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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 commonParameters = cms.PSet(
0004                 HepMCProductLabel = cms.InputTag('generatorSmeared'),
0005                 Verbosity = cms.bool(False),
0006                 EtaCut     = cms.double(8.2),
0007                 useBeamPositionFromLHCInfo=cms.bool(False), # if False, it will be taken from the BeamSpotObjectsRcd
0008                 produceHitsRelativeToBeam = cms.bool(True),
0009                 MomentumCut= cms.double(3000),
0010                 PPSRegionStart_45 = cms.double(203),
0011                 PPSRegionStart_56 = cms.double(203)
0012 )