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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 #
0004 # module to fill the full-hadronic ttbar event structure
0005 #
0006 ttFullHadEvent = cms.EDProducer("TtFullHadEvtBuilder",
0007     ## choose leptonic decay modes
0008     decayChannel1 = cms.int32(0), # 0: none
0009                                   # 1: electron
0010                                   # 2: muon
0011                                   # 3: tau
0012     decayChannel2 = cms.int32(0), # 0: none
0013                                   # 1: electron
0014                                   # 2: muon
0015                                   # 3: tau
0017     ## set verbosity level
0018     verbosity = cms.int32(0),  # 0: no additional printout
0019                                # 1: print a summary for each event
0021     ## add genEvt (if available)
0022     genEvent = cms.InputTag("genEvt"),
0024     ## labels for event hypotheses
0025     ## (this vector of strings can be modified using the functions
0026     ## addTtFullHadHypotheses and removeTtFullHadHypGenMatch in
0027     ## TopQuarkAnalysis.TopEventProducers.sequences.ttFullHadEvtBuilder_cff)
0028     hypotheses = cms.VInputTag("ttFullHadHypGenMatch"),  # "ttFullHadHypKinFit"
0030     ## add extra information on kinFit
0031     kinFit = cms.PSet(
0032         chi2 = cms.InputTag("kinFitTtFullHadEventHypothesis","Chi2"),
0033         prob = cms.InputTag("kinFitTtFullHadEventHypothesis","Prob"),
0034     ),
0036     ## add extra information on genMatch
0037     genMatch = cms.PSet(
0038         sumPt = cms.InputTag("ttFullHadJetPartonMatch","SumPt"),
0039         sumDR = cms.InputTag("ttFullHadJetPartonMatch","SumDR"),
0040     )
0041 )