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0001 #ifndef SimMuon_DTDigitizer_DTDigiSyncTOFCorr_H
0002 #define SimMuon_DTDigitizer_DTDigiSyncTOFCorr_H
0004 /** \class DTDigiSyncTOFCorr
0005  *  Digi offset computed as:           <br>
0006  *  t0 = Tcommon - aTOF                <br><br>
0007  *
0008  *  where Tcommon is a fixed offset defined in                    <br>
0009  *  DTDigiSyncTOFCorr:offset (in ORCA the default was = 500 ns)       <br><br>
0010  *
0011  *  and aTOF is set according to MuBarDigiSyncTOFCorr:TOFCorrection: <br>
0012  *  0: no TOF correction (aTOF=0)                                         <br>
0013  *  1: aTOF = the TOF of an infinite-momentum particle travelling from the
0014  *     nominal IP to the 3D center of the chamber                         <br>
0015  *  2: ditto, but for a particle travelling to the 3D center of the wire.
0016  *     (This mode is avaliable for comparison with older data which were
0017  *     produced in this way)
0018  *  3: aTOF = the TOF of an infinite-momentum particle travelling from the
0019  *     nominal IP to the 3D center of the SL. Use this, unless you
0020  *     really know what you are doing.
0021  *
0022  *  \author N. Amapane, R. Bellan - INFN Torino
0023  */
0025 #include "SimMuon/DTDigitizer/interface/DTDigiSyncBase.h"
0027 class DTWireId;
0028 class DTLayer;
0029 namespace edm {
0030   class ParameterSet;
0031 }
0033 class DTDigiSyncTOFCorr : public DTDigiSyncBase {
0034 public:
0035   /// Constructor
0036   DTDigiSyncTOFCorr(const edm::ParameterSet &);
0038   /// Destructor
0039   ~DTDigiSyncTOFCorr() override;
0041   /// Delays to be added to digi times during digitization, in ns.
0042   double digitizerOffset(const DTWireId *id, const DTLayer *layer = nullptr) const override;
0044   /// Offset to obtain "raw" TDCs for the L1 emulator from digis.
0045   double emulatorOffset(const DTWireId *id) const override;
0047 private:
0048   double theOffset;
0049   int corrType;
0050 };
0051 #endif