Warning, /TopQuarkAnalysis/TopJetCombination/data/TtSemiLepJetCombMVATrainTreeSaver.xml is written in an unsupported language. File is not indexed.
0001 <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no" ?>
0002 <MVATrainer xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude">
0004 <general>
0005 <option name="id">TtSemiLepJetCombMVATrainer</option>
0006 <option name="trainfiles">train_%1$s%2$s.%3$s</option>
0007 </general>
0009 <!-- include the main input section containing all variables from a file
0010 which is shared with the TtSemiLepJetCombMVATrainer.xml -->
0012 <xi:include href="TtSemiLepJetCombMVATrainer_vars.xml"/>
0014 <processor id="save" name="TreeSaver">
0015 <input>
0017 <var source="input" name="target"/>
0018 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
0019 <!-- mass, pt, eta, phi and theta of single candidates of the ttbar system -->
0020 <!-- ===================================================================== -->
0021 <!-- hadronic top quark -->
0022 <var source="input" name="massHadTop" />
0023 <var source="input" name="ptHadTop" />
0024 <var source="input" name="etaHadTop" />
0025 <var source="input" name="phiHadTop" />
0026 <var source="input" name="thetaHadTop"/>
0027 <!-- leptonic top quark -->
0028 <var source="input" name="massLepTop" />
0029 <var source="input" name="ptLepTop" />
0030 <var source="input" name="etaLepTop" />
0031 <var source="input" name="phiLepTop" />
0032 <var source="input" name="thetaLepTop"/>
0033 <!-- hadronic W boson -->
0034 <var source="input" name="massHadW" />
0035 <var source="input" name="ptHadW" />
0036 <var source="input" name="etaHadW" />
0037 <var source="input" name="phiHadW" />
0038 <var source="input" name="thetaHadW"/>
0039 <!-- hadronic b quark -->
0040 <var source="input" name="ptHadB" />
0041 <var source="input" name="etaHadB" />
0042 <var source="input" name="phiHadB" />
0043 <var source="input" name="thetaHadB"/>
0044 <!-- leptonic b quark -->
0045 <var source="input" name="ptLepB" />
0046 <var source="input" name="etaLepB" />
0047 <var source="input" name="phiLepB" />
0048 <var source="input" name="thetaLepB"/>
0049 <!-- light quark -->
0050 <var source="input" name="ptLightQ" />
0051 <var source="input" name="etaLightQ" />
0052 <var source="input" name="phiLightQ" />
0053 <var source="input" name="thetaLightQ"/>
0054 <!-- light anti-quark -->
0055 <var source="input" name="ptLightQBar" />
0056 <var source="input" name="etaLightQBar" />
0057 <var source="input" name="phiLightQBar" />
0058 <var source="input" name="thetaLightQBar"/>
0059 <!-- ==================================================================================== -->
0060 <!-- compare two candidates of the ttbar system in DeltaM, DeltaR, DeltaPhi or DeltaTheta -->
0061 <!-- ==================================================================================== -->
0062 <!-- the two top quarks -->
0063 <var source="input" name="deltaMHadTopLepTop" />
0064 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadTopLepTop" />
0065 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadTopLepTop" />
0066 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadTopLepTop"/>
0067 <!-- the two W bosons -->
0068 <var source="input" name="deltaMHadWLepW" />
0069 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadWLepW" />
0070 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadWLepW" />
0071 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadWLepW"/>
0072 <!-- the two b quarks -->
0073 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadBLepB" />
0074 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadBLepB" />
0075 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadBLepB"/>
0076 <!-- the two light quarks -->
0077 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadQHadQBar" />
0078 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadQHadQBar" />
0079 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadQHadQBar"/>
0080 <!-- the hadronic top and the hadronic W -->
0081 <var source="input" name="deltaMHadTopHadW" />
0082 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadTopHadW" />
0083 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadTopHadW" />
0084 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadTopHadW"/>
0085 <!-- the leptonic top and the leptonic W -->
0086 <var source="input" name="deltaMLepTopLepW" />
0087 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepTopLepW" />
0088 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepTopLepW" />
0089 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepTopLepW"/>
0090 <!-- the hadronic top and the leptonic W -->
0091 <var source="input" name="deltaMHadTopLepW" />
0092 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadTopLepW" />
0093 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadTopLepW" />
0094 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadTopLepW"/>
0095 <!-- the leptonic top and the hadronic W -->
0096 <var source="input" name="deltaMLepTopHadW" />
0097 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepTopHadW" />
0098 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepTopHadW" />
0099 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepTopHadW"/>
0100 <!-- the hadronic top and the hadronic b -->
0101 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadTopHadB" />
0102 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadTopHadB" />
0103 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadTopHadB"/>
0104 <!-- the leptonic top and the leptonic b -->
0105 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepTopLepB" />
0106 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepTopLepB" />
0107 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepTopLepB"/>
0108 <!-- the hadronic top and the leptonic b -->
0109 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadTopLepB" />
0110 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadTopLepB" />
0111 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadTopLepB"/>
0112 <!-- the leptonic top and the hadronic b -->
0113 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepTopHadB" />
0114 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepTopHadB" />
0115 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepTopHadB"/>
0116 <!-- the hadronic W and the hadronic b -->
0117 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadWHadB" />
0118 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadWHadB" />
0119 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadWHadB"/>
0120 <!-- the leptonic W and the leptonic b -->
0121 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepWLepB" />
0122 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepWLepB" />
0123 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepWLepB"/>
0124 <!-- the hadronic W and the leptonic b -->
0125 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadWLepB" />
0126 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadWLepB" />
0127 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadWLepB"/>
0128 <!-- the leptonic W and the hadronic b -->
0129 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepWHadB" />
0130 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepWHadB" />
0131 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepWHadB"/>
0132 <!-- the hadronic top and the lepton -->
0133 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadTopLepton" />
0134 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadTopLepton" />
0135 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadTopLepton"/>
0136 <!-- the leptonic top and the lepton -->
0137 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepTopLepton" />
0138 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepTopLepton" />
0139 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepTopLepton"/>
0140 <!-- the hadronic top and the neutrino -->
0141 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadTopNeutrino" />
0142 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadTopNeutrino" />
0143 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadTopNeutrino"/>
0144 <!-- the leptonic top and the neutrino -->
0145 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepTopNeutrino" />
0146 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepTopNeutrino" />
0147 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepTopNeutrino"/>
0148 <!-- the hadronic W and the lepton -->
0149 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadWLepton" />
0150 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadWLepton" />
0151 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadWLepton"/>
0152 <!-- the hadronic W and the neutrino -->
0153 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadWNeutrino" />
0154 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadWNeutrino" />
0155 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadWNeutrino"/>
0156 <!-- the hadronic b and the lepton -->
0157 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadBLepton" />
0158 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadBLepton" />
0159 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadBLepton"/>
0160 <!-- the leptonic b and the lepton -->
0161 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepBLepton" />
0162 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepBLepton" />
0163 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepBLepton"/>
0164 <!-- the hadronic b and the neutrino -->
0165 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadBNeutrino" />
0166 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiHadBNeutrino" />
0167 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaHadBNeutrino"/>
0168 <!-- the leptonic b and the neutrino -->
0169 <var source="input" name="deltaRLepBNeutrino" />
0170 <var source="input" name="deltaPhiLepBNeutrino" />
0171 <var source="input" name="deltaThetaLepBNeutrino"/>
0172 <!-- ============================================== -->
0173 <!-- special variables combining the pt of the jets -->
0174 <!-- ============================================== -->
0175 <var source="input" name="relativePtHadronicTop"/>
0176 <var source="input" name="bOverLightQPt" />
0177 <!-- ========================================================== -->
0178 <!-- variables based on b-tagging with six different algorithms -->
0179 <!-- ========================================================== -->
0180 <!-- hadronic b quark candidate -->
0181 <var source="input" name="bTagHadBTrkCntHighEff"/>
0182 <var source="input" name="bTagHadBTrkCntHighPur"/>
0183 <var source="input" name="bTagHadBSoftMuon" />
0184 <var source="input" name="bTagHadBSimpSecondVtx"/>
0185 <var source="input" name="bTagHadBCombSecondVtx"/>
0186 <var source="input" name="bTagHadBImpactParaMVA"/>
0187 <!-- leptonic b quark candidate -->
0188 <var source="input" name="bTagLepBTrkCntHighEff"/>
0189 <var source="input" name="bTagLepBTrkCntHighPur"/>
0190 <var source="input" name="bTagLepBSoftMuon" />
0191 <var source="input" name="bTagLepBSimpSecondVtx"/>
0192 <var source="input" name="bTagLepBCombSecondVtx"/>
0193 <var source="input" name="bTagLepBImpactParaMVA"/>
0194 <!-- summed b-tags of the two b quark candidates -->
0195 <var source="input" name="bTagSumTrkCntHighEff"/>
0196 <var source="input" name="bTagSumTrkCntHighPur"/>
0197 <var source="input" name="bTagSumSoftMuon" />
0198 <var source="input" name="bTagSumSimpSecondVtx"/>
0199 <var source="input" name="bTagSumCombSecondVtx"/>
0200 <var source="input" name="bTagSumImpactParaMVA"/>
0201 <!-- multiplied b-tags of the two b quark candidates -->
0202 <var source="input" name="bTagProdImpactParaMVA"/>
0203 <!-- summed b-tags of the two light quark candidates -->
0204 <var source="input" name="bTagSumHadQHadQBarTrkCntHighEff"/>
0205 <var source="input" name="bTagSumHadQHadQBarTrkCntHighPur"/>
0206 <var source="input" name="bTagSumHadQHadQBarSoftMuon" />
0207 <var source="input" name="bTagSumHadQHadQBarSimpSecondVtx"/>
0208 <var source="input" name="bTagSumHadQHadQBarCombSecondVtx"/>
0209 <var source="input" name="bTagSumHadQHadQBarImpactParaMVA"/>
0210 <!-- multiplied b-tags of the two light quark candidates -->
0211 <var source="input" name="bTagProdHadQHadQBarImpactParaMVA"/>
0213 </input>
0215 <config/>
0216 <output/>
0217 </processor>
0219 <output>
0220 <var source="input" name="deltaRHadQHadQBar"/>
0221 </output>
0223 </MVATrainer>