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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0002 import numpy as np
0004 from DQMServices.Core.DQMEDAnalyzer import DQMEDAnalyzer
0007 Nx=60
0008 Ny=60
0010 # PSet for the histos
0011 ClusterSize1D = cms.PSet(
0012     Nxbins = cms.int32(201),
0013     xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
0014     xmax = cms.double(199.5)
0015     )
0016 Charge1D = cms.PSet(
0017     Nxbins = cms.int32(201),
0018     xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
0019     xmax = cms.double(199.5)
0020     )
0021 ChargeElec1D = cms.PSet(
0022     Nxbins = cms.int32(300),
0023     xmin = cms.double(0),
0024     xmax = cms.double(120.0e3)
0025     )
0026 DigiCharge1D = cms.PSet(
0027     Nxbins = cms.int32(17),
0028     xmin = cms.double(-0.5),
0029     xmax = cms.double(16.5)
0030     )
0031 TrackAngleDxdz = cms.PSet(
0032     Nxbins = cms.int32(300),
0033     xmin = cms.double(-np.radians(3.0)),
0034     xmax = cms.double(np.radians(3.0))
0035     )
0036 TrackAngleDydz = cms.PSet(
0037     Nxbins = cms.int32(300),
0038     xmin = cms.double(-np.radians(3.0)),
0039     xmax = cms.double(np.radians(3.0))
0040     )
0041 Dx1D = cms.PSet(
0042     Nxbins = cms.int32(300),
0043     xmin = cms.double(-50),
0044     xmax = cms.double(50)
0045     )
0046 Dy1D = cms.PSet(
0047     Nxbins = cms.int32(300),
0048     xmin = cms.double(-150),
0049     xmax = cms.double(150)
0050     )
0051 Dxy2D = cms.PSet(
0052     Nxbins = cms.int32(Nx),
0053     Nybins = cms.int32(Ny),
0054     xmin   = cms.double(-50),
0055     xmax   = cms.double(50),
0056     ymin   = cms.double(-150),
0057     ymax   = cms.double(150)
0058     )
0059 SimClusterCharge = cms.PSet(
0060     Nxbins = cms.int32(300),
0061     Nybins = cms.int32(201),
0062     xmin   = cms.double(0.),
0063     xmax   = cms.double(300.),
0064     ymin   = cms.double(0),
0065     ymax   = cms.double(120.5e3)
0066     )
0067 TrackXY = cms.PSet(
0068     Nxbins = cms.int32(1250),
0069     Nybins = cms.int32(1250),
0070     xmin   = cms.double(-26.),
0071     xmax   = cms.double(26.),
0072     ymin   = cms.double(-26.),
0073     ymax   = cms.double(26.)
0074     )
0075 TrackRZ = cms.PSet(
0076     Nxbins = cms.int32(3000),
0077     Nybins = cms.int32(1250),
0078     xmin   = cms.double(-300),
0079     xmax   = cms.double(300),
0080     ymin   = cms.double(0),
0081     ymax   = cms.double(26.)
0082     )
0083 Position = cms.PSet(
0084     Nxbins = cms.int32(Nx),
0085     Nybins = cms.int32(Ny)
0086     )
0087 Efficiency = cms.PSet(
0088     Nxbins = cms.int32(Nx),
0089     Nybins = cms.int32(Ny),
0090     zmin   = cms.double(0),
0091     zmax   = cms.double(0)
0092     )
0093 ClusterSize = cms.PSet(
0094     Nxbins = cms.int32(Nx),
0095     Nybins = cms.int32(Ny),
0096     zmin   = cms.double(0),
0097     zmax   = cms.double(0)
0098     )
0099 Charge = cms.PSet(
0100     Nxbins = cms.int32(Nx),
0101     Nybins = cms.int32(Ny),
0102     zmin   = cms.double(0),
0103     zmax   = cms.double(0)
0104     )
0105 Dx = cms.PSet(
0106     Nxbins = cms.int32(Nx),
0107     Nybins = cms.int32(Ny),
0108     zmin   = cms.double(0),
0109     zmax   = cms.double(0)
0110     )
0111 Dy = cms.PSet(
0112     Nxbins = cms.int32(Nx),
0113     Nybins = cms.int32(Ny),
0114     zmin   = cms.double(0),
0115     zmax   = cms.double(0)
0116     )
0118 dqmcell = DQMEDAnalyzer('PixelTestBeamValidation',
0119     # WARNING: be sure it is the same value used with the Pixel3DDigitizer
0120     ThresholdInElectrons = cms.double(1000.0),
0121     ElectronsPerADC   = cms.double(1600.0),
0122     TracksEntryAngleX = cms.untracked.vdouble(-np.radians(2.0),np.radians(2.0)),
0123     TracksEntryAngleY = cms.untracked.vdouble(-np.radians(2.0),np.radians(2.0)),
0124     TopFolderName = cms.string("PixelCell"),
0125     PixelDigiSource = cms.InputTag("simSiPixelDigis","Pixel"),
0126     PixelDigiSimSource = cms.InputTag("simSiPixelDigis", "Pixel"),
0127     PSimHitSource  = cms.VInputTag('g4SimHits:TrackerHitsPixelBarrelLowTof',
0128                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsPixelBarrelHighTof',
0129                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsPixelEndcapLowTof',
0130                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsPixelEndcapHighTof',
0131                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsTIBLowTof',
0132                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsTIBHighTof',
0133                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsTIDLowTof',
0134                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsTIDHighTof',
0135                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsTOBLowTof',
0136                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsTOBHighTof',
0137                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsTECLowTof',
0138                                    'g4SimHits:TrackerHitsTECHighTof'),
0139     SimTrackSource = cms.InputTag("g4SimHits"),
0140     GeometryType = cms.string('idealForDigi'),
0142     ClusterSize1D = ClusterSize1D.clone(),
0143     ClusterSize1Dx = ClusterSize1D.clone(),
0144     ClusterSize1Dy = ClusterSize1D.clone(),
0145     Charge1D = Charge1D.clone(),
0146     ChargeElec1D = ChargeElec1D.clone(),
0147     TrackAngleDxdz = TrackAngleDxdz.clone(),
0148     TrackAngleDydz = TrackAngleDydz.clone(),
0149     TrackXY = TrackXY.clone(),
0150     TrackRZ = TrackRZ.clone(),
0151     DigiXY = TrackXY.clone(),
0152     DigiRZ = TrackRZ.clone(),
0153     Dx1D = Dx1D.clone(),
0154     Dy1D = Dy1D.clone(),
0155     Dxy2D = Dxy2D.clone(),
0156     DigiCharge1D = DigiCharge1D.clone(),
0157     SimClusterCharge = SimClusterCharge.clone(),
0159     Position_0 = Position.clone(),
0160     Position_1 = Position.clone(),
0161     Position_2 = Position.clone(),
0162     MatchedPosition_0 = Position.clone(),
0163     MatchedPosition_1 = Position.clone(),
0164     MatchedPosition_2 = Position.clone(),
0167     Efficiency_0 = Efficiency.clone(),
0168     Efficiency_1 = Efficiency.clone(),
0169     Efficiency_2 = Efficiency.clone(),
0171     ClusterSize_0 = ClusterSize.clone(),
0172     ClusterSize_1 = ClusterSize.clone(),
0173     ClusterSize_2 = ClusterSize.clone(),
0175     Charge_0 = Charge.clone(),
0176     Charge_1 = Charge.clone(),
0177     Charge_2 = Charge.clone(),
0179     Charge_elec_0 = Charge.clone(),
0180     Charge_elec_1 = Charge.clone(),
0181     Charge_elec_2 = Charge.clone(),
0183     Dx_0 = Dx.clone(),
0184     Dx_1 = Dx.clone(),
0185     Dx_2 = Dx.clone(),
0187     Dy_0 = Dy.clone(),
0188     Dy_1 = Dy.clone(),
0189     Dy_2 = Dy.clone(),
0190     )