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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 simMuonDTDigis = cms.EDProducer("DTDigitizer",
0004     # Velocity of signal propagation along the wire (cm/ns)
0005     # For the default value
0006     # cfr. CMS-IN 2000-021:   (2.56+-0.17)x1e8 m/s
0007     #      CMS NOTE 2003-17:  (0.244)  m/ns
0008     vPropWire = cms.double(24.4),
0009     # The Synchronization Algo Name. Algos Type= [DTDigiSyncTOFCorr,DTDigiSyncFromTable]
0010     SyncName = cms.string('DTDigiSyncTOFCorr'),
0011     # configure the creation of Digi-Sim links: 
0012     #   one-to-one correspondence between digis and SimHits (MultipleLinks=false)
0013     #   or association of SimHits within a given time window (of the order of the resolution, in ns)
0014     MultipleLinks = cms.bool(True),
0015     # constant drift velocity for the IdealModel (cm/ns)
0016     IdealModelConstantDriftVelocity = cms.double(0.0055),
0017     interpolate = cms.bool(True),
0018     # further configurable smearing
0019     Smearing = cms.double(2.4),
0020     # Dead time for signals on the same wire (number from M. Pegoraro)  
0021     deadTime = cms.double(150.0),
0022     #Name of Collection used for create the XF 
0023     mixLabel = cms.string('mix'),                                
0024     InputCollection = cms.string('g4SimHitsMuonDTHits'),
0025     debug = cms.untracked.bool(False),
0026     # Its parameters
0027     pset = cms.PSet(
0028         TOFCorrection = cms.int32(3),
0029         offset = cms.double(500.0)
0030     ),
0031     # ideal model. Used for debug.
0032     # It uses constant drift velocity and it hasn't any external delay  
0033     IdealModel = cms.bool(False),
0034     LinksTimeWindow = cms.double(10.0),
0035     onlyMuHits = cms.bool(False),
0036     GeometryType = cms.string('idealForDigi'),
0037     # Option to write digis in phase2 units (25/30. ns, if True)  
0038     # instead than in phase 1 units (25/32.ns )
0039     phase2Digis = cms.bool(False)
0040 )
0043 from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_fastSim_cff import fastSim
0044 fastSim.toModify(simMuonDTDigis, InputCollection = 'MuonSimHitsMuonDTHits')
0046 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.premix_stage2_cff import premix_stage2
0047 premix_stage2.toModify(simMuonDTDigis, mixLabel = "mixData")