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0001 #include "catch.hpp"
0002 #include "SimG4CMS/Calo/interface/HFShowerLibrary.h"
0003 #include <CLHEP/Units/GlobalPhysicalConstants.h>
0004 #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
0005 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/PresenceFactory.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/PluginManager.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/PluginManager/interface/standard.h"
0008 #include <CLHEP/Random/MixMaxRng.h>
0009 #include "Randomize.hh"
0011 using CLHEP::deg;
0012 using CLHEP::GeV;
0014 namespace {
0015   std::shared_ptr<edm::Presence> setupMessageLogger(bool iDoSetup) {
0016     if (not iDoSetup) {
0017       return std::shared_ptr<edm::Presence>();
0018     }
0019     // Initialise the plug-in manager.
0020     edmplugin::PluginManager::configure(edmplugin::standard::config());
0022     try {
0023       return std::shared_ptr<edm::Presence>(
0024           edm::PresenceFactory::get()->makePresence("SingleThreadMSPresence").release());
0025     } catch (cms::Exception& e) {
0026       std::cerr << e.explainSelf() << std::endl;
0027       throw;
0028     }
0029   }
0031   class SetRandomEngine {
0032   public:
0033     explicit SetRandomEngine(long iSeed) : m_current(iSeed), m_previous(G4Random::getTheEngine()) {
0034       G4Random::setTheEngine(&m_current);
0035     }
0036     ~SetRandomEngine() { G4Random::setTheEngine(m_previous); }
0038   private:
0039     CLHEP::MixMaxRng m_current;
0040     decltype(G4Random::getTheEngine()) m_previous;
0041   };
0043 }  // namespace
0045 bool operator==(HFShowerLibrary::Hit const& iLHS, HFShowerLibrary::Hit const& iRHS) {
0046   return iLHS.position == iRHS.position and iLHS.depth == iRHS.depth and iLHS.time == iRHS.time;
0047 }
0049 namespace test_hffibre {
0050   HFFibre::Params defaultParams();
0051 }
0053 TEST_CASE("test HFShowerLibrary", "[HFShowerLibrary]") {
0054   //pass 'true' to turn on MessageLogger output
0055   static std::shared_ptr<edm::Presence> gobbleUpTheGoop = setupMessageLogger(false);
0057   auto fibreParams = test_hffibre::defaultParams();
0059   //These values come from IB workflow 250202.181
0060   HFShowerLibrary::Params params;
0061   params.probMax_ = 1.;   // 0.5;
0062   params.backProb_ = 1.;  //0.2;
0063   params.dphi_ = 10 * deg;
0064   params.equalizeTimeShift_ = false;
0065   params.verbose_ = false;
0066   params.applyFidCut_ = true;
0068   SECTION("v4 file") {
0069     HFShowerLibrary::FileParams fileParams;
0070     edm::FileInPath p("SimG4CMS/Calo/data/HFShowerLibrary_npmt_noatt_eta4_16en_v4.root");
0071     fileParams.fileName_ = p.fullPath();
0072     fileParams.emBranchName_ = "emParticles";
0073     fileParams.hadBranchName_ = "hadParticles";
0074     fileParams.branchEvInfo_ = "";
0075     fileParams.fileVersion_ = 0;
0076     fileParams.cacheBranches_ = false;
0078     HFShowerLibrary showerLibrary(params, fileParams, fibreParams);
0079     SECTION("fillHits") {
0080       SECTION("non EM or Hadron") {
0081         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0082         bool ok = false;
0083         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits({0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, 0, 0., ok, 1., 0.);
0084         REQUIRE(hits.empty());
0085         REQUIRE(not ok);
0086       }
0087       SECTION("photon within threshold") {
0088         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0089         bool ok = false;
0090         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0091             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 22, 2.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0092         REQUIRE(ok);
0093         REQUIRE(hits.size() == 2);
0094       }
0095       SECTION("pion within threshold") {
0096         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0097         bool ok = false;
0098         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0099             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 211, 2.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0100         REQUIRE(ok);
0101         REQUIRE(hits.size() == 2);
0102       }
0103     }
0104     SECTION("em cache") {
0105       std::vector<HFShowerLibrary::Hit> nonCached;
0106       {
0107         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0108         bool ok = false;
0109         nonCached = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0110             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 22, 2.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0111       }
0112       std::vector<HFShowerLibrary::Hit> cached;
0113       {
0114         auto newFileParams = fileParams;
0115         newFileParams.cacheBranches_ = true;
0116         HFShowerLibrary showerLibrary(params, newFileParams, fibreParams);
0118         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0119         bool ok = false;
0120         cached = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0121             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 22, 2.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0122       }
0123       REQUIRE(nonCached == cached);
0124     }
0126     SECTION("had cache") {
0127       std::vector<HFShowerLibrary::Hit> nonCached;
0128       {
0129         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0130         bool ok = false;
0131         nonCached = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0132             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 211, 2.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0133       }
0134       std::vector<HFShowerLibrary::Hit> cached;
0135       {
0136         auto newFileParams = fileParams;
0137         newFileParams.cacheBranches_ = true;
0138         HFShowerLibrary showerLibrary(params, newFileParams, fibreParams);
0140         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0141         bool ok = false;
0142         cached = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0143             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 211, 2.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0144       }
0145       REQUIRE(nonCached == cached);
0146     }
0147   }
0148   SECTION("v3 file") {
0149     HFShowerLibrary::FileParams fileParams;
0150     edm::FileInPath p("SimG4CMS/Calo/data/HFShowerLibrary_oldpmt_noatt_eta4_16en_v3.root");
0151     fileParams.fileName_ = p.fullPath();
0152     fileParams.emBranchName_ = "emParticles";
0153     fileParams.hadBranchName_ = "hadParticles";
0154     fileParams.branchEvInfo_ = "";
0155     fileParams.fileVersion_ = 0;
0156     fileParams.cacheBranches_ = false;
0158     HFShowerLibrary showerLibrary(params, fileParams, std::move(fibreParams));
0159     SECTION("fillHits") {
0160       SECTION("non EM or Hadron") {
0161         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0162         bool ok = false;
0163         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits({0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, 0, 0., ok, 1., 0.);
0164         REQUIRE(hits.empty());
0165         REQUIRE(not ok);
0166       }
0167       SECTION("photon within threshold") {
0168         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0169         bool ok = false;
0170         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0171             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 22, 5.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0172         REQUIRE(ok);
0173         REQUIRE(hits.size() == 1);
0174       }
0175       SECTION("pion within threshold") {
0176         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0177         bool ok = false;
0178         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0179             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 211, 5.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0180         REQUIRE(ok);
0181         REQUIRE(hits.size() == 1);
0182       }
0183     }
0184   }
0185   SECTION("v6 file") {
0186     HFShowerLibrary::FileParams fileParams;
0187     edm::FileInPath p("SimG4CMS/Calo/data/HFShowerLibrary_run3_v6.root");
0188     fileParams.fileName_ = p.fullPath();
0189     fileParams.emBranchName_ = "emParticles";
0190     fileParams.hadBranchName_ = "hadParticles";
0191     fileParams.branchEvInfo_ = "";
0192     fileParams.fileVersion_ = 2;
0193     fileParams.cacheBranches_ = false;
0195     params.equalizeTimeShift_ = true;
0197     HFShowerLibrary showerLibrary(params, fileParams, std::move(fibreParams));
0198     SECTION("fillHits") {
0199       SECTION("non EM or Hadron") {
0200         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0201         bool ok = false;
0202         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits({0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, 0, 0., ok, 1., 0.);
0203         REQUIRE(hits.empty());
0204         REQUIRE(not ok);
0205       }
0206       SECTION("photon within threshold") {
0207         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0208         bool ok = false;
0209         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0210             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 22, 2.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0211         REQUIRE(ok);
0212         REQUIRE(hits.size() == 5);
0213       }
0214       SECTION("pion within threshold") {
0215         SetRandomEngine guard(11);
0216         bool ok = false;
0217         auto hits = showerLibrary.fillHits(
0218             {-470.637, -618.696, 11150}, {0.000467326, -0.00804975, 0.999967}, 211, 5.2 * GeV, ok, 1., 0.);
0219         REQUIRE(ok);
0220         REQUIRE(hits.size() == 2);
0221       }
0222     }
0223   }
0224 }