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Project CMSSW displayed by LXR



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0001 import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
0003 import TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFTrajectoryFitter_cfi
0004 LooperTrajectoryFitter = TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFTrajectoryFitter_cfi.KFTrajectoryFitter.clone(
0005     ComponentName = 'LooperFitter',
0006     Propagator    = 'PropagatorWithMaterialForLoopers'
0007 )
0009 import TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFTrajectorySmoother_cfi
0010 LooperTrajectorySmoother = TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFTrajectorySmoother_cfi.KFTrajectorySmoother.clone(
0011     ComponentName  = 'LooperSmoother',
0012     Propagator     = 'PropagatorWithMaterialForLoopers',
0013     errorRescaling = 10.0,
0014 )
0016 import TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFFittingSmoother_cfi
0017 LooperFittingSmoother = TrackingTools.TrackFitters.KFFittingSmoother_cfi.KFFittingSmoother.clone(
0018     ComponentName = 'LooperFittingSmoother',
0019     Fitter        = 'LooperFitter',
0020     Smoother      = 'LooperSmoother',
0021     EstimateCut   = 20.0,
0022     # : Any value lower than -15 turns off this cut.
0023     # Recommended default value: -14.0. This will reject only the worst hits with negligible loss in track efficiency.  
0024     LogPixelProbabilityCut = -14.0,
0025     MinNumberOfHits = 3
0026 )