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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:31:05

0001 #!/usr/bin/env python
0003 from __future__ import print_function
0004 import argparse
0005 import os, sys
0006 import pprint
0007 from shutil import copy2
0008 import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
0010 TAG_PREFIX='{}'
0014 HEADER = """
0018 void ListGroups::fillMaterialDifferences() {
0019 """
0021 TRAILER = """
0022 }
0025 """
0027 def checkEnvironment():
0028     if not 'CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE' in os.environ.keys():
0029         print('CMSSW Environments not setup, quitting\n')
0030         sys.exit(CMSSW_NOT_SET)
0032 def getTrackerRecoMaterialCopy(filename):
0033     # path of trackerRecoMaterial as defined in this cfi (for 2026D41) : Geometry/CMSCommonData/python/
0034     tracker_reco_material = os.path.join(os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'],
0035                                          'src/Geometry/TrackerRecoData/data/PhaseII/TiltedTracker613/trackerRecoMaterial.xml')
0036     if not os.path.exists(tracker_reco_material):
0037       tracker_reco_material = os.path.join(os.environ['CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE'],
0038                                            'src/Geometry/TrackerRecoData/data/PhaseII/TiltedTracker613/trackerRecoMaterial.xml')
0039       if not os.path.exists(tracker_reco_material):
0040           print('Something is wrong with the CMSSW installation. The file %s is missing. Quitting.\n' % tracker_reco_material)
0041           sys.exit(TRACKER_MATERIAL_FILE_MISSING)
0042     copy2(tracker_reco_material, filename)
0044 def produceXMLFromParameterFile():
0045     """
0046     Starting from the file parameters.xml produced by the
0047     TrackingMaterialAnalyser via cmsRun, it writes out a new XML,
0048     taking into account the proper names and grouping of detectors
0049     together.
0051     The skeleton of the XML is taken directly from the release the
0052     user is currently using, i.e. for 2026D41 from
0053     $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/Geometry/TrackerRecoData/data/PhaseII/TiltedTracker613/trackerRecoMaterial.xml.
0055     A new file, named trackerRecoMaterial.xml, is saved in the
0056     current directory.
0057     """
0059     tracker_reco_material = './trackerRecoMaterialFromRelease.xml'
0060     tracker_reco_material_updated = './parameters.xml'
0061     ET.register_namespace('', "")
0062     tree = ET.parse(tracker_reco_material)
0063     root = tree.getroot()
0064     tree_updated = ET.parse(tracker_reco_material_updated)
0065     root_updated = tree_updated.getroot()
0066     sections = root.getchildren()
0067     for child in sections[0]:
0068         print(child.attrib['name'])
0070     for spec_par in root.iter('%sSpecPar' % TAG_PREFIX):
0071         current_detector = spec_par.attrib['name']
0072         for parameter in spec_par.iter('%sParameter' % TAG_PREFIX):
0073             print(current_detector, parameter.attrib['name'], parameter.attrib['value'])
0074             updated_current_detector_node = root_updated.find(".//Group[@name='%s']" % current_detector)
0075             if updated_current_detector_node:
0076               for child in updated_current_detector_node:
0077                   if child.attrib['name'] == parameter.attrib['name']:
0078                       parameter.set('name', child.attrib['name'])
0079                       parameter.set('value', child.attrib['value'])
0080                       print(current_detector, parameter.attrib['name'], parameter.attrib['value'])
0081             else:
0082               print("Missing group: %s" % current_detector)
0083     tree.write('trackerRecoMaterial.xml', encoding='UTF-8', xml_declaration=True)
0085 def compareNewXMLWithOld(format_for_twiki):
0086     """
0087     Computes the difference between the old values, stored in the
0088     central repository for the current release, i.e. for 2026D41 from
0089     $CMSSW_RELEASE_BASE/src/Geometry/TrackerRecoData/data/PhaseII/TiltedTracker613/trackerRecoMaterial.xml,
0090     and the new values that we assume are present in the same file
0091     under the locally installed release, i.e. for 2026D41 under
0092     $CMSSW_BASE/src/Geometry/TrackerRecoData/data/PhaseII/TiltedTracker613/trackerRecoMaterial.xml. No
0093     check is performed to guarantee that the files are already
0094     there. If the file is not there, it is searched in the current
0095     folder. A missing file will result in an exception.
0097     The output of this function is a formatted structured as:
0098     ComponentsName KindOfParameter OldValue NewValue Difference
0099     where the Difference is computed as (NewValue-OldValue)/OldValue.
0101     Results are flushed at the terminal, nothing is saved.
0102     """
0104     tracker_reco_material = './trackerRecoMaterialFromRelease.xml'
0105     tracker_reco_material_updated = os.path.join(os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'],
0106                                                  'src/SimTracker/TrackerMaterialAnalysis/test/trackerRecoMaterial.xml')
0107     if not os.path.exists(tracker_reco_material_updated):
0108         tracker_reco_material_updated = './trackerRecoMaterial.xml'
0109         if not os.path.exists(tracker_reco_material_updated):
0110             raise os.error('Missing trackerRecoMaterial.xml file.')
0111     ET.register_namespace('', "")
0112     tree = ET.parse(tracker_reco_material)
0113     root = tree.getroot()
0114     tree_updated = ET.parse(tracker_reco_material_updated)
0115     root_updated = tree_updated.getroot()
0116     sections = root.getchildren()
0118     header = open(os.path.join(os.environ['CMSSW_BASE'],
0119                                'src/SimTracker/TrackerMaterialAnalysis/plugins/ListGroupsMaterialDifference.h'), 'w')
0120     header.write(HEADER)
0121     differences = {}
0122     values = {}
0123     ordered_keys = []
0124     for spec_par in root.iter('%sSpecPar' % TAG_PREFIX):
0125         current_detector = spec_par.attrib['name']
0126         ordered_keys.append(current_detector)
0127         for parameter in spec_par.iter('%sParameter' % TAG_PREFIX):
0128             updated_current_detector_node = root_updated.find(".//%sSpecPar[@name='%s']" % (TAG_PREFIX,current_detector))
0129             if updated_current_detector_node:
0130                 for child in updated_current_detector_node:
0131                     name = child.get('name', None)
0132                     if name and name == parameter.attrib['name']:
0133                         differences.setdefault(current_detector, {}).setdefault(name, [float(parameter.attrib['value']),
0134                                                                                        float(child.attrib['value']),
0135                                                                                        ((float(child.attrib['value'])-float(parameter.attrib['value']))
0136                                                                                        /float(parameter.attrib['value'])*100.)]
0137                                                                                 )
0138             else:
0139                 print('Element not found: %s' % current_detector)
0140     for group in differences.keys():
0141         header.write('  m_diff["%s"] = std::make_pair<float, float>(%f, %f);\n' % (group,
0142                                                                                    differences[group]['TrackerRadLength'][2],
0143                                                                                    differences[group]['TrackerXi'][2]))
0144     for group in differences.keys():
0145         header.write('  m_values["%s"] = std::make_pair<float, float>(%f, %f);\n' % (group,
0146                                                                                      differences[group]['TrackerRadLength'][1],
0147                                                                                      differences[group]['TrackerXi'][1]))
0148 #    pprint.pprint(differences)
0149     for i in xrange(len(ordered_keys)):
0150         key = ordered_keys[i]
0151         if format_for_twiki:
0152             print("| %s | %f | %f | %f%% | %f | %f | %f%% |" % (key,
0153                                                                 differences[key]['TrackerRadLength'][0],
0154                                                                 differences[key]['TrackerRadLength'][1],
0155                                                                 differences[key]['TrackerRadLength'][2],
0156                                                                 differences[key]['TrackerXi'][0],
0157                                                                 differences[key]['TrackerXi'][1],
0158                                                                 differences[key]['TrackerXi'][2]
0159                                                                 ))
0160         else:
0161             print("%s %f %f %f%% %f %f %f%%" % (key,
0162                                                 differences[key]['TrackerRadLength'][0],
0163                                                 differences[key]['TrackerRadLength'][1],
0164                                                 differences[key]['TrackerRadLength'][2],
0165                                                 differences[key]['TrackerXi'][0],
0166                                                 differences[key]['TrackerXi'][1],
0167                                                 differences[key]['TrackerXi'][2]
0168                                                 ))
0169     header.write(TRAILER)
0170     header.close
0173 if __name__ == '__main__':
0174     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Easily manipulate and inspect XML files related to Tracking Material.')
0175     parser.add_argument('-p', '--produce', action='store_true',
0176                         default=False,
0177                         help='Produce a trackerRecoMaterial.xml starting from the paramters.xml file produced by the trackingMaterialProducer.')
0178     parser.add_argument('-c', '--compare', action='store_true',
0179                         default=False,
0180                         help='Compares a local trackerRecoMaterial.xml against the one bundled with the release.')
0181     parser.add_argument('-w', '--twiki', action='store_true',
0182                         default=False,
0183                         help="""Compares a local trackerRecoMaterial.xml against the one bundled
0184                                 with the release and produces and output that is Twiki compatible
0185                                 to be put into a table.""")
0186     args = parser.parse_args()
0187     checkEnvironment()
0188     getTrackerRecoMaterialCopy('trackerRecoMaterialFromRelease.xml')
0189     if args.produce:
0190         produceXMLFromParameterFile()
0191     if or args.twiki:
0192         compareNewXMLWithOld(args.twiki)