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0001 #!/bin/csh
0002 #
0003 cat > runCastorSLMaker_cfg.template <<EOF
0004 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0005 import time
0006 import datetime
0008 process = cms.Process("CastorShowerLibraryMaker")
0010 process.common_maximum_timex = cms.PSet(
0011   MaxTrackTime = cms.double(500.0),
0012   MaxTimeNames = cms.vstring('ZDCRegion','QuadRegion','InterimRegion'),
0013   MaxTrackTimes = cms.vdouble(2000.0,0.0,0.0)
0014 )
0016 process.common_pgun_particleID = cms.PSet(
0017         PartID = cms.vint32(11,211)
0018 )
0020 process.load("SimGeneral.HepPDTESSource.pdt_cfi")
0022 process.load("IOMC.EventVertexGenerators.VtxSmearedGauss_cfi")
0024 # process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.GeometryExtended_cff")
0025 process.load("SimG4CMS.Forward.castorGeometryXML_cfi")
0026 #process.load("Geometry.CMSCommonData.cmsAllGeometryXML_cfi")
0027 #process.load("Geometry.TrackerNumberingBuilder.trackerNumberingGeometry_cfi")
0029 #process.load("Configuration.StandardSequences.SimulationRandomNumberGeneratorSeeds_cff")
0031 #process.load("Configuration.EventContent.EventContent_cff")
0033 process.load("SimG4Core.Application.g4SimHits_cfi")
0035 process.MessageLogger = cms.Service("MessageLogger",
0036     destinations = cms.untracked.vstring('cout')
0037 #    categories = cms.untracked.vstring('ForwardSim'),
0038 #    debugModules = cms.untracked.vstring('*'),
0039 #    cout = cms.untracked.PSet(
0040 #        threshold = cms.untracked.string('DEBUG'),
0041 #        DEBUG = cms.untracked.PSet(
0042 #            limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)
0043 #        ),
0044 #        ForwardSim = cms.untracked.PSet(
0045 #            limit = cms.untracked.int32(0)
0046 #        )
0047 #    )
0048 )
0050 # Define the random generator seeds based on the current clock
0051 t =
0053 process.RandomNumberGeneratorService = cms.Service("RandomNumberGeneratorService",
0054     moduleSeeds = cms.PSet(
0055         g4SimHits  = cms.untracked.uint32(t.second),         # std: 9784
0056         VtxSmeared = cms.untracked.uint32(t.microsecond),
0057         generator  = cms.untracked.uint32(t.second*t.microsecond)     # std: 135799753
0058     )
0059     #sourceSeed = cms.untracked.uint32(135799753)         # std: 135799753
0060 )
0062 process.maxEvents = cms.untracked.PSet(
0063     input = cms.untracked.int32(1000000000)
0064 )
0067 process.g4SimHits.UseMagneticField = False
0068 #process.g4SimHits.Physics.DefaultCutValue = 10.
0069 process.g4SimHits.Generator.MinEtaCut        = -7.0
0070 process.g4SimHits.Generator.MaxEtaCut        = 7.0
0071 process.g4SimHits.Generator.Verbosity        = 0
0072 process.g4SimHits.CaloTrkProcessing.TestBeam = True
0073 #process.g4SimHits.Physics.type = 'SimG4Core/Physics/FTFP_BERT'
0075 process.CaloSD = cms.PSet(
0076     DetailedTiming = cms.bool(False),
0077     EminTrack      = cms.double(1.0),
0078     Verbosity      = cms.int32(0),
0079     UseMap         = cms.bool(True),
0080     CheckHits      = cms.int32(25),
0081     TmaxHit        = cms.int32(500)  # L.M. testing
0082 )
0084 process.g4SimHits.StackingAction = cms.PSet(
0085    process.common_heavy_suppression,
0086    process.common_maximum_timex,        # need to be localy redefined
0087    TrackNeutrino = cms.bool(False),
0088    KillHeavy     = cms.bool(False),
0089    KillDeltaRay  = cms.bool(False),
0090    SaveFirstLevelSecondary = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0091    SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInTracker = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0092    SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInCalo    = cms.untracked.bool(True),
0093    SavePrimaryDecayProductsAndConversionsInMuon    = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0094 )
0096 process.g4SimHits.SteppingAction = cms.PSet(
0097    process.common_maximum_timex, # need to be localy redefined
0098    KillBeamPipe            = cms.bool(True),
0099    CriticalEnergyForVacuum = cms.double(2.0),
0100    CriticalDensity         = cms.double(1e-15),
0101    EkinNames               = cms.vstring(),
0102    EkinThresholds          = cms.vdouble(),
0103    EkinParticles           = cms.vstring(),
0104    Verbosity               = cms.untracked.int32(0)
0105 )
0107 process.generator = cms.EDProducer("FlatRandomEGunProducer",
0108     PGunParameters = cms.PSet(
0109         process.common_pgun_particleID,
0110         MinEta = cms.double(-6.6),
0111         MaxEta = cms.double(-5.2),
0112         MinPhi = cms.double(0.),
0113         MaxPhi = cms.double(0.7854), # PI/4 = 0.7854
0114         MinE = cms.double(12.00),
0115         #MeanE = cms.double(12.00),
0116         MaxE = cms.double(14.00)
0117         #Energybins = cms.vdouble(1.,2.,3.,5.,7.,10.,20.,30.,45.,60.,75.,100.,140.,200.,300.,600.,1000.,1500.)
0118     ),
0119     AddAntiParticle = cms.bool(False),
0120     Verbosity = cms.untracked.int32(False)
0121 )
0123 process.g4SimHits.CastorSD.useShowerLibrary = False
0125 process.source = cms.Source("EmptySource")
0126 #process.o1 = cms.OutputModule("PoolOutputModule",
0127 #    fileName = cms.untracked.string('sim_pion_1events-ppON.root')
0128 #)
0131 process.g4SimHits.Watchers = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
0132     type = cms.string('CastorShowerLibraryMaker'),
0133     CastorShowerLibraryMaker = cms.PSet(
0134         process.common_pgun_particleID,
0135         EventNtupleFileName = cms.string('SL_had_E12GeV_eta-6.0phi0.3_1events-ppON.root'),
0136         Verbosity = cms.int32(0),
0137         DeActivatePhysicsProcess = cms.bool(False),
0138         StepNtupleFileName = cms.string('stepNtuple_pion_electron_E12GeV_1event-ppON.root'),
0139         StepNtupleFlag = cms.int32(0),
0140         EventNtupleFlag = cms.int32(0),
0141         # for shower library
0142         nemEvents       = cms.int32(5),
0143         SLemEnergyBins  = cms.vdouble(10.),
0144         SLemEtaBins     = cms.vdouble(-6.6,-6.4,-6.2,-6.0,-5.8,-5.6,-5.4),
0145         SLemPhiBins     = cms.vdouble(0.,0.15708,0.31416,0.47124,0.62832),
0146         nhadEvents       = cms.int32(5),
0147         SLhadEnergyBins  = cms.vdouble(10.),
0148         #SLhadEnergyBins  = cms.vdouble(1.,2.,3.,5.,7.,10.,20.,30.,45.,60.,75.,100.,140.,200.),
0149         SLhadEtaBins     = cms.vdouble(-6.6,-6.4,-6.2,-6.0,-5.8,-5.6,-5.4),
0150         SLhadPhiBins     = cms.vdouble(0.,0.15708,0.31416,0.47124,0.62832),
0151         SLMaxPhi         = cms.double(0.7854),
0152         SLMaxEta         = cms.double(-5.2)
0153     )
0154 ))
0157 process.p1 = cms.Path(process.generator*process.VtxSmeared*process.g4SimHits)
0158 #process.outpath = cms.EndPath(process.o1)
0159 EOF
0160 #
0161 #set cfg_in = "SimG4CMS/ShowerLibraryProducer/test/python/"
0162 set cfg_in = "runCastorSLMaker_cfg.template"
0163 set cfg_out = runCastorSLMaker_cfg
0164 set SL_merged
0165 set eta_phi_tag = "7eta-6.6--5.2_5phi0-0.7854"
0166 # create a script for merging
0167 set merge_script="do_merge-`date +%d%b%Y.%H%M%S`.csh"
0168 cat > $merge_script <<EOF
0169 #!/bin/csh
0170 set exec = \$CMSSW_BASE/bin/\$SCRAM_ARCH/CastorShowerLibraryMerger
0171 if (! -e \$exec) then
0172   echo "\$exec not found. Exiting"
0173   exit
0174 endif
0175 \$exec \\
0176 EOF
0177 echo "Give the number of events in the phi bin for EM shower"
0178 @ nevtem = "$<"
0179 echo "Give the number of events in the phi bin for HAD shower"
0180 @ nevthad = "$<"
0181 if ($nevtem == 0 && $nevthad == 0) exit
0183 set primId
0185 if ($nevtem > 0 && $nevthad == 0) then
0186    set simfile = "sim_electron_E";set evtfile = "SL_em_E"
0187    @ nevt = $nevtem
0188    set primId = 11
0189 else if ($nevtem == 0 && $nevthad > 0) then
0190    set simfile = "sim_pion_E";set evtfile = "SL_had_E"
0191    @ nevt = $nevthad
0192    set primId = 211
0193 else if ($nevtem > 0 && $nevthad > 0) then
0194    set simfile = "sim_electron+pion_E";set evtfile = "SL_em+had_E"
0195    if ($nevtem != $nevthad) then
0196       echo "Use the same number of events for both showers"
0197       exit
0198    endif
0199    @ nevt = $nevtem
0200    set primId = "11,211"
0201 endif
0202 echo "Give the energy bin limits (format low_lim,upp_lim; enter to finish)"
0203 set emax
0204 while(1) 
0205   set bin = "$<"
0206   if ("$bin" == "") break
0207   set SL_merged=$SL_merged"`echo $bin|cut -d, -f1`-"
0208   set sbin=`echo $bin|tr ',' '_'`
0209   if (("x$emax" != "x")&&("x`echo $bin|cut -d, -f 1`" != "x$emax")) then
0210      echo "Energy bin not contiguous. Exiting."
0211      rm -f $SL_merged
0212      exit
0213   endif
0214   set emin=`echo $bin|cut -d, -f 1`
0215   set emax=`echo $bin|cut -d, -f 2`
0216   sed -e '/PartID/ s/(.*)/('$primId')/' \
0217       -e '/fileName/ s/sim_.*root/\/tmp\/'$simfile$sbin$eta_phi_tag'.root/' \
0218       -e 's/cms.EDProducer.*/cms.EDProducer("FlatRandomEGunProducer",/' \
0219       -e '/MinE / {s/#//; s/(.*)/('$emin')/}'\
0220       -e '/MaxE / {s/#//; s/(.*)/('$emax')/}'\
0221       -e '/^ *Energybins/ s/^ */&#/' \
0222 #      -e 's/^ *M..E = /#&/' \
0223 #      -e '/Energybins/ s/#//; s/(.*)/('$bin')/' \
0224       -e '/EventNtupleFileName/ s/SL.*_E.*GeV.*.root/'$evtfile$sbin'GeV_'$eta_phi_tag'.root/' \
0225       -e '/EventNtupleFileName/ s/_[0-9]*events/_'$nevt'events/' \
0226       -e '/StepNtupleFileName/ s/_E.*GeV.*.root/_E'$sbin'GeV_'$eta_phi_tag'.root/'\
0227       -e '/nemEvents/ s/=.*$/= cms.int32('$nevtem'),/' \
0228       -e '/^ *SLemEnergyBins/ s/(.*)/('$emin')/' \
0229       -e '/nhadEvents/ s/=.*$/= cms.int32('$nevthad'),/' \
0230       -e '/^ *SLhadEnergyBins/ s/(.*)/('$emin')/' $cfg_in >! ${cfg_out}_E${sbin}.py
0231    bsub -q 2nw <<EOF
0232 #!/bin/csh
0233 set SL_HOME=$PWD
0234 cd \$SL_HOME
0235 cmsenv
0236 cmsRun ${cfg_out}_E${sbin}.py
0237 EOF
0238 set input_file = `grep EventNtupleFileName ${cfg_out}_E${sbin}.py|sed -e's/^.*SL/SL/' -e's/.root.*/.root/'`
0239 echo $input_file' \' >> $merge_script
0240 end
0241 set SL_merged=$SL_merged$emax
0242 echo $input_file|sed -e's/_E.*GeV/_E'$SL_merged'GeV/' >> $merge_script
0243 chmod +x $merge_script