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0001 # A distribution for Run3 studies (2022) derived from LHC simulations.
0002 # Colliding bunches: 2736
0003 # Hadronic x-sec   : 72.0mb
0004 # Fill length      : 600min
0005 # Levelling time   : 120min
0006 # probabilities weighted with instant luminosity
0008 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0009 from SimGeneral.MixingModule.mix_probFunction_25ns_PoissonOOTPU_cfi import *
0010 mix.input.nbPileupEvents.probFunctionVariable = cms.vint32(
0011     0, 1, 2, 3, 
0012     4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 
0013     9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 
0014     14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 
0015     19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 
0016     24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 
0017     29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 
0018     34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 
0019     39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 
0020     44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 
0021     49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 
0022     54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 
0023     59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 
0024     64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 
0025     69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 
0026     74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 
0027     79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 
0028     84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 
0029     89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 
0030     94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 
0031     99    )
0033 mix.input.nbPileupEvents.probValue = cms.vdouble(
0034     7.075550618391933e-8, 1.8432226484975646e-7, 4.6156514471969593e-7, 0.0000011111611991838491, 
0035     0.0000025719752161798103, 0.000005724865812608344, 0.000012255841383374045, 0.000025239403069596116, 0.00005001054998201597, 
0036     0.00009536530158990567, 0.00017505633393457624, 0.00030942214916825035, 0.0005268123536229287, 0.0008642843968521786, 
0037     0.0013669182280399903, 0.0020851167548246985, 0.0030695148409245446, 0.004363635945105083, 0.005995143197404548, 
0038     0.007967247822222358, 0.010252302872826594, 0.01278957659177177, 0.015488544412469806, 0.01823784978331645, 
0039     0.020918669702105028, 0.023420019399650906, 0.025652949149203495, 0.027560835627835043, 0.02912397347687914, 
0040     0.030358091266301533, 0.03130778480604892, 0.03203676872496023, 0.0326170853351521, 0.03311902652393314, 
0041     0.033602777248239, 0.0341120235754556, 0.03466927947785801, 0.03527261707506484, 0.035893786618889145, 
0042     0.03647817900850185, 0.036947435730750315, 0.03720550450678737, 0.037148460727673235, 0.03667753703450604, 
0043     0.03571377296329832, 0.034211859754226276, 0.032170439241889726, 0.029636506070368274, 0.02670262519076345, 
0044     0.023497154911314072, 0.020169158697337236, 0.016870783471647905, 0.013740289679427057, 0.010888563843704815, 
0045     0.008390977574442656, 0.006285186751143873, 0.004574246293656772, 0.003233538335807419, 0.002219622271900557, 
0046     0.0014792038980537092, 0.0009568560481315006, 0.0006007171037926386, 0.00036596934105178995, 0.0002163349104153549, 
0047     0.00012407362512604619, 0.0000690356949524181, 0.000037263645547231494, 0.00001951170588910065, 0.000009910336118978026, 
0048     0.0000048826244075428666, 0.0000023333596885075797, 0.0000010816029570543702, 4.863048449289416e-7, 2.1208148308081624e-7, 
0049     8.97121135679932e-8, 3.6809172420519874e-8, 1.4649459937201982e-8, 5.655267024863598e-9, 2.117664468591336e-9, 
0050     7.692038404370259e-10, 2.7102837405697987e-10, 9.263749466613295e-11, 3.071624552355945e-11, 9.880298997379985e-12, 
0051     3.0832214331312204e-12, 9.33436314183754e-13, 2.7417209623761203e-13, 7.813293248960901e-14, 2.1603865264197903e-14, 
0052     5.796018523167997e-15, 1.5088422256459697e-15, 3.811436255838504e-16, 9.342850737730402e-17, 2.2224464483477953e-17, 
0053     5.130498608124184e-18, 1.1494216669980747e-18, 2.499227229379666e-19, 5.2741621866055994e-20, 1.080281961755894e-20, 
0054     2.1476863811171814e-21    )