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Warning, /SimG4CMS/Forward/test/data/g4SimHits_local.cfi is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 include "SimG4Core/Application/data/hectorParameter.cfi"
0003 block common_heavy_suppression = {
0004     double IonThreshold     = 30.0
0005     double NeutronThreshold = 30.0
0006     double ProtonThreshold  = 30.0
0007 }
0009 module g4SimHits = OscarProducer
0010 {
0011     bool NonBeamEvent = false
0012     untracked int32 G4EventManagerVerbosity = 0
0013     untracked int32 G4StackManagerVerbosity = 0
0014     untracked int32 G4TrackingManagerVerbosity = 0
0015     bool UseMagneticField = true
0016     bool OverrideUserStackingAction = true
0017     bool StoreRndmSeeds = false
0018     bool RestoreRndmSeeds = false
0019     string PhysicsTablesDirectory = "PhysicsTables"
0020     bool StorePhysicsTables = false
0021     bool RestorePhysicsTables = false
0022     untracked bool CheckOverlap = false
0023     vstring G4Commands = { }
0024     VPSet Watchers = { }
0025     PSet MagneticField =
0026     {
0027         double delta = 1.
0028         bool UseLocalMagFieldManager = false
0029         untracked bool Verbosity = false
0030         PSet ConfGlobalMFM =
0031         {
0032             string Volume = "OCMS"
0033             PSet OCMS =
0034             {
0035                 string Type = "CMSIMField"
0036                 string Stepper = "G4ClassicalRK4"
0037                 PSet G4ClassicalRK4 =
0038                 {           
0039                     double MinStep = 0.1 # in mm
0040                     double DeltaChord = 0.001 # in mm
0041                     double DeltaOneStep = 0.001 # in mm
0042                     double DeltaIntersection = 0.0001 # in mm
0043                     untracked double DeltaIntersectionAndOneStep = -1.
0044                     untracked double MaximumLoopCounts = 1000.
0045                     untracked double MinimumEpsilonStep = 0.00001  # in mm
0046                     untracked double MaximumEpsilonStep = 0.01 # in mm
0047                 }
0048             }
0049         }
0050     }
0051     PSet Physics =
0052     {
0053         # NOTE : if you want EM Physics only,
0054         #        please select "SimG4Core/Physics/DummyPhysics" for type
0055         #        and turn ON DummyEMPhysics
0056         #
0057         string type = "SimG4Core/Physics/QGSP_BERT_EMV" 
0058         bool DummyEMPhysics = false
0059         bool CutsPerRegion = true
0060         double DefaultCutValue = 1.0  # cuts in cm
0061         double G4BremsstrahlungThreshold = 0.5 # cut in GeV
0062         untracked int32 Verbosity = 0   # 1 will print cuts as they get set from DD
0063         # 2 will do as 1 + will dump Geant4 table of cuts
0064         untracked bool  EMPhysics  = true
0065         untracked bool  HadPhysics = true
0066         untracked bool  FlagBERT   = false
0067         untracked bool  FlagCHIPS  = false
0068         untracked bool  FlagFTF    = false
0069         untracked bool  FlagGlauber= false
0070         untracked bool  FlagHP     = false
0071         PSet GFlash = 
0072         {
0073             bool GflashEMShowerModel     = false
0074             bool GflashHadronShowerModel = false
0075             bool GflashHistogram         = false
0076             string GflashHadronPhysics   = "QGSP_BERT_EMV"
0077         }
0078     }
0079     PSet Generator =
0080     {
0081         string HepMCProductLabel = "source"
0082         ### string HepMCProductLabel = "VtxSmeared"
0083         bool ApplyPCuts  = true
0084         double MinPCut   =  0.040  # the pt-cut is in GeV (CMS conventions)
0085         double MaxPCut   =  99999. # the ptmax=99.TeV in this case
0086         bool ApplyPhiCuts = false
0087         double MinPhiCut  = -3.14159265358979323846 # in radians
0088         double MaxPhiCut  =  3.14159265358979323846 # according to CMS conventions
0089         bool ApplyEtaCuts = true
0090         double MinEtaCut  = -5.5
0091         double MaxEtaCut  =  5.5
0092         double RDecLenCut   =  2.9 # the minimum radial decay length in cm (!) for mother tracking
0093         using HectorEtaCut
0094         untracked int32 Verbosity = 1
0095     }
0096     PSet RunAction = { string StopFile = "StopRun" }
0097     PSet EventAction =
0098     {
0099         bool CollapsePrimaryVertices = false
0100         string StopFile = "StopRun"
0101         untracked bool debug = false
0102     }
0103     PSet StackingAction =
0104     {
0105         bool   TrackNeutrino    = false
0106         bool   KillHeavy        = false
0107         using common_heavy_suppression
0108         untracked bool SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInTracker = true
0109         untracked bool SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInCalo    = false
0110         untracked bool SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInMuon    = false
0111         untracked bool SaveFirstLevelSecondary                         = false
0112     }
0113     PSet TrackingAction =
0114     {
0115         untracked bool DetailedTiming = false
0116     }
0117     PSet SteppingAction =
0118     {
0119         bool   KillBeamPipe = true
0120         double CriticalEnergyForVacuum = 2.0
0121         double CriticalDensity = 1.e-15
0122         untracked int32  Verbosity = 1
0123     }
0124     PSet TrackerSD =
0125     {
0126         bool    ZeroEnergyLoss = false
0127         bool    NeverAccumulate = false
0128         bool    PrintHits = false
0129         double  ElectronicSigmaInNanoSeconds = 12.06
0130         double  EnergyThresholdForPersistencyInGeV = 0.2
0131         double  EnergyThresholdForHistoryInGeV = 0.05
0132     }
0133     PSet MuonSD =
0134     {
0135         double  EnergyThresholdForPersistency = 1.0
0136         bool    AllMuonsPersistent = true
0137         bool    PrintHits = false
0138     }
0139     PSet CaloSD = {
0140         double EminTrack     = 1.0
0141         bool   SuppressHeavy = false
0142         double TmaxHit       = 1000.
0143         using common_heavy_suppression
0144         untracked int32  CheckHits = 25
0145         untracked bool   UseMap = true
0146         untracked int32  Verbosity = 0
0147         untracked bool   DetailedTiming = false
0148         untracked bool   CorrectTOFBeam = false
0149         untracked double BeamPosition = 0.0
0150     }
0151     PSet ECalSD = {
0152         bool   UseBirkLaw = true
0153         double BirkC1 = 0.03333
0154         double BirkC2 = 0.0
0155         double BirkC3 = 1.0
0156         bool   BirkL3Parametrization = true
0157         double BirkSlope = 0.253694
0158         double BirkCut   = 0.10
0159         double SlopeLightYield = 0.02
0160         untracked bool TestBeam = false
0161     }
0162     PSet HCalSD = {
0163         bool   UseBirkLaw = true
0164         double BirkC1 = 0.0052
0165         double BirkC2 = 0.142
0166         double BirkC3 = 1.75
0167         bool   UseShowerLibrary = true
0168         bool   UseParametrize   = false
0169         bool   TestNumberingScheme = false
0170         bool   UsePMTHits       = false
0171         double BetaThreshold    = 0.70
0172         untracked bool UseHF    = true
0173         untracked bool ForTBH2  = false
0174         untracked bool UseLayerWt = false
0175         untracked string WtFile   = "None"
0176     }
0177     PSet CaloTrkProcessing = {
0178         bool   TestBeam  = false
0179         double EminTrack = 0.01
0180     }
0181     PSet HFShower = {
0182         double ProbMax     = 0.7268
0183         double CFibre      = 0.50
0184         double PEPerGeV    = 0.25
0185         bool   TrackEM     = false
0186         double PEPerGeVPMT = 1.0
0187     }
0188     PSet HFShowerLibrary = {
0189         # FileInPath FileName = "SimG4CMS/Calo/data/hfshowerlibrary_lhep_140_edm.root"
0190         FileInPath FileName = "SimG4CMS/Forward/test/data/hfshowerlibrary_lhep_140_edm.root"
0191         double BackProbability = 0.2
0192         string TreeEMID  = "emParticles"
0193         string TreeHadID = "hadParticles"
0194         untracked string BranchEvt = "HFShowerLibraryEventInfos_hfshowerlib_HFShowerLibraryEventInfo"
0195         untracked string BranchPre = "HFShowerPhotons_hfshowerlib_"
0196         untracked string BranchPost= "_R.obj"
0197         untracked bool   Verbosity = false
0198     }
0199     PSet HFCherenkov = {
0200         double RefIndex        = 1.459
0201         double Lambda1         = 280.0
0202         double Lambda2         = 700.0
0203         double Aperture        = 0.33
0204         double ApertureTrapped = 0.22
0205         double Gain            = 0.33
0206         bool   CheckSurvive    = false
0207     }
0208     PSet CastorSD = {
0209         untracked int32  Verbosity             = 1
0210         bool useShowerLibrary                  = true
0211         double minEnergyInGeVforUsingSLibrary  = 1.0
0212     }
0213     # Added by WC in 12/02/2009
0214     #   For the moment, keeping same parameters as HF for testing 
0215     PSet CastorShowerLibrary = {
0216         FileInPath FileName = "SimG4CMS/Forward/test/data/CastorShowerLibrary_01-60GeV_5.7-6.1eta.root"
0217         untracked string BranchEvt = "CastorShowerLibInfo"
0218         untracked string BranchEM  = "emParticles"
0219         untracked string BranchHAD = "hadParticles"
0220         untracked bool   Verbosity = false
0221     }
0222     PSet TotemSD =  {
0223         untracked int32  Verbosity = 0
0224     }
0225     PSet ZdcSD = {
0226         int32  Verbosity = 0
0227         double FiberDirection = 0.0
0228     }
0229     PSet FP420SD =  {
0230         untracked int32  Verbosity = 2
0231     }
0232     PSet BscSD = {
0233         untracked int32  Verbosity = 0
0234     }
0235     PSet HcalTB02SD = {
0236         untracked bool   UseBirkLaw = false
0237         untracked double BirkC1 = 0.013
0238         untracked double BirkC2 = 0.0568
0239         untracked double BirkC3 = 1.75
0240     }
0241     PSet EcalTBH4BeamSD = {
0242         bool   UseBirkLaw = false
0243         double BirkC1 = 0.013
0244         double BirkC2 = 0.0568
0245         double BirkC3 = 1.75
0246     }
0247     PSet HcalTB06BeamSD = {
0248         bool   UseBirkLaw = false
0249         double BirkC1 = 0.013
0250         double BirkC2 = 0.0568
0251         double BirkC3 = 1.75
0252     }
0253 }