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0001 #include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopJetCombination/interface/TtFullLepHypothesis.h"
0003 #include "AnalysisDataFormats/TopObjects/interface/TtFullLepEvtPartons.h"
0004 #include "DataFormats/Candidate/interface/LeafCandidate.h"
0005 #include "DataFormats/Math/interface/deltaR.h"
0007 class TtFullLepHypGenMatch : public TtFullLepHypothesis {
0008 public:
0009   explicit TtFullLepHypGenMatch(const edm::ParameterSet&);
0011 private:
0012   /// build the event hypothesis key
0013   void buildKey() override { key_ = TtFullLeptonicEvent::kGenMatch; };
0014   /// build event hypothesis from the reco objects of a semi-leptonic event
0015   void buildHypo(edm::Event& evt,
0016                  const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Electron> >& elecs,
0017                  const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Muon> >& mus,
0018                  const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Jet> >& jets,
0019                  const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::MET> >& mets,
0020                  std::vector<int>& match,
0021                  const unsigned int iComb) override;
0023   template <typename O>
0024   int findMatchingLepton(const reco::GenParticle*, const edm::Handle<std::vector<O> >&);
0025   void buildMatchingNeutrinos(edm::Event&, const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::MET> >&);
0027 protected:
0028   edm::EDGetTokenT<TtGenEvent> genEvtToken_;
0029 };
0031 TtFullLepHypGenMatch::TtFullLepHypGenMatch(const edm::ParameterSet& cfg)
0032     : TtFullLepHypothesis(cfg), genEvtToken_(consumes<TtGenEvent>(edm::InputTag("genEvt"))) {}
0034 void TtFullLepHypGenMatch::buildHypo(edm::Event& evt,
0035                                      const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Electron> >& elecs,
0036                                      const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Muon> >& mus,
0037                                      const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::Jet> >& jets,
0038                                      const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::MET> >& mets,
0039                                      std::vector<int>& match,
0040                                      const unsigned int iComb) {
0041   // -----------------------------------------------------
0042   // add jets
0043   // -----------------------------------------------------
0044   for (unsigned idx = 0; idx < match.size(); ++idx) {
0045     if (isValid(match[idx], jets)) {
0046       switch (idx) {
0047         case TtFullLepEvtPartons::B:
0048           b_ = makeCandidate(jets, match[idx], jetCorrectionLevel_);
0049           break;
0050         case TtFullLepEvtPartons::BBar:
0051           bBar_ = makeCandidate(jets, match[idx], jetCorrectionLevel_);
0052           break;
0053       }
0054     }
0055   }
0057   // -----------------------------------------------------
0058   // add leptons
0059   // -----------------------------------------------------
0060   // get genEvent
0061   edm::Handle<TtGenEvent> genEvt;
0062   evt.getByToken(genEvtToken_, genEvt);
0064   // push back fake indices if no leptons in genevent
0065   if (!genEvt->isFullLeptonic() || !genEvt->lepton() || !genEvt->leptonBar()) {
0066     match.push_back(-1);
0067     match.push_back(-1);
0068     match.push_back(-1);
0069     match.push_back(-1);
0070   } else if (genEvt->isFullLeptonic(WDecay::kElec, WDecay::kElec) && elecs->size() >= 2) {
0071     //search indices for electrons
0072     int iLepBar = findMatchingLepton(genEvt->leptonBar(), elecs);
0073     leptonBar_ = makeCandidate(elecs, iLepBar);
0074     match.push_back(iLepBar);
0075     int iLep = findMatchingLepton(genEvt->lepton(), elecs);
0076     lepton_ = makeCandidate(elecs, iLep);
0077     match.push_back(iLep);
0079     // fake indices for muons
0080     match.push_back(-1);
0081     match.push_back(-1);
0082   } else if (genEvt->isFullLeptonic(WDecay::kElec, WDecay::kMuon) && !elecs->empty() && !mus->empty()) {
0083     if (genEvt->leptonBar()->isElectron()) {
0084       // push back index for e+
0085       int iLepBar = findMatchingLepton(genEvt->leptonBar(), elecs);
0086       leptonBar_ = makeCandidate(elecs, iLepBar);
0087       match.push_back(iLepBar);
0088       // push back fake indices for e- and mu+
0089       match.push_back(-1);
0090       match.push_back(-1);
0091       // push back index for mu-
0092       int iLep = findMatchingLepton(genEvt->lepton(), mus);
0093       lepton_ = makeCandidate(mus, iLep);
0094       match.push_back(iLep);
0095     } else {
0096       // push back fake index for e+
0097       match.push_back(-1);
0098       // push back index for e-
0099       int iLepBar = findMatchingLepton(genEvt->leptonBar(), mus);
0100       leptonBar_ = makeCandidate(mus, iLepBar);
0101       match.push_back(iLepBar);
0102       // push back index for mu+
0103       int iLep = findMatchingLepton(genEvt->lepton(), elecs);
0104       lepton_ = makeCandidate(elecs, iLep);
0105       match.push_back(iLep);
0106       // push back fake index for mu-
0107       match.push_back(-1);
0108     }
0109   } else if (genEvt->isFullLeptonic(WDecay::kMuon, WDecay::kMuon) && mus->size() >= 2) {
0110     // fake indices for electrons
0111     match.push_back(-1);
0112     match.push_back(-1);
0114     //search indices for electrons
0115     int iLepBar = findMatchingLepton(genEvt->leptonBar(), mus);
0116     leptonBar_ = makeCandidate(mus, iLepBar);
0117     match.push_back(iLepBar);
0118     int iLep = findMatchingLepton(genEvt->lepton(), mus);
0119     lepton_ = makeCandidate(mus, iLep);
0120     match.push_back(iLep);
0121   } else {  //this 'else' should happen if at least one genlepton is a tau
0122     match.push_back(-1);
0123     match.push_back(-1);
0124     match.push_back(-1);
0125     match.push_back(-1);
0126   }
0128   // -----------------------------------------------------
0129   // add met and neutrinos
0130   // -----------------------------------------------------
0131   if (!mets->empty()) {
0132     //met_ = makeCandidate(mets, 0);
0133     buildMatchingNeutrinos(evt, mets);
0134   }
0135 }
0137 template <typename O>
0138 int TtFullLepHypGenMatch::findMatchingLepton(const reco::GenParticle* genLep,
0139                                              const edm::Handle<std::vector<O> >& leps) {
0140   int idx = -1;
0141   double minDR = -1;
0142   for (unsigned i = 0; i < leps->size(); ++i) {
0143     double dR = deltaR(genLep->eta(), genLep->phi(), (*leps)[i].eta(), (*leps)[i].phi());
0144     if (minDR < 0 || dR < minDR) {
0145       minDR = dR;
0146       idx = i;
0147     }
0148   }
0149   return idx;
0150 }
0152 void TtFullLepHypGenMatch::buildMatchingNeutrinos(edm::Event& evt, const edm::Handle<std::vector<pat::MET> >& mets) {
0153   // get genEvent
0154   edm::Handle<TtGenEvent> genEvt;
0155   evt.getByToken(genEvtToken_, genEvt);
0157   if (genEvt->isTtBar() && genEvt->isFullLeptonic() && genEvt->neutrino() && genEvt->neutrinoBar()) {
0158     double momXNu = genEvt->neutrino()->px();
0159     double momYNu = genEvt->neutrino()->py();
0160     double momXNuBar = genEvt->neutrinoBar()->px();
0161     double momYNuBar = genEvt->neutrinoBar()->py();
0163     double momXMet = mets->at(0).px();
0164     double momYMet = mets->at(0).py();
0166     double momXNeutrino = 0.5 * (momXNu - momXNuBar + momXMet);
0167     double momYNeutrino = 0.5 * (momYNu - momYNuBar + momYMet);
0168     double momXNeutrinoBar = momXMet - momXNeutrino;
0169     double momYNeutrinoBar = momYMet - momYNeutrino;
0171     math::XYZTLorentzVector recNuFM(
0172         momXNeutrino, momYNeutrino, 0, sqrt(momXNeutrino * momXNeutrino + momYNeutrino * momYNeutrino));
0173     recNu = std::make_unique<reco::LeafCandidate>(0, recNuFM);
0175     math::XYZTLorentzVector recNuBarFM(momXNeutrinoBar,
0176                                        momYNeutrinoBar,
0177                                        0,
0178                                        sqrt(momXNeutrinoBar * momXNeutrinoBar + momYNeutrinoBar * momYNeutrinoBar));
0179     recNuBar = std::make_unique<reco::LeafCandidate>(0, recNuBarFM);
0180   }
0181 }
0183 #include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
0184 DEFINE_FWK_MODULE(TtFullLepHypGenMatch);