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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:30:47

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 ## muonAssociatorByHits using only digiSimLinks (and TrackingParticles),
0004 ## not accessing the PSimHits directly. Useful if you run on RECOSIM without RAWSIM
0006 from SimMuon.MCTruth.MuonAssociatorByHits_cfi import muonAssociatorByHitsCommonParameters
0007 muonAssociatorByHitsNoSimHitsHelper = cms.EDProducer("MuonToTrackingParticleAssociatorEDProducer",
0008     muonAssociatorByHitsCommonParameters
0009 )
0010 # don't read simhits, they're not there
0011 muonAssociatorByHitsNoSimHitsHelper.CSCsimHitsTag = ""
0012 muonAssociatorByHitsNoSimHitsHelper.RPCsimhitsTag = ""
0013 muonAssociatorByHitsNoSimHitsHelper.GEMsimhitsTag = ""
0014 muonAssociatorByHitsNoSimHitsHelper.DTsimhitsTag  = ""
0016 ### The following was used when running only on RECO
0017 # don't normalize on the total number of hits (which is unknown, if I don't have simHits)
0018 #muonAssociatorByHitsNoSimHitsHelper.AbsoluteNumberOfHits_muon = True
0019 #muonAssociatorByHitsNoSimHitsHelper.AbsoluteNumberOfHits_track = True
0020 #
0021 ### currently this is dealt with in the code itself ( 
0022 ### to allow ranking the simToReco matches according to the number of shared hits: 
0023 ### this is relevant for the definition of duplicates
0025 # use only muon system
0026 muonAssociatorByHitsNoSimHitsHelper.UseTracker = False