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0001 //
0002 //
0003 // File: hitfit/Top_Fit.h
0004 // Purpose: Handle jet permutations.
0005 // Created: Jul, 2000, sss, based on run 1 mass analysis code.
0006 //
0007 // CMSSW File      : interface/Top_Fit.h
0008 // Original Author : Scott Stuart Snyder <> for D0
0009 // Imported to CMSSW by Haryo Sumowidagdo <>
0010 //
0012 /**
0013     @file Top_Fit.h
0015     @brief Handle and fit jet permutations of an event.  This is the
0016     primary interface between user's Lepjets_Event and HitFit kinematic
0017     fitting algorithm.
0019     @author Scott Stuart Snyder <>
0021     @par Creation date:
0022     Jul 2000.
0024     @par Modification History:
0025     Apr 2009: Haryo Sumowidagdo <>:
0026     Imported to CMSSW.<br>
0027     Nov 2009: Haryo Sumowidagdo <>:
0028     Added doxygen tags for automatic generation of documentation.
0030     @par Terms of Usage:
0031     With consent for the original author (Scott Snyder).
0033  */
0035 #ifndef HITFIT_TOP_FIT_H
0036 #define HITFIT_TOP_FIT_H
0038 #include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/interface/Constrained_Top.h"
0039 #include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopHitFit/interface/matutil.h"
0040 #include <iosfwd>
0042 namespace hitfit {
0044   class Lepjets_Event;
0045   class Fit_Results;
0047   //
0048   // Indices for the various results lists we make in Fit_Results.
0049   //
0050   /**
0051     Indices for the various results lists we store in Fit_Results.
0052  */
0053   enum Lists {
0054     all_list = 0,          // All events.
0055     noperm_list = 1,       // All jet assignments are correct.
0056     semicorrect_list = 2,  // Jets assigned to the correct top.
0057     limited_isr_list = 3,  // Top three jets are not ISR.
0058     topfour_list = 4,      // Top four jets are not ISR, any other jets are ISR.
0059     btag_list = 5,         // All tagged jets were assigned as b-jets.
0060     htag_list = 6,         // All tagged jets were assigned as b-jets or higgs.
0061     n_lists = 7
0062   };
0064   //*************************************************************************
0066   /**
0067     @brief Hold on to parameters for the Top_Fit class.
0068 */
0069   class Top_Fit_Args
0070   //
0071   // Purpose: Hold on to parameters for the Top_Fit class.
0072   //
0073   //   bool print_event_flag - If true, print the event after the fit.
0074   //   bool do_higgs_flag    - If true, fit ttH events.
0075   //   double jet_mass_cut   - Reject events with jet masses larger than this.
0076   //   double mwhad_min_cut  - Reject events with hadronic W mass before
0077   //                           fitting smaller than this.
0078   //   double mwhad_max_cut  - Reject events with hadronic W mass before
0079   //                           fitting larger than this.
0080   //   double mtdiff_max_cut - Reject events where the difference between
0081   //                           leptonic and hadronic top masses before fitting
0082   //                           is larger than this.
0083   //   int nkeep             - Number of results to keep in each list.
0084   //   bool solve_nu_tmass   - If true, use hadronic top mass to constrain
0085   //                           the neutrino pz.  Otherwise constrain the
0086   //                           neutrino + lepton mass to W mass.
0087   //
0088   {
0089   public:
0090     // Constructor.  Initialize from a Defaults object.
0091     /**
0092      @brief Constructor, initialize an instance of Top_Fit_Args
0093      from an instance of Defaults object.
0095      @param defs The Defaults instance from which to initialize.  The
0096      instance must contain the following parameters with types and names:
0097      - bool <i>print_event_flag</i>.
0098      - bool <i>do_higgs_flag</i>.
0099      - double <i>jet_mass_cut</i>.
0100      - double <i>mwhad_min_cut</i>.
0101      - double <i>mwhad_max_cut</i>.
0102      - double <i>mtdiff_max_cut</i>.
0103      - int <i>nkeep</i>.
0104      - bool <i>solve_nu_tmass</i>.
0106    */
0107     Top_Fit_Args(const Defaults& defs);
0109     // Retrieve parameter values.
0110     /**
0111      @brief Return the <i>print_event_flag</i> parameter.
0112    */
0113     bool print_event_flag() const;
0115     /**
0116      @brief Return the <i>do_higgs_flag</i> parameter.
0117    */
0118     bool do_higgs_flag() const;
0120     /**
0121      @brief Return the <i>jet_mass_cut</i> parameter.
0122    */
0123     double jet_mass_cut() const;
0125     /**
0126      @brief Return the <i>mwhad_min_cut</i> parameter.
0127    */
0128     double mwhad_min_cut() const;
0130     /**
0131      @brief Return the <i>mwhad_min_cut</i> parameter.
0132    */
0133     double mwhad_max_cut() const;
0135     /**
0136      @brief Return the <i>mwhad_max_cut</i> parameter.
0137    */
0138     double mtdiff_max_cut() const;
0140     /**
0141      @brief Return the <i>nkeep</i> parameter.
0142    */
0143     int nkeep() const;
0145     /**
0146      @brief Return the <i>solve_nu_tmass</i> parameter.
0147    */
0148     bool solve_nu_tmass() const;
0150     // Arguments for subobjects.
0151     const Constrained_Top_Args& constrainer_args() const;
0153   private:
0154     // Hold on to parameter values.
0155     /**
0156      If <b>TRUE</b>, then print the event after the fit.  Otherwise don't
0157      print.
0158    */
0159     bool _print_event_flag;
0161     /**
0162      If <b>TRUE</b>, then fit a  \f$ t\bar{t}H \f$  events. Otherwise fit
0163       \f$ t\bar{t} \f$  event.
0164    */
0165     bool _do_higgs_flag;
0167     /**
0168      Reject event before fit if there is at least one jet which have mass
0169      larger than this value, in GeV.
0170    */
0171     double _jet_mass_cut;
0173     /**
0174      Reject event before fit if the mass of the hadronic  \f$ W- \f$ boson
0175      is smaller than this value, in GeV.
0176    */
0177     double _mwhad_min_cut;
0179     /**
0180      Reject event before fit if the mass of the hadronic  \f$ W- \f$ boson
0181      is larger than this value, in GeV.
0182    */
0183     double _mwhad_max_cut;
0185     /**
0186      Reject event before fit if the mass difference between leptonic top
0187      and hadronic top is larger than this value, in GeV.
0188    */
0189     double _mtdiff_max_cut;
0191     /**
0192      The number of Fit_Results from different jet permutations to keep.
0193      It is recommended that the number is set accordingly to the maximally
0194      allowed number of jets in the event.  The number for possible
0195      permutations,  \f$ N_{t\bar{t}} \f$ , as a function of number of jets,
0196       \f$ n \f$ , for  \f$ t\bar{t} \f$  event is given by:
0197      \f[
0198      N_{t\bar{t}}(n) = \frac{n!}{(n-4)!};~ n \ge 4
0199      \f]
0200      The number for possible permutations,  \f$ N_{t\bar{t}H} \f$ , as a
0201      function of number of jets,  \f$ n \f$ , for  \f$ t\bar{t}H \f$  is given by:
0202      \f[
0203      N_{t\bar{t}}(n) = \frac{n!}{(n-6)!2!};~ n \ge 6
0204      \f]
0206    */
0207     int _nkeep;
0209     /**
0210      If <b>TRUE</b>, then solve the neutrino longitudinal  \f$ z- \f$ component
0211      by requiring the leptonic top have the same mass as the hadronic top.
0212      If <b>FALSE</b>, then solve the neutrino longitudinal  \f$ z- \f$ component
0213      by requiring the lepton and neutrino mass to equal to the mass of
0214      the  \f$ W- \f$ boson  \f$ m_{W} \f$ .
0215    */
0216     bool _solve_nu_tmass;
0218     /**
0219      The internal state, parameter settings for the Constrained_Top instance
0220      within an instance of Top_Fit.
0221    */
0222     Constrained_Top_Args _args;
0223   };
0225   //*************************************************************************
0227   /**
0228     @brief Handle and fit jet permutations of an event.  This is the
0229     primary interface between user's Lepjets_Event and HitFit kinematic
0230     fitting algorithm.
0231 */
0232   class Top_Fit
0233   //
0234   // Purpose: Handle jet permutations.
0235   //
0236   {
0237   public:
0238     // Constructor.
0239     // LEPW_MASS, HADW_MASS, and TOP_MASS are the masses to which
0240     // those objects should be constrained.  To remove a constraint,
0241     // set the mass to 0.
0242     /**
0243      @brief Constructor.
0245      @param args The parameter settings.
0247      @param lepw_mass The mass to which the leptonic  \f$ W- \f$ boson should be
0248      constrained to.  A value of zero means this constraint will be removed.
0250      @param hadw_mass The mass to which the hadronic  \f$ W- \f$ boson should be
0251      constrained to.  A value of zero means this constraint will be removed.
0253      @param top_mass The mass to which the top quark should be constrained to.
0254      A value of zero means this constraint will be removed.
0255    */
0256     Top_Fit(const Top_Fit_Args& args, double lepw_mass, double hadw_mass, double top_mass);
0258     // Fit a single jet permutation.  Return the results for that fit.
0259     /**
0260       @brief Fit for a single jet permutation.
0262       @param ev Input: The event to fit, Output: the event after the fit.
0264       @param nuz Input: A flag to indicate which neutrino solution to be used.
0265       <br>
0266       <b>FALSE</b> means use solution with smaller absolute value.<br>
0267       <b>TRUE</b> means use solution with larger absolute value.
0269       @param umwhad The mass of hadronic  \f$ W- \f$ boson before the fit.
0271       @param utmass The mass of the top quarks before fitting, averaged from
0272       the values of leptonic and hadronic top quark mass.
0274       @param mt The mass of the top quark after fitting.
0276       @param sigmt The uncertainty of the mass of the top quark after fitting.
0278       @param pullx Pull quantities for well-measured variables.
0280       @param pully Pull quantities for poorly-measured variables.
0281    */
0282     double fit_one_perm(Lepjets_Event& ev,
0283                         bool& nuz,
0284                         double& umwhad,
0285                         double& utmass,
0286                         double& mt,
0287                         double& sigmt,
0288                         Column_Vector& pullx,
0289                         Column_Vector& pully);
0291     // Fit all jet permutations in EV.
0292     /**
0293      @brief Fit all jets permutations in ev.  This function returns
0294      a Fit_Results object, which is not easy to extract information from.
0295      Users are recommended to use the class RunHitFit as interface to fit
0296      all permutations of all event.
0298      @param ev Input: The event to fit, Output: the event after the fit.
0299    */
0300     Fit_Results fit(const Lepjets_Event& ev);
0302     // Print.
0303     friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const Top_Fit& fitter);
0305     /**
0306      @brief Return a constant reference to the fit arguments.
0307    */
0308     const Top_Fit_Args& args() const;
0310   private:
0311     // The object state.
0312     const Top_Fit_Args _args;
0313     Constrained_Top _constrainer;
0314     double _lepw_mass;
0315     double _hadw_mass;
0316   };
0318 }  // namespace hitfit
0320 #endif  // not HITFIT_TOP_FIT_H