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0001 #include "SimG4Core/Notification/interface/TrackInformationExtractor.h"
0003 #include "G4Track.hh"
0005 const TrackInformation &TrackInformationExtractor::operator()(const G4Track &gtk) const {
0006   G4VUserTrackInformation *gui = gtk.GetUserInformation();
0007   const TrackInformation *tkInfo = dynamic_cast<const TrackInformation *>(gui);
0008   if (gui == nullptr) {
0009     missing(gtk);
0010   } else if (tkInfo == nullptr) {
0011     wrongType();
0012   }
0013   // Silence Clang analyzer warning: G4Exception will be thrown if tkInfo is null
0014   [[clang::suppress]] return *tkInfo;
0015 }
0017 TrackInformation &TrackInformationExtractor::operator()(G4Track &gtk) const {
0018   G4VUserTrackInformation *gui = gtk.GetUserInformation();
0019   TrackInformation *tkInfo = dynamic_cast<TrackInformation *>(gui);
0020   if (gui == nullptr) {
0021     missing(gtk);
0022   } else if (tkInfo == nullptr) {
0023     wrongType();
0024   }
0025   // Silence Clang analyzer warning: G4Exception will be thrown if tkInfo is null
0026   [[clang::suppress]] return *tkInfo;
0027 }
0029 void TrackInformationExtractor::missing(const G4Track &) const {
0030   G4Exception(
0031       "SimG4Core/Notification", "mc001", FatalException, "TrackInformationExtractor: G4Track has no TrackInformation");
0032 }
0034 void TrackInformationExtractor::wrongType() const {
0035   G4Exception(
0036       "SimG4Core/Notification", "mc001", FatalException, "User information in G4Track is not of TrackInformation type");
0037 }