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0001 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0002 // File:
0003 // Description: Numbering scheme for Castor
0004 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
0005 #include "SimG4CMS/Forward/interface/CastorNumberingScheme.h"
0006 #include "DataFormats/HcalDetId/interface/HcalCastorDetId.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0009 #include <CLHEP/Units/SystemOfUnits.h>
0010 #include "G4LogicalVolumeStore.hh"
0011 #include <iostream>
0013 //#define EDM_ML_DEBUG
0015 CastorNumberingScheme::CastorNumberingScheme()
0016     : lvCASTFar(nullptr),
0017       lvCASTNear(nullptr),
0018       lvCAST(nullptr),
0019       lvCAES(nullptr),
0020       lvCEDS(nullptr),
0021       lvCAHS(nullptr),
0022       lvCHDS(nullptr),
0023       lvCAER(nullptr),
0024       lvCEDR(nullptr),
0025       lvCAHR(nullptr),
0026       lvCHDR(nullptr),
0027       lvC3EF(nullptr),
0028       lvC3HF(nullptr),
0029       lvC4EF(nullptr),
0030       lvC4HF(nullptr) {
0031   const G4LogicalVolumeStore* lvs = G4LogicalVolumeStore::GetInstance();
0032   std::vector<lvp>::const_iterator lvcite;
0033   for (lvcite = lvs->begin(); lvcite != lvs->end(); lvcite++) {
0034     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CASTFar") == 0)
0035       lvCASTFar = (*lvcite);
0036     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CASTNear") == 0)
0037       lvCASTNear = (*lvcite);
0038     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CAST") == 0)
0039       lvCAST = (*lvcite);
0040     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CAES") == 0)
0041       lvCAES = (*lvcite);
0042     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CEDS") == 0)
0043       lvCEDS = (*lvcite);
0044     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CAHS") == 0)
0045       lvCAHS = (*lvcite);
0046     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CHDS") == 0)
0047       lvCHDS = (*lvcite);
0048     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CAER") == 0)
0049       lvCAER = (*lvcite);
0050     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CEDR") == 0)
0051       lvCEDR = (*lvcite);
0052     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CAHR") == 0)
0053       lvCAHR = (*lvcite);
0054     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "CHDR") == 0)
0055       lvCHDR = (*lvcite);
0056     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "C3EF") == 0)
0057       lvC3EF = (*lvcite);
0058     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "C3HF") == 0)
0059       lvC3HF = (*lvcite);
0060     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "C4EF") == 0)
0061       lvC4EF = (*lvcite);
0062     if (strcmp(((*lvcite)->GetName()).c_str(), "C4HF") == 0)
0063       lvC4HF = (*lvcite);
0064   }
0065 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0066   edm::LogVerbatim("ForwardSim") << "Creating CastorNumberingScheme";
0067   LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorNumberingScheme:: LogicalVolume pointers\n"
0068                          << lvCASTFar << " for CASTFar; " << lvCASTNear << " for CASTNear; " << lvCAST << " for CAST; "
0069                          << lvCAES << " for CAES; " << lvCEDS << " for CEDS; " << lvCAHS << " for CAHS; " << lvCHDS
0070                          << " for CHDS; " << lvCAER << " for CAER; " << lvCEDR << " for CEDR; " << lvCAHR
0071                          << " for CAHR; " << lvCHDR << " for CHDR; " << lvC3EF << " for C3EF; " << lvC3HF
0072                          << " for C3HF; " << lvC4EF << " for C4EF; " << lvC4HF << " for C4HF.";
0074   LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "Call to init CastorNumberingScheme\n";
0075   for (int mod = 0; mod < 15; mod++)
0076     for (int sec = 0; sec < 17; sec++) {
0077       HcalCastorDetId castorId = HcalCastorDetId(false, sec, mod);
0078       LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "Mod: " << mod << "  Sec: " << sec << "  Id: " << castorId.rawId() << "\n";
0079     }
0081 #endif
0082 }
0084 CastorNumberingScheme::~CastorNumberingScheme() {}
0086 uint32_t CastorNumberingScheme::getUnitID(const G4Step* aStep) const {
0087   uint32_t index = 0;
0088   int level, copyno[20];
0089   lvp lvs[20];
0090   detectorLevel(aStep, level, copyno, lvs);
0092 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0093   LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorNumberingScheme number of levels= " << level;
0094 #endif
0096   if (level > 0) {
0097     int zside = 0;
0098     int sector = 0;
0099     int module = 0;
0101     bool farSide = false;
0102     int castorGeoVersion = 0;  //0 = original // 1 = separated-halves geometry
0104     //    HcalCastorDetId::Section section;
0105     for (int ich = 0; ich < level; ich++) {
0106       if (lvs[ich] == lvCAST) {
0107         // Z index +Z = 1 ; -Z = 2
0108         assert(1 <= copyno[ich] && copyno[ich] <= 3);
0109         zside = copyno[ich] == 1 ? 1 : 2;
0110       }  // copyno 2 = Far : 3 = Near
0111       else if (lvs[ich] == lvCASTFar || lvs[ich] == lvCASTNear) {
0112         castorGeoVersion = 1;  //detected separated-halves geometry
0113         if (lvs[ich] == lvCASTFar)
0114           farSide = true;
0115       } else if (lvs[ich] == lvCAES || lvs[ich] == lvCEDS || lvs[ich] == lvCAHS || lvs[ich] == lvCHDS) {
0116         // sector number for dead material 1 - 8
0117         int copyn = copyno[ich];
0118         if (castorGeoVersion == 1) {
0119           //for separated-half geometry the copy numbers do not start at "3 o'clock" and go from 1-8.
0120           //instead they start at "12 o'clock" for near side 1-4. and "6 o'clock" for far side 1-4 again
0121           if (farSide) {
0122             if (copyn < 3)
0123               copyn += 6;  //maps 1->7, 2->8
0124             else
0125               copyn -= 2;  //maps 3->1 and 4->2
0126           } else {         //nearSide
0127             copyn += 2;    //maps 1->3, ...
0128           }
0129         }  //endif separated-half geometry
0130         if (copyn < 5)
0131           sector = 5 - copyn;
0132         else
0133           sector = 13 - copyn;
0134       } else if (lvs[ich] == lvCAER || lvs[ich] == lvCEDR) {
0135         // zmodule number 1-2 for EM section (2 copies)
0136         module = copyno[ich];
0137       } else if (lvs[ich] == lvCAHR || lvs[ich] == lvCHDR) {
0138         //zmodule number 3-14 for HAD section (12 copies)
0139         module = copyno[ich] + 2;
0140       } else if (lvs[ich] == lvC3EF || lvs[ich] == lvC3HF) {
0141         // sector number for sensitive material 1 - 16
0142         sector = sector * 2;
0143       } else if (lvs[ich] == lvC4EF || lvs[ich] == lvC4HF) {
0144         // sector number for sensitive material 1 - 16
0145         sector = sector * 2 - 1;
0146       }
0148 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0149       LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorNumberingScheme  "
0150                              << "ich = " << ich << "copyno = " << copyno[ich] << "name = " << lvs[ich]->GetName();
0151 #endif
0152     }  //end for loop over levels
0154     // use for Castor number det = 9
0155     //
0156     // Z index +Z = 1 ; -Z = 2
0157     // sector number 1 - 16
0158     // zmodule number  1 - 18
0160     bool true_for_positive_eta = false;
0161     if (zside == 1)
0162       true_for_positive_eta = true;
0164     HcalCastorDetId castorId = HcalCastorDetId(true_for_positive_eta, sector, module);
0165     index = castorId.rawId();
0167 #ifdef EDM_ML_DEBUG
0168     uint32_t intindex = 0;
0169     intindex = packIndex(zside, sector, module);
0170     LogDebug("ForwardSim") << "CastorNumberingScheme: "
0171                            << " zside " << zside << " module " << module << " sector " << sector << " UnitID 0x"
0172                            << std::hex << intindex << std::dec << " index: " << index;
0173 #endif
0174   }
0175   return index;
0176 }
0178 uint32_t CastorNumberingScheme::packIndex(int z, int sector, int module) {
0179   /*
0180     uint32_t idx=(section&31)<<28;     //bits 28-31   (21-27 are free for now)
0181     idx+=((z-1)&1)<<20;                //bits  20  (1...2)
0182     idx+=(sector&15)<<6;               //bits  6-9 (1...16)
0183     idx+=(module&63);                 //bits  0-5 (1...18)
0184     return idx;
0185   */
0187   uint32_t idx = ((z - 1) & 1) << 8;  //bit 8
0188   idx += (sector & 15) << 4;          //bits  4-7 (1...16)
0189   idx += (module & 15);               //bits  0-3 (1...14)
0190   return idx;
0191 }
0193 void CastorNumberingScheme::unpackIndex(const uint32_t& idx, int& z, int& sector, int& module) {
0194   /*
0195     section = (idx>>28)&31;
0196     z   = (idx>>20)&1;
0197     z  += 1;
0198     sector = (idx>>6)&15;
0199     module= (idx&63);
0200   */
0201   z = (idx >> 8) & 1;
0202   z += 1;
0203   sector = (idx >> 4) & 15;
0204   module = (idx & 15);
0205 }
0207 void CastorNumberingScheme::detectorLevel(const G4Step* aStep, int& level, int* copyno, lvp* lvs) const {
0208   //Get name and copy numbers
0209   const G4VTouchable* touch = aStep->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchable();
0210   level = 0;
0211   if (touch)
0212     level = ((touch->GetHistoryDepth()) + 1);
0213   if (level > 0) {
0214     for (int ii = 0; ii < level; ii++) {
0215       int i = level - ii - 1;
0216       lvs[ii] = touch->GetVolume(i)->GetLogicalVolume();
0217       copyno[ii] = touch->GetReplicaNumber(i);
0218     }
0219   }
0220 }