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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 me0DigiCommonParameters = cms.PSet(
0004     signalPropagationSpeed = cms.double(0.66),
0005     timeResolution = cms.double(5),
0006     timeJitter = cms.double(1.0),
0007     averageShapingTime = cms.double(50.0),
0008     averageEfficiency = cms.double(0.98),
0009     averageNoiseRate = cms.double(0.001), #intrinsic noise
0010     bxwidth = cms.int32(25),
0011     minBunch = cms.int32(-5), ## in terms of 25 ns
0012     maxBunch = cms.int32(3),
0013     mixLabel = cms.string('mix'),   # added by A.Sharma
0014     inputCollection = cms.string('g4SimHitsMuonME0Hits'),
0015     digiModelString = cms.string('Simple'),
0016     digitizeOnlyMuons = cms.bool(False),
0017     doBkgNoise = cms.bool(False), #False == No background simulation
0018     doNoiseCLS = cms.bool(True),
0019     fixedRollRadius = cms.bool(True), #Uses fixed radius in the center of the roll
0020     simulateIntrinsicNoise = cms.bool(False),
0021     simulateElectronBkg = cms.bool(True),   #False=simulate only neutral Bkg
0022     instLumi = cms.double(7.5), # in units of 1E34 cm^-2 s^-1. Internally the background is parametrized from FLUKA+GEANT results at 5x10^34 (PU140). We are adding a 1.5 factor for PU200
0023     rateFact = cms.double(1.0), # We are adding also a safety factor of 2 to take into account the new beam pipe effect (not yet known). Hits can be thrown away later at re-digi step. Parameters are kept in sync with the ones used in the GEM digitizer
0024     referenceInstLumi = cms.double(5.),  #reference inst. luminosity 5x10^34 cm-2s-1
0025     #The following parameters are needed to model the background contribution. 
0026     #The parameters have been obtained after the fit of the predicted by FLUKA.
0027     #By default the backgroundmodeling with these parameters should be disabled with 
0028     #the 9_2_X release setting doBkgNoise=False
0029     ME0ElecBkgParam0 = cms.double(0.00171409),
0030     ME0ElecBkgParam1 = cms.double(4900.56),
0031     ME0ElecBkgParam2 = cms.double(710909),
0032     ME0ElecBkgParam3 = cms.double(-4327.25),
0033     ME0NeuBkgParam0 = cms.double(0.00386257),
0034     ME0NeuBkgParam1 = cms.double(6344.65),
0035     ME0NeuBkgParam2 = cms.double(16627700),
0036     ME0NeuBkgParam3 = cms.double(-102098)
0037 )
0039 from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.premix_stage2_cff import premix_stage2
0040 premix_stage2.toModify(me0DigiCommonParameters, mixLabel = "mixData")
0042 # Module to create simulated ME0 digis.
0043 simMuonME0Digis = cms.EDProducer("ME0DigiProducer",
0044     me0DigiCommonParameters
0045 )