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0001 #ifndef TrackingAnalysis_TrackingTruthAccumulator_h
0002 #define TrackingAnalysis_TrackingTruthAccumulator_h
0004 #include "DataFormats/TrackerCommon/interface/TrackerTopology.h"
0005 #include "Geometry/Records/interface/TrackerTopologyRcd.h"
0006 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/FrameworkfwdMostUsed.h"
0007 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ProducesCollector.h"
0008 #include "SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingParticleFwd.h"
0009 #include "SimDataFormats/TrackingAnalysis/interface/TrackingVertexContainer.h"
0010 #include "SimGeneral/MixingModule/interface/DigiAccumulatorMixMod.h"
0011 #include "SimTracker/Common/interface/TrackingParticleSelector.h"
0012 #include <memory>  // required for std::unique_ptr
0014 // Forward declarations
0015 class PileUpEventPrincipal;
0016 class PSimHit;
0018 /** @brief Replacement for TrackingTruthProducer in the new pileup mixing setup.
0019  *
0020  * The configuration parameters are:
0021  *
0022  * <table>
0023  * <tr>
0024  *     <th>Parameter name                  </th><th> Type              </th><th>
0025  * Description </th>
0026  * </tr>
0027  * <tr><td> volumeRadius                   </td><td> double            </td><td>
0028  * The volume radius in cm used if ignoreTracksOutsideVolume is true. </td></tr>
0029  * <tr><td> volumeZ                        </td><td> double            </td><td>
0030  * The volume z in cm used if ignoreTracksOutsideVolume is true. </td></tr>
0031  * <tr><td> ignoreTracksOutsideVolume      </td><td> bool              </td><td>
0032  * If true, sim tracks that have a production vertex outside the volume
0033  * specified by volumeRadius and volumeZ won't be turned into TrackingParticles.
0034  * Doesn't make much difference to be honest, over a huge range of volume sizes
0035  * so there must be a cut earlier in the simulation. </td></tr> <tr><td>
0036  * maximumPreviousBunchCrossing   </td><td> unsigned int      </td><td> Bunch
0037  * crossings before this number (inclusive; use positive integer) won't be
0038  * included. Setting to zero means only in-time. </td></tr> <tr><td>
0039  * maximumSubsequentBunchCrossing </td><td> unsigned int      </td><td> Bunch
0040  * crossings after this won't create any TrackingParticles. </td></tr> <tr><td>
0041  * createUnmergedCollection       </td><td> bool              </td><td> Whether
0042  * to create the TrackingParticle collection without bremsstrahlung merged.
0043  * </td></tr> <tr><td> createMergedBremsstrahlung     </td><td> bool </td><td>
0044  * Whether to create the TrackingParticle collection with bremsstrahlung merged.
0045  * At least one of createUnmergedCollection or createMergedBremsstrahlung should
0046  * be true otherwise nothing will be produced. </td></tr> <tr><td>
0047  * createInitialVertexCollection  </td><td> bool              </td><td> Whether
0048  * to create a collection of just the initial vertices. You can usually get this
0049  *                                                                               information
0050  * from one of the other collections (merged or unmerged bremsstrahlung), but
0051  *                                                                               for
0052  * this collection no selection is applied. Hence you will always have all of
0053  * the initial vertices regardless of how tightly you select TrackingParticles
0054  * with the "select" parameter. Note that <b>the collection will have no links
0055  * to the products of these vertices<b>.  If you want to know what came off
0056  * these vertices you will have to look in one of the other collections. The
0057  * name of the collection will be "InitialVertices".</td></tr> <tr><td>
0058  * alwaysAddAncestors             </td><td> bool              </td><td> If a sim
0059  * track passes selection and is turned into a TrackingParticle, all of it's
0060  *                                                                               parents
0061  * will also be created even if they fail the selection. This was the default
0062  *                                                                               behaviour
0063  * for the old TrackingParticleProducer. </td></tr> <tr><td> removeDeadModules
0064  * </td><td> bool              </td><td> Hasn't been implemented yet (as of
0065  * 22/May/2013). </td></tr> <tr><td> simTrackCollection             </td><td>
0066  * edm::InputTag     </td><td> The input SimTrack collection </td></tr> <tr><td>
0067  * simVertexCollection            </td><td> edm::InputTag     </td><td> The
0068  * input SimVerted collection </td></tr> <tr><td> simHitCollections </td><td>
0069  * edm::ParameterSet </td><td> A ParameterSet of vectors of InputTags that are
0070  * the input PSimHits </td></tr> <tr><td> genParticleCollection </td><td>
0071  * edm::InputTag     </td><td> The input reco::GenParticle collection. Note that
0072  * there's a difference between reco::GenParticle and HepMC::GenParticle; the
0073  * old TrackingTruthProducer used to use HepMC::GenParticle. </td></tr> <tr><td>
0074  * allowDifferentSimHitProcesses  </td><td> bool              </td><td> Should
0075  * be false for FullSim and true for FastSim. There's more documentation in the
0076  * code if you're really interested. </td></tr> <tr><td> select </td><td>
0077  * edm::ParameterSet </td><td> A ParameterSet used to configure a
0078  * TrackingParticleSelector. If the TrackingParticle doesn't pass this selector
0079  * then it's not added to the output. </td></tr>
0080  * </table>
0081  *
0082  * @author Mark Grimes (
0083  * @date 11/Oct/2012
0084  */
0085 class TrackingTruthAccumulator : public DigiAccumulatorMixMod {
0086 public:
0087   explicit TrackingTruthAccumulator(const edm::ParameterSet &config,
0088                                     edm::ProducesCollector,
0089                                     edm::ConsumesCollector &iC);
0091 private:
0092   void initializeEvent(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup) override;
0093   void accumulate(const edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup) override;
0094   void accumulate(const PileUpEventPrincipal &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup, edm::StreamID const &) override;
0095   void finalizeEvent(edm::Event &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup) override;
0097   /** @brief Both forms of accumulate() delegate to this templated method. */
0098   template <class T>
0099   void accumulateEvent(const T &event,
0100                        const edm::EventSetup &setup,
0101                        const edm::Handle<edm::HepMCProduct> &hepMCproduct);
0103   /** @brief Fills the supplied vector with pointers to the SimHits, checking
0104    * for bad modules if required */
0105   template <class T>
0106   void fillSimHits(std::vector<const PSimHit *> &returnValue, const T &event, const edm::EventSetup &setup);
0108   const std::string messageCategory_;  ///< The message category used to send
0109                                        ///< messages to MessageLogger
0111   const double volumeRadius_;
0112   const double volumeZ_;
0113   /// maximum distance for HepMC::GenVertex to be added to SimVertex
0114   const double vertexDistanceCut_;
0115   const bool ignoreTracksOutsideVolume_;
0117   /** The maximum bunch crossing BEFORE the signal crossing to create
0118    * TrackinParticles for. Use positive values. If set to zero no previous
0119    * bunches are added and only in-time, signal and after bunches (defined by
0120    * maximumSubsequentBunchCrossing_) are used.*/
0121   const unsigned int maximumPreviousBunchCrossing_;
0122   /** The maximum bunch crossing AFTER the signal crossing to create
0123    * TrackinParticles for. E.g. if set to zero only
0124    * uses the signal and in time pileup (and previous bunches defined by the
0125    * maximumPreviousBunchCrossing_ parameter). */
0126   const unsigned int maximumSubsequentBunchCrossing_;
0127   /// If bremsstrahlung merging, whether to also add the unmerged collection to
0128   /// the event or not.
0129   const bool createUnmergedCollection_;
0130   const bool createMergedCollection_;
0131   /// Whether or not to create a separate collection for just the initial
0132   /// interaction vertices
0133   const bool createInitialVertexCollection_;
0134   /// Whether or not to add the full parentage of any TrackingParticle that is
0135   /// inserted in the collection.
0136   const bool addAncestors_;
0138   /// As of 11/Feb/2013 this option hasn't been implemented yet.
0139   const bool removeDeadModules_;
0140   const edm::InputTag simTrackLabel_;
0141   const edm::InputTag simVertexLabel_;
0142   std::vector<edm::InputTag> collectionTags_;
0143   edm::InputTag genParticleLabel_;
0144   /// Needed to add HepMC::GenVertex to SimVertex
0145   edm::InputTag hepMCproductLabel_;
0146   const edm::ESGetToken<TrackerTopology, TrackerTopologyRcd> tTopoToken_;
0148   bool selectorFlag_;
0149   TrackingParticleSelector selector_;
0150   /// Uses the same config as selector_, but can be used to drop out early since
0151   /// selector_ requires the TrackingParticle to be created first.
0152   bool chargedOnly_;
0153   /// Uses the same config as selector_, but can be used to drop out early since
0154   /// selector_ requires the TrackingParticle to be created first.
0155   bool signalOnly_;
0157   /** @brief When counting hits, allows hits in different detectors to have a
0158    * different process type.
0159    *
0160    * Fast sim PSimHits seem to have a peculiarity where the process type (as
0161    * reported by PSimHit::processType()) is different for the tracker than the
0162    * muons. When counting how many hits there are, the code usually only counts
0163    * the number of hits that have the same process type as the first hit.
0164    * Setting this to true will also count hits that have the same process type
0165    * as the first hit in the second detector.<br/>
0166    */
0167   bool allowDifferentProcessTypeForDifferentDetectors_;
0169 public:
0170   // These always go hand in hand, and I need to pass them around in the
0171   // internal functions, so I might as well package them up in a struct.
0172   struct OutputCollections {
0173     std::unique_ptr<TrackingParticleCollection> pTrackingParticles;
0174     std::unique_ptr<TrackingVertexCollection> pTrackingVertices;
0175     TrackingParticleRefProd refTrackingParticles;
0176     TrackingVertexRefProd refTrackingVertexes;
0177   };
0179 private:
0180   OutputCollections unmergedOutput_;
0181   OutputCollections mergedOutput_;
0182   std::unique_ptr<TrackingVertexCollection> pInitialVertices_;
0183 };
0185 #endif  // end of "#ifndef TrackingAnalysis_TrackingTruthAccumulator_h"