFile::Open(input_file);
0017 if(!file) return 0;
0019 TTree* tree = (TTree*)file->Get("TPGntuple");
0020 if(!tree) return 0;
0022 int ieta[4176], iphi[4176], run, event, tpg_index[4176];
0023 float tpg_energy[4176], tpg_uncompressed[4176];
0024 float highest_energy[4176] = {0.0};
0025 float rec_energy[4167];
0030 tree->SetBranchAddress("run",&run);
0031 tree->SetBranchAddress("event",&event);
0032 tree->SetBranchAddress("tpg_energy",tpg_energy);
0034 tree->SetBranchAddress("tpg_uncompressed",tpg_uncompressed);
0035 tree->SetBranchAddress("tpg_index",tpg_index);
0036 tree->SetBranchAddress("rec_energy",rec_energy);
0039 TH2F *fakes = new TH2F("fakes","Number of Fakes in Tower",65,-32,33,72,1,73);
0040 TH2F *nofire = new TH2F("nofire","Highest Energy with No TPG",65,-32,33,72,1,73);
0041 TH2F *hslope = new TH2F("hslope","Slope of Uncompressed TPG vs. Hit",65,-32,33,72,1,73);
0042 TH2F *res2D_mean = new TH2F("res2D_mean","Mean of (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit",65,-32,33,72,1,73);
0043 TH2F *res2D_rms = new TH2F("res2D_rms","RMS of (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit",65,-32,33,72,1,73);
0044 TH2F *slope_eta = new TH2F("slope_eta","Slope vs. iEta",33,0,32,100,0,5);
0045 TH2F *heffic = new TH2F("heffic","Fitted Efficiency",65,-32,33,72,1,73);
0046 TH2F *hthresh = new TH2F("hthresh","Fitted 50% Threshold",65,-32,33,72,1,73);
0047 TH2F *hwidth = new TH2F("hwidth","Fitted Turn-on Width",65,-32,33,72,1,73);
0048 TH2F *hit_tpg_lut1 = new TH2F("hit_tpg_lut1","Uncompressed E vs. Hit E: |ieta| < 21",80,0,100,80,0,100);
0049 TH2F *hit_tpg_lut2 = new TH2F("hit_tpg_lut2","Uncompressed E vs. Hit E: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",80,0,100,80,0,100);
0050 TH2F *hit_tpg_lut3 = new TH2F("hit_tpg_lut3","Uncompressed E vs. Hit E: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",80,0,100,80,0,100);
0051 TH2F *hit_tpg_lut4 = new TH2F("hit_tpg_lut4","Uncompressed E vs. Hit E: 29 <= |ieta|",80,0,100,80,0,100);
0052 TH2F *res_hit_lut1 = new TH2F("res_hit_lut1","(Hit E - Uncompressed E)/Hit E vs. Hit E: |ieta| < 21",80,0,100,12,-3,3);
0053 TH2F *res_hit_lut2 = new TH2F("res_hit_lut2","(Hit E - Uncompressed E)/Hit E vs. Hit E: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",80,0,100,12,-3,3);
0054 TH2F *res_hit_lut3 = new TH2F("res_hit_lut3","(Hit E - Uncompressed E)/Hit E vs. Hit E: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",80,0,100,12,-3,3);
0055 TH2F *res_hit_lut4 = new TH2F("res_hit_lut4","(Hit E - Uncompressed E)/Hit E vs. Hit E: 29 <= |ieta|",80,0,100,12,-3,3);
0058 TH1F *slope_sum = new TH1F("slope_sum","Summary of Slopes",100,0,2);
0059 TH1F *res1D_mean_lut1 = new TH1F("res1D_mean_lut1","Summary of Mean (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit: |ieta| < 21",100,-0.2,0.2);
0060 TH1F *res1D_rms_lut1 = new TH1F("res1D_rms_lut1","Summary of RMS (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit: |ieta| < 21",100,0,0.2);
0061 TH1F *res1D_mean_lut2 = new TH1F("res1D_mean_lut2","Summary of Mean (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",250,-0.5,0.5);
0062 TH1F *res1D_rms_lut2 = new TH1F("res1D_rms_lut2","Summary of RMS (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",100,0,0.2);
0063 TH1F *res1D_mean_lut3 = new TH1F("res1D_mean_lut3","Summary of Mean (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",250,-0.5,0.5);
0064 TH1F *res1D_rms_lut3 = new TH1F("res1D_rms_lut3","Summary of RMS (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",150,0,0.3);
0065 TH1F *res1D_mean_lut4 = new TH1F("res1D_mean_lut4","Summary of Mean (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit: 29 <= |ieta|",300,-0.6,0.6);
0066 TH1F *res1D_rms_lut4 = new TH1F("res1D_rms_lut4","Summary of RMS (Hit - Uncompressed)/Hit: 29 <= |ieta|",150,0,0.3);
0067 TH1F *all_hits_lut1 = new TH1F("all_hits_lut1","all_hits: lut1",50,0,5);
0068 TH1F *all_hits_lut2 = new TH1F("all_hits_lut2","all_hits: lut2",50,0,5);
0069 TH1F *all_hits_lut3 = new TH1F("all_hits_lut3","all_hits: lut3",150,0,15);
0070 TH1F *all_hits_lut4 = new TH1F("all_hits_lut4","all_hits: lut4",300,5,30);
0071 TH1F *good_hits_lut1 = new TH1F("good_hits_lut1","good_hits: lut1",50,0,5);
0072 TH1F *good_hits_lut2 = new TH1F("good_hits_lut2","good_hits: lut2",50,0,5);
0073 TH1F *good_hits_lut3 = new TH1F("good_hits_lut3","good_hits: lut3",150,0,15);
0074 TH1F *good_hits_lut4 = new TH1F("good_hits_lut4","good_hits: lut4",300,5,30);
0075 TH1F *eff_lut1 = new TH1F("eff_lut1","Efficiency: |ieta| < 21 ",50,0,5);
0076 TH1F *eff_lut2 = new TH1F("eff_lut2","Efficiency: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",50,0,5);
0077 TH1F *eff_lut3 = new TH1F("eff_lut3","Efficiency: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",150,0,15);
0078 TH1F *eff_lut4 = new TH1F("eff_lut4","Efficiency: 29 <= |ieta|",300,5,30);
0079 TH1F *effsum_lut1= new TH1F("effsum_lut1","Efficiency Summary: |ieta| < 21",50,0,1.1);
0080 TH1F *effsum_lut2= new TH1F("effsum_lut2","Efficiency Summary: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",50,0,1.1);
0081 TH1F *effsum_lut3= new TH1F("effsum_lut3","Efficiency Summary: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",50,0,1.1);
0082 TH1F *effsum_lut4= new TH1F("effsum_lut4","Efficiency Summary: 29 <= |ieta|",50,0,1.1);
0083 TH1F *threshsum_lut1= new TH1F("threshsum_lut1","Threshold Summary: |ieta| < 21",100,0,2);
0084 TH1F *threshsum_lut2= new TH1F("threshsum_lut2","Threshold Summary: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",100,0,2);
0085 TH1F *threshsum_lut3= new TH1F("threshsum_lut3","Threshold Summary: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",500,0,10);
0086 TH1F *threshsum_lut4= new TH1F("threshsum_lut4","Threshold Summary: 29 <= |ieta|",1000,0,20);
0087 TH1F *widthsum_lut1= new TH1F("widthsum_lut1","Width Summary: |ieta| < 21",100,0,1);
0088 TH1F *widthsum_lut2= new TH1F("widthsum_lut2","Width Summary: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",100,0,1);
0089 TH1F *widthsum_lut3= new TH1F("widthsum_lut3","Width Summary: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",100,0,1);
0090 TH1F *widthsum_lut4= new TH1F("widthsum_lut4","Width Summary: 29 <= |ieta|",150,0,1.5);
0091 TH1F *nofiresum_lut1 = new TH1F("nofiresum_lut1","Highest Energy with No TPG Summary: |ieta| < 21", 90,0,30);
0092 TH1F *nofiresum_lut2 = new TH1F("nofiresum_lut2","Highest Energy with No TPG Summary: 21 <= |ieta| < 27", 90,0,30);
0093 TH1F *nofiresum_lut3 = new TH1F("nofiresum_lut3","Highest Energy with No TPG Summary: 27 <= |ieta| < 29", 90,0,30);
0094 TH1F *nofiresum_lut4 = new TH1F("nofiresum_lut4","Highest Energy with No TPG Summary: 29 <= |ieta|", 90,0,30);
0095 TH1F *fakessum_lut1 = new TH1F("fakessum_lut1","Energy of Fake Hits: |ieta| < 21",90,0,30);
0096 TH1F *fakessum_lut2 = new TH1F("fakessum_lut2","Energy of Fake Hits: 21 <= |ieta| < 27",90,0,30);
0097 TH1F *fakessum_lut3 = new TH1F("fakessum_lut3","Energy of Fake Hits: 27 <= |ieta| < 29",90,0,30);
0098 TH1F *fakessum_lut4 = new TH1F("fakessum_lut4","Energy of Fake Hits: 29 <= |ieta|",90,0,30);
0101 TObjArray all_hits(4176);
0102 TObjArray good_hits(4176);
0103 TObjArray efficiency(4176);
0104 TObjArray hit_tpg(4176);
0105 TObjArray resolution(4176);
0108 char name[20], title[20];
0109 map<int,float> tpg_energy_map, uncompressed_map, rec_energy_map;
0110 float compressed, uncompressed, rec;
0112 for(int i=0;i<= (int)(tree->GetEntries() ) - 1;i++)
0113 {
0114 tree->GetEntry(i);
0115 tpg_energy_map.clear();
0116 uncompressed_map.clear();
0117 rec_energy_map.clear();
0119 for (int j=0; j<4176; ++j)
0120 {
0121 true_index[j] = get_index.ntpg(j);
0122 ieta[j] = true_index[j]/100;
0123 iphi[j] = TMath::Abs(true_index[j]%100);
0124 if (tpg_index[j] != 0)
0125 {
0126 tpg_energy_map[tpg_index[j]] = tpg_energy[j];
0127 rec_energy_map[tpg_index[j]] = rec_energy[j];
0128 uncompressed_map[tpg_index[j]] = et2e(TMath::Abs(ieta[j]))*tpg_uncompressed[j];
0131 }
0132 if (i==0)
0133 {
0134 sprintf(name,"all_%d",true_index[j]);
0135 sprintf(title,"all hits:%d",true_index[j]);
0136 all_hits[j] = new TH1F(name,title,200,0,20);
0137 sprintf(name,"good_%d",true_index[j]);
0138 sprintf(title,"good hits:%d",true_index[j]);
0139 good_hits[j] = new TH1F(name,title,200,0,20);
0140 sprintf(name,"hit_tpg_%d",true_index[j]);
0141 sprintf(title,"hit_tpg:%d",true_index[j]);
0142 hit_tpg[j] = new TProfile(name,title,200,0,100,0,200);
0143 sprintf(name,"resolution_%d",true_index[j]);
0144 sprintf(title,"resolution:%d",true_index[j]);
0145 resolution[j] = new TH1F(name,title,20,-5,5);
0146 }
0147 }
0150 for (int j=0; j<4176; j++)
0151 {
0152 if (tpg_energy_map.count(true_index[j])==0)
0153 {
0154 compressed = -1;
0155 }
0156 else
0157 {
0158 compressed = tpg_energy_map.find(true_index[j])->second;
0159 }
0160 if (uncompressed_map.count(true_index[j])==0)
0161 {
0162 uncompressed = -1;
0163 }
0164 else
0165 {
0166 uncompressed = uncompressed_map.find(true_index[j])->second;
0167 }
0168 if (rec_energy_map.count(true_index[j])==0)
0169 {
0170 rec = -1;
0171 }
0172 else
0173 {
0174 rec = rec_energy_map.find(true_index[j])->second;
0175 }
0177 if(compressed != -1 && uncompressed != -1 && rec != -1)
0178 {
0179 ((TH1F*)all_hits[j])->Fill(rec);
0180 if (Abs(ieta[j]) <= 20)
0181 {
0182 all_hits_lut1->Fill(rec);
0183 if (compressed > 0)
0184 {
0185 good_hits_lut1->Fill(rec);
0186 hit_tpg_lut1->Fill(rec,uncompressed);
0187 res_hit_lut1->Fill(rec,(rec-uncompressed)/rec);
0188 ((TH1F*)good_hits[j])->Fill(rec);
0189 ((TProfile*)hit_tpg[j])->Fill(rec,uncompressed);
0190 ((TH1F*)resolution[j])->Fill((rec-uncompressed)/rec);
0191 if (rec == 0)
0192 {
0193 fakes->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j]);
0194 fakessum_lut1->Fill(uncompressed);
0195 }
0196 }
0197 }
0198 else if (Abs(ieta[j]) <= 26)
0199 {
0200 all_hits_lut2->Fill(rec);
0201 if (compressed > 0)
0202 {
0203 good_hits_lut2->Fill(rec);
0204 hit_tpg_lut2->Fill(rec,uncompressed);
0205 res_hit_lut2->Fill(rec,(rec-uncompressed)/rec);
0206 ((TH1F*)good_hits[j])->Fill(rec);
0207 ((TProfile*)hit_tpg[j])->Fill(rec,uncompressed);
0208 ((TH1F*)resolution[j])->Fill((rec-uncompressed)/rec);
0209 if (rec == 0)
0210 {
0211 fakes->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j]);
0212 fakessum_lut2->Fill(uncompressed);
0213 }
0214 }
0215 }
0216 else if (Abs(ieta[j]) <= 28)
0217 {
0218 all_hits_lut3->Fill(rec);
0219 if (compressed > 0)
0220 {
0221 good_hits_lut3->Fill(rec);
0222 hit_tpg_lut3->Fill(rec,uncompressed);
0223 res_hit_lut3->Fill(rec,(rec-uncompressed)/rec);
0224 ((TH1F*)good_hits[j])->Fill(rec);
0225 ((TProfile*)hit_tpg[j])->Fill(rec,uncompressed);
0226 ((TH1F*)resolution[j])->Fill((rec-uncompressed)/rec);
0227 if (rec == 0)
0228 {
0229 fakes->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j]);
0230 fakessum_lut3->Fill(uncompressed);
0231 }
0232 }
0233 }
0234 else
0235 {
0236 all_hits_lut4->Fill(rec);
0237 if (compressed > 0)
0238 {
0239 good_hits_lut4->Fill(rec);
0240 hit_tpg_lut4->Fill(rec,uncompressed);
0241 res_hit_lut4->Fill(rec,(rec-uncompressed)/rec);
0242 ((TH1F*)good_hits[j])->Fill(rec);
0243 ((TProfile*)hit_tpg[j])->Fill(rec,uncompressed);
0244 ((TH1F*)resolution[j])->Fill((rec-uncompressed)/rec);
0245 if (rec == 0)
0246 {
0247 fakes->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j]);
0248 fakessum_lut4->Fill(uncompressed);
0249 }
0250 }
0251 }
0253 if (compressed == 0)
0254 {
0255 if (rec > highest_energy[j])
0256 {
0257 highest_energy[j] = rec;
0258 }
0259 }
0260 }
0261 }
0262 }
0264 TF1 *fit = new TF1("fit","[0]*x",0,100);
0265 TF1 *turnon = new TF1("turnon","[0]*0.5*(TMath::Erf((x -[1])*0.5/[2])+1.)",0,30);
0267 eff_lut1->Divide(good_hits_lut1,all_hits_lut1,1,1,"B");
0268 eff_lut2->Divide(good_hits_lut2,all_hits_lut2,1,1,"B");
0269 eff_lut3->Divide(good_hits_lut3,all_hits_lut3,1,1,"B");
0270 eff_lut4->Divide(good_hits_lut4,all_hits_lut4,1,1,"B");
0272 turnon->SetParameter(0,1);
0273 turnon->SetParameter(1,2.5);
0274 turnon->SetParameter(2,2);
0275 eff_lut1->Fit("turnon");
0277 turnon->SetParameter(0,1);
0278 turnon->SetParameter(1,2.5);
0279 turnon->SetParameter(2,2);
0280 eff_lut2->Fit("turnon");
0282 turnon->SetParameter(0,1);
0283 turnon->SetParameter(1,7.5);
0284 turnon->SetParameter(2,3);
0285 eff_lut3->Fit("turnon");
0287 turnon->SetParameter(0,1);
0288 turnon->SetParameter(1,12.5);
0289 turnon->SetParameter(2,4);
0290 eff_lut4->Fit("turnon");
0292 double mean;
0293 double sigma;
0294 double thresh;
0295 double width;
0296 double effic;
0298 for (int j=0; j< 4176; ++j)
0299 {
0300 turnon->SetParameter(0,1);
0301 turnon->SetParameter(1,10);
0302 turnon->SetParameter(2,6);
0304 nofire->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j],highest_energy[j]);
0307 sprintf(name,"eff%d",true_index[j]);
0308 sprintf(title,"efficiency:%d",true_index[j]);
0309 efficiency[j] = new TH1F(name,title,200,0,20);
0310 ((TH1F*)efficiency[j])->Divide((TH1F*)good_hits[j],(TH1F*)all_hits[j],1,1,"B");
0311 ((TH1F*)efficiency[j])->Fit("turnon");
0312 effic = turnon->GetParameter(0);
0313 thresh = turnon->GetParameter(1);
0314 width = turnon->GetParameter(2);
0315 heffic->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j],effic);
0316 hthresh->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j],thresh);
0317 hwidth->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j],width);
0320 mean = ((TH1F*)resolution[j])->GetMean(1);
0321 sigma = ((TH1F*)resolution[j])->GetRMS(1);
0322 res2D_mean->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j],mean);
0323 res2D_rms->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j],sigma);
0326 if (Abs(ieta[j]) <= 20)
0327 {
0328 effsum_lut1->Fill(effic);
0329 threshsum_lut1->Fill(thresh);
0330 widthsum_lut1->Fill(width);
0331 res1D_mean_lut1->Fill(mean);
0332 res1D_rms_lut1->Fill(sigma);
0333 nofiresum_lut1->Fill(highest_energy[j]);
0334 }
0335 else if (Abs(ieta[j]) <=26)
0336 {
0337 effsum_lut2->Fill(effic);
0338 threshsum_lut2->Fill(thresh);
0339 widthsum_lut2->Fill(width);
0340 res1D_mean_lut2->Fill(mean);
0341 res1D_rms_lut2->Fill(sigma);
0342 nofiresum_lut2->Fill(highest_energy[j]);
0343 }
0344 else if (Abs(ieta[j]) <= 28)
0345 {
0346 effsum_lut3->Fill(effic);
0347 threshsum_lut3->Fill(thresh);
0348 widthsum_lut3->Fill(width);
0349 res1D_mean_lut3->Fill(mean);
0350 res1D_rms_lut3->Fill(sigma);
0351 nofiresum_lut3->Fill(highest_energy[j]);
0352 }
0353 else
0354 {
0355 effsum_lut4->Fill(effic);
0356 threshsum_lut4->Fill(thresh);
0357 widthsum_lut4->Fill(width);
0358 res1D_mean_lut4->Fill(mean);
0359 res1D_rms_lut4->Fill(sigma);
0360 nofiresum_lut4->Fill(highest_energy[j]);
0361 }
0364 ((TProfile*)hit_tpg[j])->Fit("fit","","",1,100);
0365 Double_t slope = fit->GetParameter(0);
0366 hslope->Fill(ieta[j],iphi[j],slope);
0367 slope_sum->Fill(slope);
0368 slope_eta->Fill(TMath::Abs(ieta[j]),slope);
0369 }
0370 delete c1;
0375 TCanvas *c2 = new TCanvas();
0376 gStyle->SetOptStat("e");
0377 c2->Divide(2,2);
0378 c2->cd(1);
0379 eff_lut1->Draw();
0380 SetupTitle(eff_lut1,"Rec Energy (GeV)","Efficiency");
0381 SetStatus(eff_lut1,"UNCHECKED");
0382 c2->cd(2);
0383 eff_lut2->Draw();
0384 SetupTitle(eff_lut2,"Rec Energy (GeV)","Efficiency");
0385 SetStatus(eff_lut2,"UNCHECKED");
0386 c2->cd(3);
0387 eff_lut3->Draw();
0388 SetupTitle(eff_lut3,"Rec Energy (GeV)","Efficiency");
0389 SetStatus(eff_lut3,"UNCHECKED");
0390 c2->cd(4);
0391 eff_lut4->Draw();
0392 SetupTitle(eff_lut4,"Rec Energy (GeV)","Efficiency");
0393 SetStatus(eff_lut4,"UNCHECKED");
0394 c2->Print("");
0395 delete c2;
0398 TCanvas *c3 = new TCanvas();
0399 heffic->Draw("COLZ");
0400 SetupTowerDisplay(heffic);
0401 c3->Print("");
0402 delete c3;
0404 TCanvas *c4 = new TCanvas();
0405 hthresh->Draw("COLZ");
0406 SetupTowerDisplay(hthresh);
0407 c4->Print("");
0408 delete c4;
0410 TCanvas *c5 = new TCanvas();
0411 hwidth->Draw("COLZ");
0412 SetupTowerDisplay(hwidth);
0413 c5->Print("");
0414 delete c5;
0417 TCanvas *c6 = new TCanvas();
0418 gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo");
0419 c6->Divide(2,2);
0420 c6->cd(1);
0421 effsum_lut1->Draw();
0422 SetupTitle(effsum_lut1,"Efficiency","Ntowers");
0423 SetStatus(effsum_lut1,"UNCHECKED");
0424 c6->cd(2);
0425 effsum_lut2->Draw();
0426 SetupTitle(effsum_lut2,"Efficiency","Ntowers");
0427 SetStatus(effsum_lut2,"UNCHECKED");
0428 c6->cd(3);
0429 effsum_lut3->Draw();
0430 SetupTitle(effsum_lut3,"Efficiency","Ntowers");
0431 SetStatus(effsum_lut3,"UNCHECKED");
0432 c6->cd(4);
0433 effsum_lut4->Draw();
0434 SetupTitle(effsum_lut4,"Efficiency","Ntowers");
0435 SetStatus(effsum_lut4,"UNCHECKED");
0436 c6->Print("");
0437 delete c6;
0439 TCanvas *c7 = new TCanvas();
0440 gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo");
0441 c7->Divide(2,2);
0442 c7->cd(1);
0443 threshsum_lut1->Draw();
0444 SetupTitle(threshsum_lut1,"Threshold","Ntowers");
0445 SetStatus(threshsum_lut1,"UNCHECKED");
0446 c7->cd(2);
0447 threshsum_lut2->Draw();
0448 SetupTitle(threshsum_lut2,"Threshold","Ntowers");
0449 SetStatus(threshsum_lut2,"UNCHECKED");
0450 c7->cd(3);
0451 threshsum_lut3->Draw();
0452 SetupTitle(threshsum_lut3,"Threshold","Ntowers");
0453 SetStatus(threshsum_lut3,"UNCHECKED");
0454 c7->cd(4);
0455 threshsum_lut4->Draw();
0456 SetupTitle(threshsum_lut4,"Threshold","Ntowers");
0457 SetStatus(threshsum_lut4,"UNCHECKED");
0458 c7->Print("");
0459 delete c7;
0461 TCanvas *c8 = new TCanvas();
0462 c8->Divide(2,2);
0463 gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo");
0464 c8->cd(1);
0465 widthsum_lut1->Draw();
0466 SetupTitle(widthsum_lut1,"Width","Ntowers");
0467 SetStatus(widthsum_lut1,"UNCHECKED");
0468 c8->cd(2);
0469 widthsum_lut2->Draw();
0470 SetupTitle(widthsum_lut2,"Width","Ntowers");
0471 SetStatus(widthsum_lut2,"UNCHECKED");
0472 c8->cd(3);
0473 widthsum_lut3->Draw();
0474 SetupTitle(widthsum_lut3,"Width","Ntowers");
0475 SetStatus(widthsum_lut3,"UNCHECKED");
0476 c8->cd(4);
0477 widthsum_lut4->Draw();
0478 SetupTitle(widthsum_lut4,"Width","Ntowers");
0479 SetStatus(widthsum_lut4,"UNCHECKED");
0480 c8->Print("");
0481 delete c8;
0485 TCanvas *c15 = new TCanvas();
0486 gStyle->SetOptStat("e");
0487 c15->Divide(2,2);
0488 TF1 *line = new TF1("line","x",0,100);
0489 line->SetLineColor(4);
0490 c15->cd(1);
0491 hit_tpg_lut1->Draw("box");
0492 line->Draw("same");
0493 SetupTitle(hit_tpg_lut1,"Rec Energy (Gev)","Uncompressed TPG (GeV)");
0494 c15->cd(2);
0495 hit_tpg_lut2->Draw("box");
0496 line->Draw("same");
0497 SetupTitle(hit_tpg_lut2,"Rec Energy (Gev)","Uncompressed TPG (GeV)");
0498 c15->cd(3);
0499 hit_tpg_lut3->Draw("box");
0500 line->Draw("same");
0501 SetupTitle(hit_tpg_lut3,"Rec Energy (Gev)","Uncompressed TPG (GeV)");
0502 c15->cd(4);
0503 hit_tpg_lut4->Draw("box");
0504 line->Draw("same");
0505 SetupTitle(hit_tpg_lut4,"Rec Energy (Gev)","Uncompressed TPG (GeV)");
0506 c15->Print("");
0507 delete c15;
0510 TCanvas *c16 = new TCanvas();
0511 hslope->Draw("COLZ");
0512 SetupTowerDisplay(hslope);
0513 c16->Print("");
0514 delete c16;
0517 TCanvas *c17 = new TCanvas();
0518 gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo");
0519 slope_sum->Draw();
0520 SetupTitle(slope_sum,"Slope of Uncompressed TPG vs Rec Energy","Ntowers");
0521 SetStatus(slope_sum,"UNCHECKED");
0522 c17->SetLogy();
0523 c17->Print("");
0524 delete c17;
0528 TCanvas *c9 = new TCanvas();
0529 gStyle->SetOptStat("e");
0530 c9->Divide(2,2);
0531 c9->cd(1);
0532 res_hit_lut1->Draw("box");
0533 SetupTitle(res_hit_lut1,"Rec. Hit Energy (GeV)","(Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E");
0534 c9->cd(2);
0535 res_hit_lut2->Draw("box");
0536 SetupTitle(res_hit_lut2,"Rec. Hit Energy (GeV)","(Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E");
0537 c9->cd(3);
0538 res_hit_lut3->Draw("box");
0539 SetupTitle(res_hit_lut3,"Rec. Hit Energy (GeV)","(Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E");
0540 c9->cd(4);
0541 res_hit_lut4->Draw("box");
0542 SetupTitle(res_hit_lut4,"Rec. Hit Energy (GeV)","(Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E");
0543 c9->Print("");
0544 delete c9;
0547 TCanvas *c10 = new TCanvas();
0548 res2D_mean->Draw("COLZ");
0549 SetupTowerDisplay(res2D_mean);
0550 c10->Print("");
0551 delete c10;
0553 TCanvas *c11 = new TCanvas();
0554 res2D_rms->Draw("COLZ");
0555 SetupTowerDisplay(res2D_rms);
0556 c11->Print("");
0557 delete c11;
0559 TCanvas *c13 = new TCanvas();
0560 gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo");
0561 c13->Divide(2,2);
0562 c13->cd(1);
0563 res1D_mean_lut1->Draw();
0564 SetupTitle(res1D_mean_lut1,"Mean (Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E","Ntowers");
0565 SetStatus(res1D_mean_lut1,"UNCHECKED");
0566 c13->cd(2);
0567 res1D_mean_lut2->Draw();
0568 SetupTitle(res1D_mean_lut2,"Mean (Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E","Ntowers");
0569 SetStatus(res1D_mean_lut2,"UNCHECKED");
0570 c13->cd(3);
0571 res1D_mean_lut3->Draw();
0572 SetupTitle(res1D_mean_lut3,"Mean (Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E","Ntowers");
0573 SetStatus(res1D_mean_lut3,"UNCHECKED");
0574 c13->cd(4);
0575 res1D_mean_lut4->Draw();
0576 SetupTitle(res1D_mean_lut4,"Mean (Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E","Ntowers");
0577 SetStatus(res1D_mean_lut4,"UNCHECKED");
0578 c13->Print("");
0579 delete c13;
0581 TCanvas *c14 = new TCanvas();
0582 c14->Divide(2,2);
0583 c14->cd(1);
0584 res1D_rms_lut1->Draw();
0585 SetupTitle(res1D_rms_lut1,"RMS (Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E","Ntowers");
0586 SetStatus(res1D_rms_lut1,"UNCHECKED");
0587 c14->cd(2);
0588 res1D_rms_lut2->Draw();
0589 SetupTitle(res1D_rms_lut2,"RMS (Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E","Ntowers");
0590 SetStatus(res1D_rms_lut2,"UNCHECKED");
0591 c14->cd(3);
0592 res1D_rms_lut3->Draw();
0593 SetupTitle(res1D_rms_lut3,"RMS (Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E","Ntowers");
0594 SetStatus(res1D_rms_lut3,"UNCHECKED");
0595 c14->cd(4);
0596 res1D_rms_lut4->Draw();
0597 SetupTitle(res1D_rms_lut4,"RMS (Rec E - Uncompressed TPG)/Rec E","Ntowers");
0598 SetStatus(res1D_rms_lut4,"UNCHECKED");
0599 c14->Print("");
0600 delete c14;
0603 TCanvas *c18 = new TCanvas();
0604 nofire->Draw("COLZ");
0605 SetupTowerDisplay(nofire);
0606 c18->Print("");
0607 delete c18;
0610 TCanvas *c20 = new TCanvas();
0611 gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo");
0612 c20->Divide(2,2);
0613 c20->cd(1);
0614 nofiresum_lut1->Draw();
0615 SetupTitle(nofiresum_lut1,"Highest Energy with no TPG (GeV)","Ntowers");
0616 SetStatus(nofiresum_lut1,"UNCHECKED");
0617 c20->cd(2);
0618 SetupTitle(nofiresum_lut2,"Highest Energy with no TPG (GeV)","Ntowers");
0619 SetStatus(nofiresum_lut2,"UNCHECKED");
0620 nofiresum_lut2->Draw();
0621 c20->cd(3);
0622 SetupTitle(nofiresum_lut3,"Highest Energy with no TPG (GeV)","Ntowers");
0623 SetStatus(nofiresum_lut3,"UNCHECKED");
0624 nofiresum_lut3->Draw();
0625 c20->cd(4);
0626 SetupTitle(nofiresum_lut4,"Highest Energy with no TPG (GeV)","Ntowers");
0627 SetStatus(nofiresum_lut4,"UNCHECKED");
0628 nofiresum_lut4->Draw();
0629 c20->Print("");
0630 delete c20;
0633 TCanvas *c19 = new TCanvas();
0634 fakes->Draw("COLZ");
0635 SetupTowerDisplay(fakes);
0636 c19->Print("");
0637 delete c19;
0639 TCanvas *c21 = new TCanvas();
0640 gStyle->SetOptStat("emruo");
0641 c21->Divide(2,2);
0642 c21->cd(1);
0643 fakessum_lut1->Draw();
0644 SetupTitle(fakessum_lut1,"Uncompressed Energy of Fake TP (GeV)","Ntowers");
0645 SetStatus(fakessum_lut1,"UNCHECKED");
0646 c21->cd(2);
0647 fakessum_lut2->Draw();
0648 SetupTitle(fakessum_lut2,"Uncompressed Energy of Fake TP (GeV)","Ntowers");
0649 SetStatus(fakessum_lut2,"UNCHECKED");
0650 c21->cd(3);
0651 fakessum_lut3->Draw();
0652 SetupTitle(fakessum_lut3,"Uncompressed Energy of Fake TP (GeV)","Ntowers");
0653 SetStatus(fakessum_lut3,"UNCHECKED");
0654 c21->cd(4);
0655 fakessum_lut4->Draw();
0656 SetupTitle(fakessum_lut4,"Uncompressed Energy of Fake TP (GeV)","Ntowers");
0657 SetStatus(fakessum_lut4,"UNCHECKED");
0658 c21->Print("");
0659 delete c21;
0661 TFile f(output_file,"recreate");
0662 efficiency.Write();
0663 nofire->Write();
0664 fakes->Write();
0665 resolution.Write();
0666 hit_tpg.Write();
0667 hslope->Write();
0668 slope_sum->Write();
0669 slope_eta->Write();
0670 res2D_mean->Write();
0671 res2D_rms->Write();
0672 res1D_mean_lut1->Write();
0673 res1D_rms_lut1->Write();
0674 res1D_mean_lut2->Write();
0675 res1D_rms_lut2->Write();
0676 res1D_mean_lut3->Write();
0677 res1D_rms_lut3->Write();
0678 res1D_mean_lut4->Write();
0679 res1D_rms_lut4->Write();
0680 heffic->Write();
0681 hthresh->Write();
0682 hwidth->Write();
0683 eff_lut1->Write();
0684 eff_lut2->Write();
0685 eff_lut3->Write();
0686 eff_lut4->Write();
0687 hit_tpg_lut1->Write();
0688 hit_tpg_lut2->Write();
0689 hit_tpg_lut3->Write();
0690 hit_tpg_lut4->Write();
0691 res_hit_lut1->Write();
0692 res_hit_lut2->Write();
0693 res_hit_lut3->Write();
0694 res_hit_lut4->Write();
0695 effsum_lut1->Write();
0696 effsum_lut2->Write();
0697 effsum_lut3->Write();
0698 effsum_lut4->Write();
0699 threshsum_lut1->Write();
0700 threshsum_lut2->Write();
0701 threshsum_lut3->Write();
0702 threshsum_lut4->Write();
0703 widthsum_lut1->Write();
0704 widthsum_lut2->Write();
0705 widthsum_lut3->Write();
0706 widthsum_lut4->Write();
0707 fakessum_lut1->Write();
0708 fakessum_lut2->Write();
0709 fakessum_lut3->Write();
0710 fakessum_lut4->Write();
0711 nofiresum_lut1->Write();
0712 nofiresum_lut2->Write();
0713 nofiresum_lut3->Write();
0714 nofiresum_lut4->Write();
0715 f.Close();
0717 file->Close();
0718 return 0;
0719 }
0721 double et2e(int eta)
0722 {
0723 switch (TMath::Abs(eta))
0724 {
0725 case 1:
0726 return 1.001;
0727 case 2:
0728 return 1.009;
0729 case 3:
0730 return 1.024;
0731 case 4:
0732 return 1.047;
0733 case 5:
0734 return 1.078;
0735 case 6:
0736 return 1.117;
0737 case 7:
0738 return 1.164;
0739 case 8:
0740 return 1.221;
0741 case 9:
0742 return 1.286;
0743 case 10:
0744 return 1.361;
0745 case 11:
0746 return 1.447;
0747 case 12:
0748 return 1.544;
0749 case 13:
0750 return 1.652;
0751 case 14:
0752 return 1.773;
0753 case 15:
0754 return 1.907;
0755 case 16:
0756 return 2.056;
0757 case 17:
0758 return 2.220;
0759 case 18:
0760 return 2.401;
0761 case 19:
0762 return 2.600;
0763 case 20:
0764 return 2.819;
0765 case 21:
0766 return 3.064;
0767 case 22:
0768 return 3.353;
0769 case 23:
0770 return 3.714;
0771 case 24:
0772 return 4.175;
0773 case 25:
0774 return 4.806;
0775 case 26:
0776 return 5.645;
0777 case 27:
0778 return 6.604;
0779 case 28:
0780 return 8.460;
0781 case 29:
0782 return 10.94;
0783 case 30:
0784 return 17.89;
0785 case 31:
0786 return 30.21;
0787 case 32:
0788 return 59.38;
0789 default:
0790 return -99999;
0791 }
0792 }