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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:31:07

0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 TTStubAssociatorFromPixelDigis = cms.EDProducer("TTStubAssociator_Phase2TrackerDigi_",
0004     TTStubs = cms.VInputTag( cms.InputTag("TTStubsFromPhase2TrackerDigis", "StubAccepted"),
0005                              cms.InputTag("TTStubsFromPhase2TrackerDigis", "StubRejected"),
0006     ),
0007     TTClusterTruth = cms.VInputTag( cms.InputTag("TTClusterAssociatorFromPixelDigis", "ClusterAccepted"),
0008                                     cms.InputTag("TTClusterAssociatorFromPixelDigis", "ClusterRejected"),
0009     ) # NOTE: the two vectors of input tags must be of the same size and in the correct order
0010       # as the producer would run on a specific pair and return a big error message
0011       # if the vectors are uncorrectly dimensioned
0012       # so "StubAccepted" needs the "ClusterAccepted" MC truth, and "StubRejected" the "ClusterRejected" MC truth
0013 )