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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:30:49

0001 #include "SimMuon/Neutron/src/RootChamberReader.h"
0002 #include "SimMuon/Neutron/src/RootSimHit.h"
0003 #include "FWCore/MessageLogger/interface/MessageLogger.h"
0004 #include "TClonesArray.h"
0005 using namespace std;
0007 RootChamberReader::RootChamberReader() : theTree(nullptr), theHits(nullptr), thePosition(0), theSize(0) {}
0009 RootChamberReader::RootChamberReader(TFile *file, const std::string &treeName)
0010     : theTree((TTree *)file->Get(treeName.c_str())),
0011       theHits(new TClonesArray("RootSimHit")),
0012       thePosition(-1),
0013       theSize(0) {
0014   if (theTree != nullptr) {
0015     theTree->SetBranchAddress("Hits", &theHits);
0016     theSize = theTree->GetEntries();
0017   }
0018 }
0020 RootChamberReader::~RootChamberReader() {
0021   //  delete theHits;
0022   //  delete theTree;
0023 }
0025 void RootChamberReader::read(edm::PSimHitContainer &hits) {
0026   // if there's no tree, make no events
0027   if (theTree != nullptr && theSize != 0) {
0028     ++thePosition;
0029     // start again from the beginning, if needed
0030     if (thePosition >= theSize)
0031       thePosition = 0;
0032     theTree->GetEntry(thePosition);
0034     TIter next(theHits);
0035     RootSimHit *rootHit;
0036     while ((rootHit = (RootSimHit *)next())) {
0037       hits.push_back(rootHit->get());
0038     }
0039     LogTrace("Neutrons") << "Event " << thePosition << " OF " << theSize << " has " << hits.size() << " hits ";
0040   }
0041 }