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0001 #ifndef TtFullHadKinFitter_h
0002 #define TtFullHadKinFitter_h
0004 #include <vector>
0006 #include "TLorentzVector.h"
0008 #include "AnalysisDataFormats/TopObjects/interface/TtHadEvtSolution.h"
0010 #include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopKinFitter/interface/CovarianceMatrix.h"
0011 #include "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopKinFitter/interface/TopKinFitter.h"
0013 #include "PhysicsTools/JetMCUtils/interface/combination.h"
0015 #include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
0017 class TAbsFitParticle;
0018 class TFitConstraintM;
0020 /*
0021   \class   TtFullHadKinFitter TtFullHadKinFitter.h "TopQuarkAnalysis/TopKinFitter/interface/TtFullHadKinFitter.h"
0023   \brief   one line description to be added here...
0025   text to be added here...
0027 **/
0029 class TtFullHadKinFitter : public TopKinFitter {
0030 public:
0031   /// supported constraints
0032   enum Constraint { kWPlusMass = 1, kWMinusMass, kTopMass, kTopBarMass, kEqualTopMasses };
0034 public:
0035   /// default constructor
0036   TtFullHadKinFitter();
0037   /// used to convert vector of int's to vector of constraints (just used in TtFullHadKinFitter(int, int, double, double, std::vector<unsigned int>))
0038   std::vector<TtFullHadKinFitter::Constraint> intToConstraint(const std::vector<unsigned int>& constraints);
0039   /// constructor initialized with build-in types as custom parameters (only included to keep running)
0040   TtFullHadKinFitter(int jetParam,
0041                      int maxNrIter,
0042                      double maxDeltaS,
0043                      double maxF,
0044                      const std::vector<unsigned int>& constraints,
0045                      double mW = 80.4,
0046                      double mTop = 173.,
0047                      const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>* udscResolutions = nullptr,
0048                      const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>* bResolutions = nullptr,
0049                      const std::vector<double>* jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors = nullptr,
0050                      const std::vector<double>* jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning = nullptr);
0051   /// constructor initialized with built-in types and class enum's custom parameters
0052   TtFullHadKinFitter(Param jetParam,
0053                      int maxNrIter,
0054                      double maxDeltaS,
0055                      double maxF,
0056                      const std::vector<Constraint>& constraints,
0057                      double mW = 80.4,
0058                      double mTop = 173.,
0059                      const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>* udscResolutions = nullptr,
0060                      const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>* bResolutions = nullptr,
0061                      const std::vector<double>* jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors = nullptr,
0062                      const std::vector<double>* jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning = nullptr);
0063   /// default destructor
0064   ~TtFullHadKinFitter();
0066   /// kinematic fit interface
0067   int fit(const std::vector<pat::Jet>& jets);
0068   /// return fitted b quark candidate
0069   const pat::Particle fittedB() const { return (fitter_->getStatus() == 0 ? fittedB_ : pat::Particle()); };
0070   /// return fitted b quark candidate
0071   const pat::Particle fittedBBar() const { return (fitter_->getStatus() == 0 ? fittedBBar_ : pat::Particle()); };
0072   /// return fitted light quark candidate
0073   const pat::Particle fittedLightQ() const { return (fitter_->getStatus() == 0 ? fittedLightQ_ : pat::Particle()); };
0074   /// return fitted light quark candidate
0075   const pat::Particle fittedLightQBar() const {
0076     return (fitter_->getStatus() == 0 ? fittedLightQBar_ : pat::Particle());
0077   };
0078   /// return fitted light quark candidate
0079   const pat::Particle fittedLightP() const { return (fitter_->getStatus() == 0 ? fittedLightP_ : pat::Particle()); };
0080   /// return fitted light quark candidate
0081   const pat::Particle fittedLightPBar() const {
0082     return (fitter_->getStatus() == 0 ? fittedLightPBar_ : pat::Particle());
0083   };
0084   /// add kin fit information to the old event solution (in for legacy reasons)
0085   TtHadEvtSolution addKinFitInfo(TtHadEvtSolution* asol);
0087 private:
0088   /// print fitter setup
0089   void printSetup() const;
0090   /// setup fitter
0091   void setupFitter();
0092   /// initialize jet inputs
0093   void setupJets();
0094   /// initialize constraints
0095   void setupConstraints();
0097 private:
0098   /// input particles
0099   std::unique_ptr<TAbsFitParticle> b_;
0100   std::unique_ptr<TAbsFitParticle> bBar_;
0101   std::unique_ptr<TAbsFitParticle> lightQ_;
0102   std::unique_ptr<TAbsFitParticle> lightQBar_;
0103   std::unique_ptr<TAbsFitParticle> lightP_;
0104   std::unique_ptr<TAbsFitParticle> lightPBar_;
0105   /// resolutions
0106   const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>* udscResolutions_ = nullptr;
0107   const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>* bResolutions_ = nullptr;
0108   /// scale factors for the jet energy resolution
0109   const std::vector<double>* jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors_ = nullptr;
0110   const std::vector<double>* jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning_ = nullptr;
0111   /// supported constraints
0112   std::map<Constraint, std::unique_ptr<TFitConstraintM>> massConstr_;
0113   /// output particles
0114   pat::Particle fittedB_;
0115   pat::Particle fittedBBar_;
0116   pat::Particle fittedLightQ_;
0117   pat::Particle fittedLightQBar_;
0118   pat::Particle fittedLightP_;
0119   pat::Particle fittedLightPBar_;
0120   /// jet parametrization
0121   Param jetParam_;
0122   /// vector of constraints to be used
0123   std::vector<Constraint> constraints_;
0125   /// get object resolutions and put them into a matrix
0126   std::unique_ptr<CovarianceMatrix> covM_;
0128 public:
0129   /// struct for fit results
0130   struct KinFitResult {
0131     int Status;
0132     double Chi2;
0133     double Prob;
0134     pat::Particle B;
0135     pat::Particle BBar;
0136     pat::Particle LightQ;
0137     pat::Particle LightQBar;
0138     pat::Particle LightP;
0139     pat::Particle LightPBar;
0140     std::vector<int> JetCombi;
0141     bool operator<(const KinFitResult& rhs) { return Chi2 < rhs.Chi2; };
0142   };
0144   /// class that does the fitting
0145   class KinFit {
0146   public:
0147     /// default constructor
0148     KinFit();
0149     /// special constructor
0150     KinFit(bool useBTagging,
0151            unsigned int bTags,
0152            std::string bTagAlgo,
0153            double minBTagValueBJet,
0154            double maxBTagValueNonBJet,
0155            const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>& udscResolutions,
0156            const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>& bResolutions,
0157            const std::vector<double>& jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors,
0158            const std::vector<double>& jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning,
0159            std::string jetCorrectionLevel,
0160            int maxNJets,
0161            int maxNComb,
0162            unsigned int maxNrIter,
0163            double maxDeltaS,
0164            double maxF,
0165            unsigned int jetParam,
0166            const std::vector<unsigned>& constraints,
0167            double mW,
0168            double mTop);
0169     /// default destructor
0170     ~KinFit();
0172     /// set all parameters for b-tagging
0173     void setBTagging(bool useBTagging,
0174                      unsigned int bTags,
0175                      std::string bTagAlgo,
0176                      double minBTagValueBJet,
0177                      double maxBTagValueNonBJet) {
0178       useBTagging_ = useBTagging;
0179       bTags_ = bTags;
0180       bTagAlgo_ = bTagAlgo;
0181       minBTagValueBJet_ = minBTagValueBJet;
0182       maxBTagValueNonBJet_ = maxBTagValueNonBJet;
0183     }
0184     /// set resolutions
0185     void setResolutions(const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>& udscResolutions,
0186                         const std::vector<edm::ParameterSet>& bResolutions,
0187                         const std::vector<double>& jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors,
0188                         const std::vector<double>& jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning) {
0189       udscResolutions_ = udscResolutions;
0190       bResolutions_ = bResolutions;
0191       jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors_ = jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors;
0192       jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning_ = jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning;
0193     }
0194     /// set parameters for fitter
0195     void setFitter(int maxNJets,
0196                    unsigned int maxNrIter,
0197                    double maxDeltaS,
0198                    double maxF,
0199                    unsigned int jetParam,
0200                    const std::vector<unsigned>& constraints,
0201                    double mW,
0202                    double mTop) {
0203       maxNJets_ = maxNJets;
0204       maxNrIter_ = maxNrIter;
0205       maxDeltaS_ = maxDeltaS;
0206       maxF_ = maxF;
0207       jetParam_ = jetParam;
0208       constraints_ = constraints;
0209       mW_ = mW;
0210       mTop_ = mTop;
0211     }
0212     /// set jec level
0213     void setJEC(std::string jetCorrectionLevel) { jetCorrectionLevel_ = jetCorrectionLevel; }
0214     /// set useOnlyMatch
0215     void setUseOnlyMatch(bool useOnlyMatch) { useOnlyMatch_ = useOnlyMatch; }
0216     /// set match to be used
0217     void setMatch(const std::vector<int>& match) { match_ = match; }
0218     /// set the validity of a match
0219     void setMatchInvalidity(bool invalidMatch) { invalidMatch_ = invalidMatch; }
0220     /// set number of combinations of output
0221     void setOutput(int maxNComb) { maxNComb_ = maxNComb; }
0223     /// do the fitting and return fit result
0224     std::list<TtFullHadKinFitter::KinFitResult> fit(const std::vector<pat::Jet>& jets);
0226   private:
0227     // helper function for b-tagging
0228     bool doBTagging(const std::vector<pat::Jet>& jets, const unsigned int& bJetCounter, std::vector<int>& combi);
0229     /// helper function to construct the proper corrected jet for its corresponding quarkType
0230     pat::Jet corJet(const pat::Jet& jet, const std::string& quarkType);
0232     // convert unsigned to Param
0233     TtFullHadKinFitter::Param param(unsigned int configParameter);
0234     // convert unsigned int to Constraint
0235     TtFullHadKinFitter::Constraint constraint(unsigned int configParameter);
0236     // convert vector of unsigned int's to vector of Contraint's
0237     std::vector<TtFullHadKinFitter::Constraint> constraints(const std::vector<unsigned int>& configParameters);
0239     /// switch to tell whether all possible
0240     /// combinations should be used for the
0241     /// switch to tell whether to use b-tagging or not
0242     bool useBTagging_;
0243     /// minimal number of b-jets
0244     unsigned int bTags_;
0245     /// input tag for b-tagging algorithm
0246     std::string bTagAlgo_;
0247     /// min value of bTag for a b-jet
0248     double minBTagValueBJet_;
0249     /// max value of bTag for a non-b-jet
0250     double maxBTagValueNonBJet_;
0251     /// store the resolutions for the jets
0252     std::vector<edm::ParameterSet> udscResolutions_, bResolutions_;
0253     /// scale factors for the jet energy resolution
0254     std::vector<double> jetEnergyResolutionScaleFactors_;
0255     std::vector<double> jetEnergyResolutionEtaBinning_;
0256     /// correction level for jets
0257     std::string jetCorrectionLevel_;
0258     /// maximal number of jets (-1 possible to indicate 'all')
0259     int maxNJets_;
0260     /// maximal number of combinations to be written to the event
0261     int maxNComb_;
0262     /// maximal number of iterations to be performed for the fit
0263     unsigned int maxNrIter_;
0264     /// maximal chi2 equivalent
0265     double maxDeltaS_;
0266     /// maximal deviation for contstraints
0267     double maxF_;
0268     /// numbering of different possible jet parametrizations
0269     unsigned int jetParam_;
0270     /// numbering of different possible kinematic constraints
0271     std::vector<unsigned> constraints_;
0272     /// W mass value used for constraints
0273     double mW_;
0274     /// top mass value used for constraints
0275     double mTop_;
0276     /// fit or only a certain combination
0277     bool useOnlyMatch_;
0278     /// the combination that should be used
0279     std::vector<int> match_;
0280     /// match is invalid
0281     bool invalidMatch_;
0283     /// kinematic fit interface
0284     std::unique_ptr<TtFullHadKinFitter> fitter;
0285   };
0286 };
0288 #endif