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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



Warning, /SimG4Core/PrintGeomInfo/README is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.

0001 TO USE:
0003 in .cfg file:
0005                 VPSet Watchers = {
0006                 {       string type = "PrintGeomInfoAction"
0007                         untracked bool DumpSummary    = false
0008                         untracked bool DumpLVTree     = true
0009                         untracked bool DumpMaterial   = false
0010                         untracked bool DumpLVList     = false
0011                         untracked bool DumpLV         = true
0012                         untracked bool DumpSolid      = true
0013                         untracked bool DumpAttributes = false
0014                         untracked bool DumpPV         = true
0015                         untracked bool DumpRotation   = false
0016                         untracked bool DumpReplica    = false
0017                         untracked bool DumpTouch      = false
0018                         untracked bool DumpSense      = false
0019                         untracked string Name         = "*"
0020                         untracked vstring Names       = {"TrackerHitsTEC",
0021                                                          "EcalHitsEB"}
0022                 }}