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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 # configuration to model pileup for initial physics phase
0004 from SimGeneral.MixingModule.mixObjects_cfi import theMixObjects
0005 from SimGeneral.MixingModule.mixPoolSource_cfi import *
0006 from SimGeneral.MixingModule.digitizers_cfi import *
0008 mix = cms.EDProducer("MixingModule",
0009     digitizers = cms.PSet(theDigitizers),
0010     LabelPlayback = cms.string(''),
0011     maxBunch = cms.int32(3),
0012     minBunch = cms.int32(-12), ## in terms of 25 nsec
0014     bunchspace = cms.int32(50), ##ns
0015     mixProdStep1 = cms.bool(False),
0016     mixProdStep2 = cms.bool(False),
0018     playback = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0019     useCurrentProcessOnly = cms.bool(False),
0021     input = cms.SecSource("EmbeddedRootSource",
0022         type = cms.string('probFunction'),
0023         nbPileupEvents = cms.PSet(
0024           probFunctionVariable = cms.vint32(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,43,44,45,46,47,48,49,50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59),
0025           probValue = cms.vdouble(
0026                          2.560E-06,
0027                          5.239E-06,
0028                          1.420E-05,
0029                          5.005E-05,
0030                          1.001E-04,
0031                          2.705E-04,
0032                          1.999E-03,
0033                          6.097E-03,
0034                          1.046E-02,
0035                          1.383E-02,
0036                          1.685E-02,
0037                          2.055E-02,
0038                          2.572E-02,
0039                          3.262E-02,
0040                          4.121E-02,
0041                          4.977E-02,
0042                          5.539E-02,
0043                          5.725E-02,
0044                          5.607E-02,
0045                          5.312E-02,
0046                          5.008E-02,
0047                          4.763E-02,
0048                          4.558E-02,
0049                          4.363E-02,
0050                          4.159E-02,
0051                          3.933E-02,
0052                          3.681E-02,
0053                          3.406E-02,
0054                          3.116E-02,
0055                          2.818E-02,
0056                          2.519E-02,
0057                          2.226E-02,
0058                          1.946E-02,
0059                          1.682E-02,
0060                          1.437E-02,
0061                          1.215E-02,
0062                          1.016E-02,
0063                          8.400E-03,
0064                          6.873E-03,
0065                          5.564E-03,
0066                          4.457E-03,
0067                          3.533E-03,
0068                          2.772E-03,
0069                          2.154E-03,
0070                          1.656E-03,
0071                          1.261E-03,
0072                          9.513E-04,
0073                          7.107E-04,
0074                          5.259E-04,
0075                          3.856E-04,
0076                          2.801E-04,
0077                          2.017E-04,
0078                          1.439E-04,
0079                          1.017E-04,
0080                          7.126E-05,
0081                          4.948E-05,
0082                          3.405E-05,
0083                          2.322E-05,
0084                          1.570E-05,
0085                          5.005E-06),
0086           histoFileName = cms.untracked.string('histProbFunction.root'),
0087         ),
0088     sequential = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0089         manage_OOT = cms.untracked.bool(True),  ## manage out-of-time pileup
0090         ## setting this to True means that the out-of-time pileup
0091         ## will have a different distribution than in-time, given
0092         ## by what is described on the next line:
0093         OOT_type = cms.untracked.string('Poisson'),  ## generate OOT with a Poisson matching the number chosen for in-time
0094         #OOT_type = cms.untracked.string('fixed'),  ## generate OOT with a fixed distribution
0095         #intFixed_OOT = cms.untracked.int32(2),
0096         fileNames = FileNames
0097     ),
0098     mixObjects = cms.PSet(theMixObjects)
0099 )