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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 #
0004 # produce wMassMaxSumPt hypothesis with all necessary 
0005 # ingredients
0006 #
0008 ## configure wMassMaxSumPt hyothesis
0009 from TopQuarkAnalysis.TopJetCombination.TtSemiLepJetCombWMassMaxSumPt_cfi import *
0010 from TopQuarkAnalysis.TopJetCombination.TtSemiLepHypWMassMaxSumPt_cfi import *
0012 ## make hypothesis
0013 makeHypothesis_wMassMaxSumPtTask = cms.Task(
0014     findTtSemiLepJetCombWMassMaxSumPt,
0015     ttSemiLepHypWMassMaxSumPt
0016 )
0017 makeHypothesis_wMassMaxSumPt = cms.Sequence(makeHypothesis_wMassMaxSumPtTask)