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0001 #Need to write proper documentation!
0002 '''
0003 This script is designed to read the G4msg.log output of a command run in a test release with a special configuration of SimG4Core/Application/ and a special version of fragment.
0004 To dump the G4 particle table one needs to:
0005 1-Edit SimG4Core/Application/src/
0006   a-Add in the includes at the top:
0007     #include "G4ParticleTable.hh"
0008   b-Add at the bottom of the RunManager::initG4 method:
0009     edm::LogInfo("SimG4CoreApplication") << "Output of G4ParticleTable DumpTable:";
0010     G4ParticleTable::GetParticleTable()->DumpTable("ALL");
0011 2-Edit the Validation/Performance/python/ customise fragment (or you could create your own):
0012   a-Configure the output (in this case to the file G4msg.log) to include SimG4CoreApplication:
0013     process.MessageLogger.files = dict(G4msg =  cms.untracked.PSet(
0014       noTimeStamps = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0015       #First eliminate unneeded output
0016       ,threshold = cms.untracked.string('INFO')
0017       ,INFO = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0018       ,FwkReport = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0019       ,FwkSummary = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0020       ,Root_NoDictionary = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0021       ,FwkJob = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0022       ,TimeReport = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0023       ,TimeModule = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0024       ,TimeEvent = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0025       ,MemoryCheck = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(0))
0026       #TimeModule, TimeEvent, TimeReport are written to LogAsbolute instead of LogInfo with a category
0027       #so they cannot be eliminated from any destination (!) unless one uses the summaryOnly option
0028       #in the Timing Service... at the price of silencing the output needed for the TimingReport profiling
0029       #
0030       #Then add the wanted ones:
0031       ,PhysicsList = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1))
0032       ,G4cout = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1))
0033       ,G4cerr = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1))
0034       ,SimG4CoreApplication = cms.untracked.PSet(limit = cms.untracked.int32(-1))
0035       )
0036     )
0037 3-Run any commands that entail simulation, e.g.(in CMSSW_3_1_0_pre4):
0038 MinBias.cfi -n 1 --step GEN,SIM --customise=Validation/Performance/ --eventcontent FEVTDEBUG --conditions FrontierConditions_GlobalTag,IDEAL_30X::All > & ! MinBias.log &
0039 The resulting file G4msg.log contains the dump of the G4 Particle Table. We run on it, extract the information we are interested in and we store it in 2 dictionaries:
0040 G4ParticleTable and G4ParticleTablePDG, the first one using Particle Name as keys, the second one using PDG ID as keys.
0041 The script also reads the HepPDT particle table contained in /src/SimGeneral/HepPDTESSource/data/pythiaparticle.tbl, it extracts all the information and stores it in 2 equivalent dictionaries,HepPdtTable and HepPdtTablePDG.
0042 Then some comparisons are made.
0043 Starting from the HepPdtTablePDG (since in CMSSW the handshake is via the PDG ID code) and look if that PDG ID exists in the G4. If it does we then check:
0044 1-For particles with ctau>10mm we check if G4 has decay tables for them (as it should)
0045 2-For all particles (that matched PDG ID) we check that they have:
0046  a-the same mass
0047  b-the same charge
0048  c-the same ctau
0049 3-For the ones that don''t match we dump some output files with the information
0050 We also dump the list of particles in HepPdtTablePDG that do not find a PDG ID match in G4ParticleTablePDG.
0052 '''
0053 G4msg=open('G4msg.log','r')
0055 #Two functions to dump output into files
0056 def WriteOut(myfile,mylist):
0057     #Need to write the help/documentation for the function
0058     mylist=map(lambda a:str(a)+' ',mylist)
0059     mylist+='\n'
0060     myfile.writelines(mylist)
0062 def WriteOutHtml(myfile,mylist):
0063     #Need to write the help/documentation for the function
0064     myoutputline=['<tr>']
0065     mylist=map(lambda a:'<td align="center">'+str(a)+' '+'</td>',mylist)
0066     mylist+=['<tr>\n']
0067     myoutputline+=mylist
0068     myfile.writelines(mylist)
0070 G4cout=False
0071 NewParticle=False
0072 G4ParticleTable={}
0073 G4ParticleTablePDG={}
0074 ParticleName=''
0075 ParticleInfoDict={}
0076 pdgcode=0
0077 #antipdgcode=0
0078 PDGcode=''
0079 #Speed of light in mm/nsec (to translate G4 lifetime from nsec to HepPdt ctau in mm) 
0080 c=299.792458
0081 Tokens=[]
0082 for record in G4msg:
0083     if G4cout: #Handle only G4 messages
0084         if record[0:4]!='%MSG': #Getting rid of all the Message logger stuff (each line of the table is a G4cout message!)
0085             if '--- G4ParticleDefinition ---' in record: #Delimiter for a single particle information
0086                 NewParticle=True
0087             if NewParticle: #Write the old one in and get the next info
0088                 #First a dictionary based on ParticleName as keys
0089                 G4ParticleTable.update({ParticleName:ParticleInfoDict})
0090                 #Then the most useful one, by PDG ID.
0091                 G4ParticleTablePDG.update({pdgcode:ParticleInfoDict})
0092                 #To make it more easily comparable to HepPDT, duplicate entry for antiparticle (G4 has only 1 entry for particle and antiparticle)
0093                 #G4ParticleTablePDG.update({antipdgcode:ParticleInfoDict})
0094                 ParticleInfoDict={}
0095             NewParticle=False
0096             tokens=map(lambda a:a.strip(' \n'),record.split(':'))
0097             if 'Particle Name' in tokens[0]:
0098                 ParticleName=tokens[1]
0099                 ParticleInfoDict.update({'Particle Name':ParticleName})
0100             if 'PDG particle code' in tokens[0]:
0101                 pdgcode=int(tokens[1].split()[0])
0102                 ParticleInfoDict.update({'PDG ID':pdgcode})
0103             if 'Mass [GeV/c2]' in tokens[0]:
0104                 mass=float(tokens[1].split()[0])
0105                 ParticleInfoDict.update({'Mass [GeV/c2]':mass})
0106             if 'Charge [e]' in tokens[0]:
0107                 charge=float(tokens[1])
0108                 ParticleInfoDict.update({'Charge [e]':charge})
0109             if 'Lifetime [nsec]' in tokens[0]:
0110                 lifetime=float(tokens[1])
0111                 ParticleInfoDict.update({'Lifetime [nsec]':lifetime})
0112                 if lifetime!=-1:
0113                     ctau=c*lifetime
0114                     ParticleInfoDict.update({'ctau [mm]':ctau})
0115                 else:
0116                     ParticleInfoDict.update({'ctau [mm]':-999999999})
0117             if 'G4DecayTable' in tokens[0]:
0118                 decaytable=True
0119                 ParticleInfoDict.update({'G4 Decay Table':decaytable})
0120             if 'Decay Table is not defined !!' in tokens[0]:
0121                 decaytable=False
0122                 ParticleInfoDict.update({'G4 Decay Table':decaytable})
0123         elif record[0:5]=='%MSG ': #Notice the space
0124             #print('G4 message ended')
0125             G4cout=False
0126     if record[0:13]=='%MSG-i G4cout':
0127         #print('G4 message started')
0128         G4cout=True 
0129 import os
0130 import math
0131 HepPdtTable={}
0132 HepPdtTablePDG={}
0133 for record in open(['CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE']+'/src/SimGeneral/HepPDTESSource/data/pythiaparticle.tbl','r'):
0134     if '//' in record:
0135         pass
0136     else:
0137         tokens = record.split()
0138         #print(tokens)
0139         if len(tokens)==6: #There is an empty line at the end of the file
0140             #Note the different conventions (Particle names are different, charge is reported in units of 1/3e originally in HepPDT, lifetime expressed in ctau in cm)
0141             HepPdtTable.update({tokens[1]:{'Particle Name':tokens[1],'PDG ID':int(tokens[0]),'Charge [e]': float(tokens[2])/3, 'Mass [GeV/c2]':float(tokens[3]), 'ctau [mm]':float(tokens[5])}})
0142             HepPdtTablePDG.update({int(tokens[0]):{'Particle Name':tokens[1],'PDG ID':int(tokens[0]),'Charge [e]': float(tokens[2])/3, 'Mass [GeV/c2]':float(tokens[3]), 'ctau [mm]':float(tokens[5])}})
0144 #A few consistency checks on the dictionaries
0145 #G4ParticleTables
0146 #Quick and dirty removal of empty first element of G4ParticleTable ('':{}) should really fix the code, but for now it's OK...
0147 print('Popping the first empty element of G4ParticleTable: %s '%G4ParticleTable.pop(''))
0148 print('G4ParticleTable contains ',len(G4ParticleTable),'elements')
0149 print('G4ParticleTablePDG contains ',len(G4ParticleTablePDG),'elements')
0150 if len(G4ParticleTable)>len(G4ParticleTablePDG):
0151     print("The following values were in the G4ParticleTable dictionary but not in the G4ParticleTablePDG one (multiple entries with different names but the same PDG code):")
0152     for value in G4ParticleTable.values():
0153         if value not in G4ParticleTablePDG.values():
0154             print(value)
0155 elif len(G4ParticleTablePDG)>len(G4ParticleTable):
0156     print("The following values were in the G4ParticleTablePDG dictionary but not in the G4ParticleTable one (multiple entries with different PDG codes but the same Particle Name):")
0157     for value in G4ParticleTablePDG.values():
0158         if value not in G4ParticleTable.values():
0159             print(value)
0160 print('HepPdtTable contains ',len(HepPdtTable),'elements')
0161 print('HepPdtTablePDG contains ',len(HepPdtTablePDG),'elements')
0162 if len(HepPdtTable)>len(HepPdtTablePDG):
0163     print("The following values were in the HepPdtTable dictionary but not in the HepPdtTablePDG one (multiple entries with different names but the same PDG code):")
0164     for value in HepPdtTable.values():
0165         if value not in HepPdtTablePDG.values():
0166             print(value)
0167 elif len(HepPdtTablePDG)>len(HepPdtTable):
0168     print("The following values were in the HepPdtTablePDG dictionary but not in the HepPdtTable one (multiple entries with different PDG codes but the same Particle Name):")
0169     for value in HepPdtTablePDG.values():
0170         if value not in HepPdtTable.values():
0171             print(value)
0173 #Comparison via dictionaries!
0175 #Let's try to do the test the way things work in our code (SimG4Core/Application/src/
0176 #Start from HepPdtTable with PDG code. This is the only thing we pass to G4, with the momentum, so
0177 #Need to check if Mass, Charge are the same. And for a handful of particles with ctau>10mm that GEANT has the decay table.
0179 MatchingPDG=[]
0180 MatchingPDGMass=[]
0181 MassDiffPercentList=[]
0182 ctauDiffPercentList=[]
0183 NotMatchingPDG=[]
0184 #Prepare some html output
0185 MatchingPDGDecayFileHtml=open('MatchingPDGDecay.html','w')
0186 MatchingPDGDecayFileHtml.writelines(['<html>\n','<body>\n','<table align="center", border=2>\n'])
0187 WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGDecayFileHtml,['PDG ID', 'HepPdt Particle Name','G4 Particle Name',' HepPdt ctau [mm]','G4 ctau [mm]',' HepPdt Mass [GeV/c2]','G4 Mass [GeV/c2]',' G4 Decay Table'])
0188 MatchingPDGChargeFileHtml=open('MatchingPDGCharge.html','w')
0189 MatchingPDGChargeFileHtml.writelines(['<html>\n','<body>\n','<table align="center", border=2>\n'])
0190 WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGChargeFileHtml,['PDG ID', 'HepPdt Particle Name','G4 Particle Name',' HepPdt Charge [e]','G4 Charge [e]'])
0191 NoLifeTimePDGFileHtml=open('NoLifeTimePDGG4.html','w')
0192 NoLifeTimePDGFileHtml.writelines(['<html>\n','<body>\n','<table align="center", border=2>\n'])
0193 WriteOutHtml(NoLifeTimePDGFileHtml,['PDG ID', 'HepPdt Particle Name','G4 Particle Name','HepPdt ctau [mm]','G4 ctau [mm]',' HepPdt Mass [GeV/c2]','G4 Mass [GeV/c2]'])
0195 #MatchingPDGMassFileHtml=open('MatchingPDGMass.html','w')
0196 #MatchingPDGMassFileHtml.writelines(['<html>\n','<body>\n','<table align="center", border=2>\n'])
0197 #WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGMassFileHtml,['PDG ID', 'HepPdt Particle Name','G4 Particle Name',' HepPdt Mass [GeV/c2]','G4 Mass [GeV/c2]','Mass Diff [GeV/c2]','Mass Diff %'])
0198 #MatchingPDGctauFileHtml=open('MatchingPDGctau.html','w')
0199 #MatchingPDGctauFileHtml.writelines(['<html>\n','<body>\n','<table align="center", border=2>\n'])
0200 #WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGctauFileHtml,['PDG ID', 'HepPdt Particle Name','G4 Particle Name',' HepPdt ctau [mm]','G4 ctau [mm]','ctau Diff [mm]','ctau Diff %'])
0202 for pdgcode in HepPdtTablePDG.keys():
0203     if pdgcode in G4ParticleTablePDG.keys():
0204         #Save the PDG code matching particles Particle Name in MatchingPDG list
0205         MatchingPDG+=[HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name']]
0206         ######################################################################################
0207         #Start checks for particles that can be passed to G4, since we pass them by PDG codes!
0208         ######################################################################################
0209         #Check that G4 has decay tables for particles with ctau>10 mm:
0210         if G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']>10.0 or HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']>10.0:
0211             if not G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['G4 Decay Table']:
0212                 print("****Uh Oh No G4 Decay Table for ", G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'])
0213             else:
0214                 WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGDecayFileHtml,[pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['G4 Decay Table']])
0215         #Since we are here also compare ctaus
0216         if G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']==-999999999:
0217             WriteOutHtml(NoLifeTimePDGFileHtml,[pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]']])
0218             G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']=0.0
0219         if HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']!=G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']:
0220             ctauDiff=HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']-G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']
0221             if HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']!=0:
0222                 ctauDiffPercent=math.fabs(ctauDiff/HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']*100)
0223                 ctauDiffPercentList+=[(abs(ctauDiffPercent),pdgcode,ctauDiff,ctauDiffPercent)]
0224             elif G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']!=0:
0225                 ctauDiffPercent=math.fabs(ctauDiff/G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']*100)
0226                 ctauDiffPercentList+=[(abs(ctauDiffPercent),pdgcode,ctauDiff,ctauDiffPercent)]
0227             else:
0228                 ctauDiffPercent=0.0
0229                 ctauDiffPercentList+=[(abs(ctauDiffPercent),pdgcode,ctauDiff,ctauDiffPercent)]
0231             #WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGctauFileHtml,[pdgcode, HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'], HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],ctauDiff,ctauDiffPercent])
0232         #Check Mass
0233         if HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]']!=G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]']:
0234             MassDiff=HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]']-G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]']
0235             MassDiffPercent=math.fabs(MassDiff/HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]']*100)
0236             MassDiffPercentList+=[(abs(MassDiffPercent),pdgcode,MassDiff,MassDiffPercent)]
0237             print(pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],' Mass:',HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],' Mass:',G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],MassDiff,MassDiffPercent)
0238             #WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGMassFileHtml,[pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],MassDiff,MassDiffPercent])
0239         else:
0240             #Save the PDG code and Mass matching particles Particle Name in MatchingPDGMass list
0241             MatchingPDGMass+=[HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name']]
0242         #Check Charge
0243         if HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Charge [e]']!=G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Charge [e]']:
0244             print(pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],' Charge [e]:',HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Charge [e]'],' Charge [e]:',G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Charge [e]'])
0245             WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGChargeFileHtml,[pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Charge [e]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Charge [e]']])
0246     else:
0247         #########################################################################################
0248         #Start checks for particles that cannot be passed to G4, since we pass them by PDG codes!
0249         #########################################################################################
0250         NotMatchingPDG+=[(HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'])]
0253 #Sort the list of percentual mass difference (absolute value), PDG from the highest discrepancy to the lowest
0254 #In case we want to dump a table with the particle names etc
0255 MatchingPDGMassSortedFileHtml=open('MatchingPDGMassSorted.html','w')
0256 MatchingPDGMassSortedFileHtml.writelines(['<html>\n','<body>\n','<table align="center", border=2>\n'])
0257 WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGMassSortedFileHtml,['PDG ID', 'HepPdt Particle Name','G4 Particle Name',' HepPdt Mass [GeV/c2]','G4 Mass [GeV/c2]','Mass Diff [GeV/c2]','Mass Diff %','G4 ctau [mm]'])
0258 MassDiffPercentList.sort(reverse=True)
0259 for element in MassDiffPercentList:
0260     pdgcode=element[1]
0261     MassDiff=element[2]
0262     MassDiffPercent=element[3]
0263     WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGMassSortedFileHtml,[pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],MassDiff,MassDiffPercent,G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']])
0264 #    print(element[0],element[1])
0266 MatchingPDGctauSortedFileHtml=open('MatchingPDGctauSorted.html','w')
0267 MatchingPDGctauSortedFileHtml.writelines(['<html>\n','<body>\n','<table align="center", border=2>\n'])
0268 WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGctauSortedFileHtml,['PDG ID', 'HepPdt Particle Name','G4 Particle Name',' HepPdt ctau [mm]','G4 ctau [mm]','ctau Diff [mm]','ctau Diff %'])
0269 ctauDiffPercentList.sort(reverse=True)
0270 for element in ctauDiffPercentList:
0271     pdgcode=element[1]
0272     ctauDiff=element[2]
0273     ctauDiffPercent=element[3]
0274     WriteOutHtml(MatchingPDGctauSortedFileHtml,[pdgcode, HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'], HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],G4ParticleTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]'],ctauDiff,ctauDiffPercent])
0277 #Print/Write out the NotMatchingPDG elements PDG code Particle Name (HepPdtTable convention)
0278 NotMatchingPDGFileHtml=open('NotMatchingPDG.html','w')
0279 NotMatchingPDGFileHtml.writelines(['<html>\n','<body>\n','<table align="center", border=2>\n'])
0280 WriteOutHtml(NotMatchingPDGFileHtml,['PDG ID', 'HepPdt Particle Name','HepPdt Mass [GeV/c2]',' HepPdt Charge [e]','HepPdt ctau [mm]'])
0281 NotMatchingPDG.sort(reverse=True)
0282 for element in NotMatchingPDG:
0283     pdgcode=element[1]
0284     WriteOutHtml(NotMatchingPDGFileHtml,[pdgcode,HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Particle Name'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Mass [GeV/c2]'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['Charge [e]'],HepPdtTablePDG[pdgcode]['ctau [mm]']])
0286 #Closing files etc:
0287 MatchingPDGDecayFileHtml.writelines(['</table>\n','<body>\n','</html>\n'])
0288 MatchingPDGChargeFileHtml.writelines(['</table>\n','<body>\n','</html>\n'])
0289 MatchingPDGMassSortedFileHtml.writelines(['</table>\n','<body>\n','</html>\n'])
0290 MatchingPDGctauSortedFileHtml.writelines(['</table>\n','<body>\n','</html>\n'])
0291 NotMatchingPDGFileHtml.writelines(['</table>\n','<body>\n','</html>\n'])
0292 NoLifeTimePDGFileHtml.writelines(['</table>\n','<body>\n','</html>\n'])
0294 #MatchingPDGMassFileHtml.writelines(['</table>\n','<body>\n','</html>\n'])
0295 #MatchingPDGctauFileHtml.writelines(['</table>\n','<body>\n','</html>\n'])