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File indexing completed on 2024-04-06 12:31:25
0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms 0002 0003 # 0004 # module to make jet-parton matches for full-leptonic 0005 # ttbar decays; the product will be a std::vector of 0006 # matches, each match a std::vector<int> in the order 0007 # (B, BBar) 0008 # 0009 ttFullLepJetPartonMatch = cms.EDProducer("TtFullLepJetPartonMatch", 0010 ## sources 0011 jets = cms.InputTag("selectedPatJets"), 0012 0013 #------------------------------------------------- 0014 # algorithms: totalMinDist 0015 # minSumDist 0016 # ptOrderedMinDist 0017 # unambiguousOnly 0018 #------------------------------------------------- 0019 algorithm = cms.string("totalMinDist"), 0020 0021 #------------------------------------------------- 0022 # use DeltaR (eta, phi) for calculating the 0023 # distance between jets and partons; the normal 0024 # space angle (theta, phi) is used otherwise 0025 #------------------------------------------------- 0026 useDeltaR = cms.bool(True), 0027 0028 #------------------------------------------------- 0029 # do an outlier rejection based on an upper cut 0030 # on the distance between matched jet and parton 0031 # (useMaxDist = true is enforced for the 0032 # unambiguousOnly algorithm) 0033 #------------------------------------------------- 0034 useMaxDist = cms.bool(False), 0035 maxDist = cms.double(0.3), 0036 0037 #------------------------------------------------- 0038 # number of jets to be considered in the matching 0039 # (has to be >= 2, can be set to -1 if you want to 0040 # take all) 0041 #------------------------------------------------- 0042 maxNJets = cms.int32(2), 0043 0044 #------------------------------------------------- 0045 # number of different combinations to be stored 0046 # (can be set to -1 if you want to take all, 0047 # minSumDist is the only algorithm that provides 0048 # more than only the best combination) 0049 #------------------------------------------------- 0050 maxNComb = cms.int32(1), 0051 0052 #------------------------------------------------- 0053 # partons to be ignored in the matching; 0054 # "B", "BBar" 0055 #------------------------------------------------- 0056 partonsToIgnore = cms.vstring(), 0057 0058 #------------------------------------------------- 0059 # verbosity level: 0: no additional printout 0060 # 1: print info for each event 0061 #------------------------------------------------- 0062 verbosity = cms.int32(0) 0063 ) 0064 0065
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