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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 from SimGeneral.MixingModule.SiPixelSimParameters_cfi import SiPixelSimBlock
0005 pixelDigitizer = cms.PSet(
0006     SiPixelSimBlock,
0007     accumulatorType = cms.string("SiPixelDigitizer"),
0008     hitsProducer = cms.string('g4SimHits'),
0009     makeDigiSimLinks = cms.untracked.bool(True)
0010 )
0011 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.premix_stage1_cff import premix_stage1
0012 premix_stage1.toModify(pixelDigitizer, makeDigiSimLinks = False)
0014 # ESProducer for SiPixelQuality with "forDigitizer" label
0015 from CalibTracker.SiPixelESProducers.siPixelQualityForDigitizerESProducer_cfi import *
0017 # Customize here instead of SiPixelSimBlock as the latter is imported
0018 # also to DataMixer configuration, and the original version is needed
0019 # there in stage2. Customize before phase2_tracker because this
0020 # customization applies only to phase0/1 pixel.
0021 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.premix_stage2_cff import premix_stage2
0022 premix_stage2.toModify(pixelDigitizer,
0023     AddPixelInefficiency = False, # will be added in DataMixer
0024     KillBadFEDChannels = False, # will be added in DataMixer
0025     killModules = False # will be added in DataMixer
0026 )
0028 from SimTracker.SiPhase2Digitizer.phase2TrackerDigitizer_cfi import phase2TrackerDigitizer as _phase2TrackerDigitizer, _premixStage1ModifyDict
0029 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_phase2_tracker_cff import phase2_tracker
0030 phase2_tracker.toReplaceWith(pixelDigitizer, _phase2TrackerDigitizer.clone()) # have to clone here in order to not change the original with further customizations
0032 # Customize here instead of phase2TrackerDigitizer as the latter is
0033 # imported also to DataMixer configuration, and the original version
0034 # is needed there in stage2.
0035 (premix_stage2 & phase2_tracker).toModify(pixelDigitizer, **_premixStage1ModifyDict)
0036 from CalibTracker.SiPixelESProducers.PixelFEDChannelCollectionProducer_cfi import *
0038 # Run-dependent MC
0039 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.runDependentForPixel_cff import runDependentForPixel
0040 (runDependentForPixel & premix_stage1).toModify(pixelDigitizer, 
0041          UseReweighting = False,
0042          applyLateReweighting = False,
0043          store_SimHitEntryExitPoints = True,
0044          AdcFullScale = 1023,
0045          MissCalibrate = False
0046 )