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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 import copy
0004 from SimG4Core.Application.g4SimHits_cfi import *
0005 # Detector simulation (Geant4-based)
0006 trackingMaterialProducer = copy.deepcopy(g4SimHits)
0007 trackingMaterialProducer.Generator.HepMCProductLabel = 'generatorSmeared'
0008 trackingMaterialProducer.Physics.type = 'SimG4Core/Physics/DummyPhysics'
0009 trackingMaterialProducer.Physics.DummyEMPhysics = True
0010 trackingMaterialProducer.Physics.CutsPerRegion = False
0011 trackingMaterialProducer.UseMagneticField = False
0012 trackingMaterialProducer.Watchers = cms.VPSet(cms.PSet(
0013     TrackingMaterialProducer = cms.PSet(
0014         PrimaryTracksOnly = cms.bool(True),
0015         #The following variables are set for HGCal support and 
0016         #it doesn't effect or run at all for Tracker
0017         txtOutFile = cms.untracked.string('VolumesZPosition.txt'),
0018         hgcalzfront = cms.double(3190.5),
0019         SelectedVolumes = cms.vstring('BEAM', 
0020             'Tracker')
0021     ),
0022     type = cms.string('TrackingMaterialProducer')
0023 ))