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0001 #include <iostream>
0002 #include <algorithm>
0003 #include <map>
0004 #include <utility>
0006 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0008 #include "SimDataFormats/GeneratorProducts/interface/GenLumiInfoProduct.h"
0010 using namespace edm;
0011 using namespace std;
0013 const bool operator<(const GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo& lhs, const GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo& rhs) {
0014   return (lhs.process() < rhs.process());
0015 }
0017 const bool operator!=(const GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo& lhs, const GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo& rhs) {
0018   bool condition = (lhs.process() != rhs.process()) || (lhs.lheXSec() != rhs.lheXSec());
0019   return condition;
0020 }
0022 const bool operator==(const GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo& lhs, const GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo& rhs) {
0023   bool condition =
0024       (lhs.process() == rhs.process() && lhs.lheXSec() == rhs.lheXSec() && lhs.nPassPos() == rhs.nPassPos() &&
0025        lhs.nPassNeg() == rhs.nPassNeg() && lhs.nTotalPos() == rhs.nTotalPos() && lhs.nTotalNeg() == rhs.nTotalNeg() &&
0026        lhs.tried() == rhs.tried() && lhs.selected() == rhs.selected() && lhs.killed() == rhs.killed() &&
0027        lhs.accepted() == rhs.accepted() && lhs.acceptedBr() == rhs.acceptedBr());
0028   return condition;
0029 }
0031 const bool operator!=(const GenLumiInfoProduct& lhs, const GenLumiInfoProduct& rhs) {
0032   std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo> lhsVector = lhs.getProcessInfos();
0033   std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo> rhsVector = rhs.getProcessInfos();
0034   std::sort(lhsVector.begin(), lhsVector.end());
0035   std::sort(rhsVector.begin(), rhsVector.end());
0036   unsigned int lhssize = lhsVector.size();
0037   unsigned int rhssize = rhsVector.size();
0038   bool condition = (lhs.getHEPIDWTUP() != rhs.getHEPIDWTUP()) || (lhssize != rhssize);
0039   bool fail = false;
0040   if (!condition) {
0041     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lhssize; i++) {
0042       if (lhsVector[i] != rhsVector[i]) {
0043         fail = true;
0044         break;
0045       }
0046     }
0047   }
0048   return (condition || fail);
0049 }
0051 const bool operator==(const GenLumiInfoProduct& lhs, const GenLumiInfoProduct& rhs) {
0052   std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo> lhsVector = lhs.getProcessInfos();
0053   std::vector<GenLumiInfoProduct::ProcessInfo> rhsVector = rhs.getProcessInfos();
0054   std::sort(lhsVector.begin(), lhsVector.end());
0055   std::sort(rhsVector.begin(), rhsVector.end());
0056   unsigned int lhssize = lhsVector.size();
0057   unsigned int rhssize = rhsVector.size();
0059   bool condition = (lhs.getHEPIDWTUP() == rhs.getHEPIDWTUP()) && (lhssize == rhssize);
0060   unsigned int passCounts = 0;
0061   if (condition) {
0062     for (unsigned int i = 0; i < lhssize; i++) {
0063       if (lhsVector[i] == rhsVector[i])
0064         passCounts++;
0065     }
0066   }
0067   return (condition && (passCounts == lhssize));
0068 }
0070 GenLumiInfoProduct::GenLumiInfoProduct() : hepidwtup_(-1) { internalProcesses_.clear(); }
0072 GenLumiInfoProduct::GenLumiInfoProduct(const int id) : hepidwtup_(id) { internalProcesses_.clear(); }
0074 GenLumiInfoProduct::~GenLumiInfoProduct() {}
0076 bool GenLumiInfoProduct::mergeProduct(GenLumiInfoProduct const& other) {
0077   std::map<int, ProcessInfo> processes;
0079   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < getProcessInfos().size(); i++) {
0080     int id = getProcessInfos()[i].process();
0081     ProcessInfo& x = processes[id];
0082     x = getProcessInfos()[i];
0083   }
0085   // the two GenLuminInfoProducts may not have the same number
0086   // of processes
0087   for (unsigned int i = 0; i < other.getProcessInfos().size(); i++) {
0088     int id = other.getProcessInfos()[i].process();
0089     ProcessInfo& x = processes[id];
0090     if (x.lheXSec().value() > 0)
0091       x.addOthers(other.getProcessInfos()[i]);
0092     else
0093       x = other.getProcessInfos()[i];
0094   }
0096   internalProcesses_.resize(processes.size());
0097   unsigned int i = 0;
0098   for (std::map<int, ProcessInfo>::const_iterator iter = processes.begin(); iter != processes.end(); ++iter, i++)
0099     internalProcesses_[i] = iter->second;
0100   return true;
0101 }
0103 void GenLumiInfoProduct::swap(GenLumiInfoProduct& other) {
0104   std::swap(hepidwtup_, other.hepidwtup_);
0105   internalProcesses_.swap(other.internalProcesses_);
0106 }
0108 bool GenLumiInfoProduct::isProductEqual(GenLumiInfoProduct const& other) const { return ((*this) == other); }